Title: Reflexive%20Sociology
1Reflexive Sociology
- Kent Palmer, Ph.D.
- kent_at_palmer.name
- http//archonic.net
Fourth Annual Conference, May 18-21, 2003
2Extension of General Systems Theory
- Meta-system
- Reflexive Social Special System
- Autopoietic Symbiotic Special System
- Dissipative Ordering Special System
- System
3General Schemas Theory
Ontic Hierarchy
Ontological Hierarchy
Gaia ? Social Groups Organisms Organs Cells Macro-
Molecules Molecules Atoms Particles Quarks Strings
- Pluriverse
- Kosmos
- World
- Domain
- Meta-system
- Special Systems
- System
- Form
- Pattern
- Monad
- Facet
4Parts of the Whole
Meta-system (Proto-gestalt) Whole less than sum of parts
reflexive Sociable number Whole equal to sum of parts
autopoietic Perfect number Whole equal to sum of parts
dissipative Amicable number Whole equal to sum of parts
System (Gestalt) Whole greater than sum of parts
5Mathematical Analogies
Hyper-complex algebras
Non-orientable surface
Meta-system sedenions
reflexive octonioins Hyper-kleinian bottle super breather
autopoietic quaternions Kleinian bottle breather
dissipative complexnions Mobius strip soliton
system real
6Existence and Being
Wild Being1 Enigma (Flesh)
Hyper Being2 Query (Differance)
Process Being3 Dasein (being-in-the-world)
Pure Being4 Subject/Object
7Kinds of Being
Pure1 present-at-hand determinate pointing Subject /Object
Process2 ready-to-hand probability grasping Dasein
Hyper3 in-hand possibility bearing Query
Wild4 out-of-hand propensity encompassing Enigma
8Kinds of Sociology
Pure Sociology1 (learning) Looks at Subjects as objects of discipline Normal Academic Sociology
Process Sociology2 (learning to learn) Looks at methods and approaches of discipline Naïve Philosophical and Methodological Sociology
Hyper Sociology3 (learning to learn to learn) Looks at the absent foundations of the discipline Postmodern Sociology Derridas Differance, Heidegger -B-e-i-n-g- (crossed out)
Wild Sociology4 (learning to learn to learn to learn) Undisciplined NeoPostmodern Sociology -- Deleuze, John S Hall, Bataille, Plotnitsky, Castoriadis
9Kinds of Reflexivity
Reflexivity1 Subjects look at each other as objects
Reflexivity2 Dasein is thankful for its Sameness
Reflexivity3 Query is questioning the ability to Question
Reflexivity4 Enigma is confronting itself as sphinx asking the question what is conscious social living humanity?
10Mapping of Theories
Deleuze and Guattari
Meta-system Bataille, Plotnitsky Eco-system rhizome
reflexive social OMalley Sandywell Social Field socius
autopoietic symbiotic Maturana Varella Living Organism body without organs
dissipative ordering Prigogine Consciousness desiring machines
System Klir Artificial Allopoietic Systems tree