Title: EBSCO for Science Research
1 The Intelligent Alternative
Why go ANYWHERE else?
Getting Started as Researchers
2- Stephen Banister
- Director
- Debbie Houk 537-6951
- Technical ServicesLibrarian
- Bill Harroff 537-6952
- Reference Information Technologies Librarian
3 This tutorial will cover the basics in
using the Librarys online resources
- Major Topics Covered
- EZ Search
- Database List
- MLA Style the Basics
- Tutorials
4Navigation Organization
5Holman Library WebPages act as an Information
- Menu to resources and services
- Subscriptions to over 60 electronic databases
- Databases available 24 / 7
- Most provide one-click access to FT articles
- Proxy server for off campus access
- Authenticates McKendree affiliation
- Allows access from anywhere on the web
- Establishes compliance with licensing agreements
- Guides to resources by division, major program
- Online support for requesting reference help,
interlibrary loan, renewing materials,
instruction and other service assistance
6Off Campus Access
- IMPORTANT All students, faculty and staff
will need to use their Student ID / Datatel
numbers as their passwords to access the Holman
online databases. - The fastest way to find your ID number is via
the Intranet. From on campus, type intranet into
your browser, such as Internet Explorer then
select My Personal Info and the Datatel
appears. From off campus, type
http//intranet.mckendree.edu log in select My
Personal Info and the Datatel number displays.
You will also find your Datatel / Student ID
number on any official financial statement from
the University, any pay stub, or your professors
have your Datatel IDs on their class rosters.
7Evaluating Information
Are your sources Relevant? Reliable? Objective?
Current? Appropriate? Suitable? Authoritative?
This is where general Internet sources show
their weaknesses
8Searching is EZ
9EZ Search Options
10EZ Search Results
Click on the links to retrieve the articles
11EZ Search FT Articles
Always select VIEW for the most complete
12Article Appears (if available in full text)
13You may search individual databases one by one
or in groups without using the EZ button
Try the Database List
14Precise, definitive searches with the best
connections are accomplished within the
individual database search engines
For instance, select the EBSCO Databases for
high quality research
15Academic Search Premier is your best single
source for full text, scholarly research
articles, but it covers all fields and
You may select as many EBSCO databases as you
think appropriate, such as
16Typical EBSCO Search Strategy
17EBSCO Result List
Varieties of Full Text OptionsHTML, PDF
Linked Full Text
18Varieties of Full Text PDFs include EVERYTHING
the author intended
PDFs include all primary source charts,
graphs, tables, photographs and words
included by the writer
19Click on the title of an article to see the
abstract, the subject headings assigned, the
bibliographic information, and links to the full
text article (when available)
Each EBSCO citation or article includesPrint,
Email, Export and Save Options
20Hooray for EBSCO!!!
21Email Options are Secure Easy to Use
22STYLE Cite Your Sources Properly
- Let the reader know whose thoughts are being
used to make the point and provide the
appropriate documentation - Avoid plagiarism
- Do your own work
- Give credit where credit is due
- Do not copy someone elses work. Its fraud!
- No person shall submit as his own to an
instructor any work which contains ideas or
materials taken from another without full
acknowledgment of the author the source.
McKendrees Academic Integrity Policy
23The Benefits of Citing Properly
- Many students do not seem to realize that
whenever they cite a source, they are
strengthening their writing. Citing a source,
whether paraphrased or quoted, reveals thatthey
have performed research well and synthesized
thefindings into their own argument. Using
sources showsthat a student is engaged in "the
great conversation," theworld of ideas, and that
the student is aware of otherthinkers' positions
on the topic. By quoting (and citing)writers who
support the student's position, the studentgains
strength for the position. By responding
reasonably to those who oppose it, the student
shows that there are valid counter arguments. In
a nutshell, citing helps make the essay stronger
and sounder.
24Using, for example, MLA Style
- Modern Language Association Style
- Copies of the Handbook are on reserve at the
front desk in the library - Guides are also online
Tutorials are available any time and cover almost
every one of our databases
26Precise, definitive searches are best
accomplished within the individual database
search engines
For instance, select I-Share for high quality
books, DVDs more
- Collections
- Books
- Reference
- Periodicals
- Government Documents
- Juvenile/Curriculum
- Special
- DVDs, Videos, Audio CDs, CD-ROMs, eBooks
- Circulation Periods / Charges
- 4 weeks for undergraduate students
- 1 week for DVDs, audio CDs media
- Lost materials charged for replacement
- Student overdue fines for reserve materials only
Over 32 million items from 75 academic libraries
across Illinois Online requests for material from
an individual library or Universal
Catalog Courier service delivers materials to
the library for pickup by requestor
29I-Share Searching Techniques
30I-Share Reading the Search Results
31I-Share Reading the Record
32(No Transcript)
33(No Transcript)
34Requesting Through I-Share
Borrower ID is 2401100 Student ID / Datatel
35(No Transcript)