Title: Publication Services Presentation PPAI
1Publication Services PresentationPPAI
- Ken Barron Stephen Loftus An Post
- 1st April 2009
2Publication Service
- Basic Requirements
- Pre sortation
- Presentation
- Address Layout
- E-docketing
- An Post Support Account Manager details
3Basic Requirements
- Obtain Pre approval of Publication from An Post
- Obtain pre approval of envelope/wrapper prior to
initial posting from An Post - Minimum Posting of 4 times per annum
- Presentation Monday to Friday before 4 PM
- Discount 1 minimum Quantity of 100 items- 61
sort - Discount 2 minimum quantity of 2,000 items
152 sort
5Pre Sortation
- All mailings are required to be pre sorted to the
presortation requirements as detailed in An
Posts Pre Sort Tool Sort It - Sort It is available on line at www.anpost.ie
- Sort It is also available on CD
6(No Transcript)
7Common Errors
- Incorrect Pre-sortation
- e.g. All items for Donegal sorted and labelled
to Donegal via Athlone Hub. - Correct Pre-sortation
- All items for Donegal are required to be
sorted and labelled to either Donegal Town,
Letterkenny or Lifford via Athlone Hub.
- Ensure all Periodical Service bag labels are
completed accurately - Ensure bags weigh no more than 10 kilos
- Ensure payment accompanies all mailings and is
paid at the appropriate tariff
9Bag Label Information
- It is essential that the Publication Service bag
label is used for all mailings with the following
information - Posters Name
- Title of Publication
- Number of items in bag
- Total number of bags
- Date of Posting
- Sortation Destination e.g. Letterkenny
- Via Hub detail. e.g. via Athlone Hub
10Address Layout
11Address Layout
12E Docketing
- eDocketing is the online customer service for
creating and printing bulk mail postal dockets
online. It provides an effective and simple
alternative to the mailing dockets used by
customers with Postal Deposit Accounts. - A new version of the eDocketing website is being
released in April 2009 to build upon the success
of the service and to meet the changing needs of
our customers. The changes to the website provide
a range of new and improved functionalities. - For further information please contact your local
Account Manager.
13What do An Post provide ?
- Account Manager
- Business Desk Support
- Bags labels
- Collections (subject to certain criteria)
- Guidance advice on the proper use of the
service - An Posts subsidiary company Data Ireland can
provide database management and database
cleansing services
14Account Managers Details
15Account Managers Details
16Business Desk
- Contact Details
- Phone 1850 26 23 62 or 01 705 7600
- email business.desk_at_anpost.ie
17Contacts For Ordering Collections, Bags, Labels