Title: A Total Absorption Spectrometer for DESPEC
1A Total Absorption Spectrometer for DESPEC
At DESPEC there is a strong motivation to measure
?- - strength far from stability
Working Group Debrecen (A. Algora) Gatchina (L.
Batist) GSI ( J. Gerl, M. Gorska et al.) Uni.
Autonoma Madrid (A. Jungclaus) St. Petersburg
(I. Izosimov) Uni. Surrey (W. Gelletly, P.
Regan, Z. P. Walker) IFIC Valencia (B. Rubio,
J.L. Tain) Univ. Köln (P.Reiter) (?) Univ.
Warsaw (Z. Janas)
Simulation geometry NaI(Tl) Rin10cm,
Rext30cm, L70cm BaF2 Rin10cm, Rext25cm,
2neutron contamination through (mainly) inelastic
scattering is large (50 ) but can be eliminated
by timing discrimination
Work still in progress Geant4, LaCl3(Ce),
Geant4 simulations
neutron detection efficiency (?-rays)
?T 0.58