Title: creator of biodiversity
1Forest fires
- creator of biodiversity
(picture from http//searchcorbis.com)
2Swedens biomes
(pictures from Sveriges nationalparker,
Bokforlaget Prisma 1983)
3Natural disaster that
- Is caused by lightning strikes
4Modern firefighting
(pictures from http//search.corbis.com)
5Succession after a fire in a coniferforest
- Flourishing seeds and roots
(picture from http//search.corbis.com)
620 years later
- Conifer trees starts to compete
- Moldering trees attracts insects
- Perfect environment for woodpeckers
- After 60-70 years conifer trees dominate
7Four important factors
for the survival of populations
- Distance to the nearest area where the specie
- The greatness of the area
8The Dendrocopos leucotos
A woodpecker soon to be extinct in Sweden
(pictures from L.JohnssonsFoglar I Europa 1992)
9Natural fires is still the best way
to preserve the endangered species
(picture from http//search.corbis.com)