Title: Populism in the American heartland
1Populism in the American heartland
- Americas first political reaction to rampant
2Vachel Lindsay on the Populists
- Prairie avenger, mountain lion,
- Bryan,Bryan,Bryan,Bryan,
- Gigantic troubadour, speaking like a siege gun,
- Smashing Plymouth Rock with his boulders from the
3Themes in Populist ideology
- A golden age passed by
- James Weaver and the old time democrats
- Equal rights for all, special privileges for none
- Farming virtue
- Natural Harmonies
- There is a brotherhood of producers that links
all people - America offers immeasurably rich natural
resources that should produce a living for all
4Themes in Populist ideology cont
- dualistic version of social struggles
- all struggle is really between workers and the
interests or moneyed powers - conspiracy theory of history
- Ignatius Donnelly - A vast conspiracy against
mankind has been organized on two continents and
it is rapidly taking control of the world. - contraction of currency was a deliberate squeeze
by gold interests
5Themes in Populist ideology cont
- conspiracy theory of history cont
- Anti-Semitism without the violence or action
plan. - Doctrine of the primacy of money
- control of money control of society
6Thomas Watson
- We have become the worlds melting pot. The scum
of creation has been dumped on us. Some of our
principal cities are more foreign then American.
The most dangerous and corrupting hordes of the
Old World have invaded us. The vice and crime
which they have planted in our midst are
sickening and terrifying. What brought these
Goths and Vandals to our shores? The
manufacturers are mainly to blame. They wanted
cheap labor and they didnt care a curse how
much harm to our future might be the consequence
of their heartless policy.
7Currency supply
- How does a nation increase its Currency supply?
- Increase specie supply
- suppress investment
- What effect does a static currency supply and
growing economy have upon the value of currency
and interest rates?
8Currency supply - cont
- The 16-1 government ratio and the 14 - 1 private
ratio. - The comstock strike
- Crime of 73
- Bland Allison act of 1878 - silver dollars are
not circulated - Sherman silver act of 1890 - world drop in prices
9Currency supply - cont
- Greshams law
- two specie compete, all things being equal, which
will be in most use or demand? - What happens to the value of something that is
not in demand? - Which interests in America need to have an
enlarged money supply, and are willing to chance
10Supply curve for silver currency
S1 pre-comstock silver supply
S2 post-comstock silver supply
Demand for silver
How does this benefit poor farmers with debt?How
would a wealthy bank feel about this supply
shift?What did the populists think people would
spend their increased silver supply on?
11 At the age of 52, after a long life of toil,
economy, and self-denial, I find myself and
family virtually paupers.
12The Populists
- Western Alliance Southern Alliance and Colored
Alliance - Leaders
- Tom Watson
- Leonidas Polk
- Jerry Stimpson
- Mary Lease
- Coxeys Army and the Depression of 1893 and 1897
13Mary Lease
- farmers should raise less corn and more hell
- Proposes a vast reshuffling of the peoples of the
earth in which the tropics in both hemispheres be
taken over by white planters with Negroes and
Orientals as tillers of the soil. - Through all the vicissitudes of time, the
Caucasian has arisen to the moral and
intellectual supremacy of the world, until now
this this favored race is fitted for the
stewardship of the earth and emancipation from
manual labor.
14Clevelands policies
- Repeal the Sherman silver purchase act 1893
- Float 62 million bonds to J.P. Morgan and August
Belmont - Wilson Gorman tariff seemed to lower tariffs but
left huge loopholes - Challenges to the gospel of success