Title: Choosing Health Making healthy choices easier
1Choosing HealthMaking healthy choices easier
Dr Tony Snell Medical Director Yvonne
Thomas Public Health Lead
2Structure of presentation
- Part one
- Background to the Public Health White Paper
- Main priorities
- Key messages
- Impact on Clinicians
- Part two
- Clinicians Response to the White Paper
3Background to Choosing Health
- Biggest Public Consultation Exercise.
- Public interest in improving health.
- Priorities and reasons for identifying these.
- More down to earth more practical approach to
public health. - A Peoples Manifesto for Improving Peoples Health
through new action and fresh thinking.
46 Priorities for action
- Reduce numbers smoking building on current
progress - Reduce Obesity with focus on children
- Support sensible drinking - new programmes
- Improve sexual health new programmes
- Improve mental health and well being crucialto
good physical health - Tackle health inequalities- targets
5Reducing numbers of smokers because
- It leads to heart disease, strokes, cancer and
many other fatal diseases - Many people felt was area which they needed more
personalised support - Many people concerned about effects of
second-hand smoke - Many parents concerned about their children
taking up smoking
6Reducing obesity, improving diet and nutrition
- Rapid increase in child and adult obesity over
last decade - Effective action on diet and exercise needed now
7Encouraging and supporting sensible drinking
- It is related to
- absenteeism
- domestic violence
- violent crime
- Physical and psychological disease
8Increasing exercise because
- It reduces risk of major chronic diseases and
premature death. - People are not active enough to benefit their
9Improving sexual health because
- Risk-taking sexual behaviour is increasing across
the population - STDs can lead to cancer, infertility and death
10Improving mental health because
- Mental well-being crucial to good physical health
and making healthy choices - Mental ill-health can lead to suicide
11Key Messages
- A new approach to the health of the public.
- Respect Individuals - Informed choice
- Support and services - from next door rather
than advice from on high - Close the Gap - too many left behind or ignored
12Local Hero
13 GP View
- ? My responsibility not in my contract
- ?Individual v population focus
- Practice v PCT population
- Dont have enough time who does it?
- Who pays where is ?
- What about PCT PH and health promotion?
- What about PBC?
- Why should I be responsible/accountable for
delivery of national targets?
14Fundholding experience in early 1990s
- No waiting for any service!
- Large private sector usage consultant led
- Large planned savings
- Reinvested into health promotion e.g.s
- Close collaboration with community and HP staff
- Very positive feedback from patients
- ? Similar opportunities now PBC BUT LDP
requirements, eg PSA targets
15Challenges for Clinicians
- How demonstrate Clinicians responding to publics
expectations - Where get the money for prevention
- Identifying workforce to deliver lifestyles
advice and support - How to increase understanding to champion the
prevention agenda locally
16PSA Targets
- By 2010 increase life expectancy at birth in
England to 78.6 years for men and to 82.5 years
for women. - Reduce death rates for heart disease stroke by
at least 40 for under 75s, 40 reduction in
health inequalities - Reduce death rates for cancer by at least 20 for
under 75s, 6 reduction in health inequalities. - Tackle the underlying determinants of health and
health inequalities by - Reducing adult smoking rates to 21 or less with
a reduction in prevalence among routine and
manual to 26 or less - Halt the year on year rise in childhood obesity
- Reduce under age teenage conception rate to 50
- Historical reliance on funny money to deliver
prevention projects. - DH ring fenced budgets to protect prevention
activity in NHS - Incentives e.g. Expert Patients
- PBC planned savings
- Shift from secondary to primary care?
18Emerging Lifestyles Services Menu
- Stop Smoking Services
- Weight Management Service
- Physical Activity Services
- Sexual Health Services
- Expert Patients Service
- Health Trainers Service
19Personalised Stop Smoking Service
- Choice consists of
- One to One Advice or Group Support
- One to One Advice can be offered as a face to
face contact or telephone contact - One to One Advice from Practice Nurse, Pharmacist
or Lay Health Advisor - Group Support can be offered as planned or drop
in sessions - Choice of gum, patches, sprays
20Emerging Personalised Stop Smoking Service
- GP Practices
- Pharmacists
- Dentists
- PCT Stop Smoking Teams
- Acute Hospitals pre op and OPD
- Voluntary and Community Sector
- Pharmaceutical Industry
- Community Business
- Sports Leisure Sector
21A new public health workforce?
- Health Trainers and EPP
- Existing established workforce
- New service providers. Voluntary Community, NHS
Direct. - Independent Sector - Leisure Industry
22Continuing Professional Development
- Mosaic, QOF- how use data to target discrete
populations? - Commissioning and then managing local health
information and advice campaigns and lifestyles
services - GPs, Pharmacists, Dentists, AHP etc with a
special interest in health improvement.
23Practical Actions for Local Heros
- PSA Targets - fair share
- Choice and Prevention - produce your own list of
local lifestyles service providers and menu - Put the Public into Public Health - ensure that
you employ or commission others to employ only
local people as health trainers - Identify health improvement as part of your
Continuing Professional Development. - Catch up. Use new data to target services and
improve access for those in greatest need.
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36How will we get there ?
- Commission whole system approach driven by a
clear and ambitious vision for quality of patient
care - A clear and agreed framework of clinical and
organisational standards negotiated with key
players. - Acknowledge unique fingerprint of any
organisation by setting standards but allowing it
to determine the how - Getting the logistic back-up in place first i.e.
EBP, Education, CPD Support, Clinical Support -
takes time but ensures proper support and enables
system wide roll-out.
37Local Hero
38Choosing HealthMaking healthy choices easier
Dr Tony Snell Medical Director Yvonne
Thomas Public Health Lead