Title: Inclusive Classrooms Workshop
1InclusiveClassrooms Workshop
Based on six features of inclusive schools
outlined inSnell, M. Janney, R. (2000).
Teachers guides to inclusive practices
Collaborative teaming. Baltimore Paul Brookes
Accessed from Te Kete Ipurangi Special
Education The Three Rs of Diversity
- To provide an overview of
- school and classroom practices that are the
framework for effective inclusive education - the elements of curriculum, instruction, and
setting that can be modified - the planning steps for designing and implementing
individualised adaptations.
3Goals of inclusive education are for all students
- be full members of schools and classes
- achieve academic and functional competence at a
level suitable to them - make progress towards specific learning goals
(social, academic, personal).
4For example
All students should have the opportunity to
attend school together and to be treated as full
and equal members of classroom groups and
communities. and The most effective
adaptations are designed to facilitate both
social and instructional participation in class
5Key components forinclusive education
(Based on Snell Janney, 2000)
- 1 An inclusive programme model
- 2 Collaborative teaming and problem solving
- 3 Common goals and values
4 An inclusive school culture
Accommodating curricular and instructional
classroom practices
6 Specific strategies to facilitate peer
6Accommodating curricular andinstructional
- Are
- meaningful and reality based
- integrated and thematic
- multi-cultural
- active and hands on.
- And
- use a variety of flexible groups
- include systematic lesson structure
- provide multiple modalities.
7Accommodating curricular andinstructional
practicescontinued ...
- incorporate strategic teaching and learning
- regularly monitor performance using alternative
- Curricular adaptations as
- used here refers to
- any adjustments or modification
- in learning expectations, curriculum content,
- the environment, instruction,
- or materials used for
- learning that enhances
- a persons performance or
- allows at least partial participation in an
activity - (Udvarie-Solner, 1992)
Small groups List the considerations you would
keep in mind when you are planning curricular
adaptations for specific students For
example Will this adaptation enable the student
to learn the skill more effectively?
Will the adaptation
10The idea is to create adaptations that
- deviate as little as possible from the ordinary,
yet enable the student to benefit - are provided alongside classmates within the
context of ongoing classroom activities - alter (in the least extraordinary way) only the
elements necessary to enable the student to
participate actively in achieving IEP objectives.
11The most effective adaptations are only as
special as necessary
- Are ideally designed to enable the students to
- practise and master relevant instructional goals
- take an active part alongside other students with
very different curriculum goals - participate in age appropriate activities
- increase social participation and interaction.
13A model for making adaptations
- A model assists in
- the selection of adaptations that are appropriate
to the student and the classroom situation - and
- providing a common framework for team
14Key question is
- How can we
- make it work
- in this school
- for these
- students?
15Facilitators notes
- Bus Stop
- Divide into 6 groups
- Ask groups to brainstorm ideas in response to
questions. When groups appear to have 3-4 ideas
listed give 7th question sheet to one group and
move each question sheet to the next group. - Repeat process, allowing shorter times towards
the end as ideas and energy decrease. - For feedback
- a) Facilitate whole group sharing, or
- b) Suggest/prearrange that the school has
- the lists of ideas collated, typed and
- distributed to all teachers.
16Facilitators notes
Questions for Bus Stop
What are environmental/location
influences affecting student participation? List
the different lesson formats that can be used to
enable a greater number of students to
participate. How can students participation and
understanding be increased by changing the
method of instruction or teaching style? In what
ways can curricular goals be adapted to increase
student participation? List the variety of
grouping forms that could be used in
classrooms. List different teaching
materials/equipment that could be used to
increase student participation. What personnel
assistance could be available in
classrooms/schools to encourage student
17Facilitators notes
Sum up by reviewing Table 1 Curricular
Adaptation Decision Making Process
18Facilitators notes
Bus Stop - 5 Groups to brainstorm ideas
for 6 scenarios
What support can be provided for the student who
has difficulty with written expression? What
support can be provided for the student who has
difficulty staying on task and/or completing
task? What support can be provided for the
student who has difficulty working in group
situations? What support can be provided for the
student who has difficulty controlling compulsive
behaviour? What support can be provided for the
student who has difficulty writing legibly? What
support can be provided for the student who has
difficulty with comprehension of reading
- Individually that is, by yourself
- 1. Work through the Effective Learning
Environment checklist and identify whether you
achieve each statement - - Always (A), Sometimes (S), or Never (N).
- 2. Identify changes you need to make to meet
specific needs of students who require additional
support. - In pairs
- 3. Discuss changes needed and identify three
priorities. - 4. Using the sheet provided brainstorm with your
partner and develop an action plan for putting
these changes into practice. - - What needs to change?
- - What action needs to be taken to
- implement the change/s?
- - Who can help?
- - What is the time frame for change?
- Example Physical