Title: 3D Wave Motion and Fluids
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22D Wave Motion and Fluids
- Raylene Deck, Jamie Drummond, Jessica Ho Tyler
- Basic wave formation
- Fun stuff with fluids
- Implementation
- Demo
- Questions
- Why do you want to create realistic waves?
- Accurate wave simulation is vital in many
applications - Tsunami impacts
- Oil rig platforms
- Engineering of ships
- Nuclear coolant
5Basic Wave Formation
- Basic Concepts
- Goals of Liquid Motion Animation
- Navier-Stokes Equations
- CFL Stability Condition
- 3D Realistic Animation of Liquids
- Mesh (Grid) Layout
6Basic Concepts
- When simulating waves there is a general tradeoff
between being visually realistic versus
physically accurate. - Provide enough physical realism to obtain goals,
but in reasonable computational time - 2D implementation most common with Navier-Stokes
7Goals of Liquid Motion Animation
- Model and animate quickly on computer
- Model how it interacts with traditional computer
graphics environment - Allow model manipulation to break boundaries of
real world physics - Create great looking pictures
8Navier-Stokes Equations
- Describes the motion of fluids
- Take into account
- Viscosity
- Convection
- Gravity
- Pressure
9Navier-Stokes Equations (contd)
- Assumes that the fluid is continuous
- Solution solves for the velocity of the fluid at
a given point in space and time - Direct implementation of Navier-Stokes is not
possible since Navier-Stokes is computationally
intensive. - Discretize implementation of Navier-Stokes models
are frequently used
10Courant-Friedrichs-Levy (CFL) Stability Condition
- Constraint of implementation where the time step
must be within a certain factor in order for the
algorithm to be stable - Allows the algorithm to converge to a solution
- Large time steps will lead to more erroneous
113D Realistic Animation of Liquids
- Goal Realistically animate liquid phenomena
- Foundation Navier-Stokes with momentum and mass
conservation to describe fluid motion - 3D modeling also takes into account
- Buoyancy, convection, mass transport, submerged
123D Realistic Animation of Liquids (contd)
- u, v, w are velocities
- p is local pressure
- g is gravity
- v is viscosity of the fluid
133D Realistic Animation of Liquids (contd)
- Discretizing Navier-Stokes in 3D
- Solve for NS across the entire environment
- Cells can either be
- solid obstacle
- full of fluid
- surface cell
- empty
- Computationally expensive!!!
14Grids and Meshes
- Fluid surfaces and areas can be modeled on
several bases - Quadtrees
- Octrees
- Polygon meshes
- A point is directly effected by the four points
around it, one in each direction - Primarily used for 2D animation
- http//www.cs.wustl.edu/suri/cs506/projects/quad.
- A point is directly effected by the 8 points
around it, one in each direction - Can be 2D or 3D based
- Quadtree is requires less computability and
storage space, but is less visually accurate than
octree which requires more computation and
storage - In 2D, both grids only allow the points to move
up and down, not side-to-side - 4 vs. 8 grid demo
18Polygon Meshes
- Useful for simulating changed in the density of
gases, more dense, more polygons - The polygons change shape, location and size with
each time step - Generalized Semi-Lagrangian step
- Trace back from the position where velocity is
stored in new mesh, xi, interpolate velocity
using old mesh and velocity field, and update
velocity in new mesh
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20Paddle Through Smoke Demo
21Rendering Natural Waters
- Simon Premoze, Michael Ashikhmin
- Department of Computer Science
- University of Utah
22What to Consider?
- One of the most daunting tasks in graphics
- 3 Components to create realistic water
- Atmospheric conditions
- Wave generation
- Light transport
- We will only address the last 2 points
23More To Consider
- Reflectivity!
- Water's reflectivity will vary between 5 and
100 - Reflected light from the bottom of the water
- Scattered light from water volume itself
- Scattering must be approximated well enough to
recreate colours
24Wave Generation
- Assume that the surface waves are assembled from
many linear waves generated by wind - The height of the water surface at the location x
on the grid and time t is
25Whitecaps and Foam
- Whitecaps the foamy part of actively breaking
waves - Total foam area depends on the temperature
difference between the air and the water and on
water chemistry
26Whitecaps and Foam
- Proper treatment of whitecaps and foam is really
difficult! But we can approximate... - Let f be the fractional area of the wind-blown
water surface that is covered by foam. Then..
27Light Transport
- Must consider the interaction of light with the
water body - Split this into 2 major parts
- Events on the surface
- Light transport inside the water volume
28Light Transport Across the Surface
- If a ray hits a surface, it is split into
reflected and refracted rays - Snell's Law
- Set n 1 for air and n 4/3 for water
29Light Transport Within the Water
- Once photons from the sky and sun pass through
the air-water surface,they initiate a complex
chain of scattering and absorption events within
the water body - The behavior of radiance within natural water
bodies is governed by the radiance transfer
equation - Finding radiance in water body extremely
difficult. Even brute force requires enormous
amounts of computation. - Need a different approach!
30Light Field
- Light field function that describes the amount
of light traveling in every direction through
every point in space - Assume existence of 2 light fields
- Diffuse Field Radiance due to combined effect
of light scattering through the media - Directional Radiance what we are interested in
31Radiance without so much Math
- Equation gives apparent radiance just below the
air/water surface L(0) of the target at depth z
having its own radiance L(z) - Is the total path
length - Is the diffuse radiance just below
the sea surface
- Turbidity cloudy or muddy appearance due to
particles of matter suspended in water - Affects penetration of sunlight into a body of
water - Ranges from 0 to 1
- Can obtain chromaticity values for the
transmittance per meter of water
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36Practical Animation of Liquids
- Nick Foster
- PDI/DreamWorks
- Ronald Fedkiw
- Stanford University
- Present a general method of animating liquids as
they move through a 3D environment and interact
with graphics such as moving polygons and
parametric curves
- 1) Model the static environment as a voxel grid
- 2) Model the liquid volume using a combination of
particles and implicit surface - For each simulation time step
- 3) Update the velocity field
- 4) Apply velocity constraints due to moving
objects - 5) Enforce incompressibility by solving a linear
system - 6) Update the position of the liquid volume
39Static Environment
- Represent the environment that we want the liquid
to move in as a rectangular grid of voxels with
side length - Each cell has a pressure variable at its center
and shares a velocity variable with each of its
adjacent neighbours
40Liquid Representation
- Derived from a combination of inertialess
particles (provides detail where the surface
starts to splash) and dynamic isocontour
(provides a smooth surface to regions of liquid) - Particles placed into the grid according to some
liquid distribution - Their positions then evolve over time by a simple
41Hybrid Surface Model
- If a particle is more than a few grid cells away
from, and inside the surface, then the particle
is deleted - Increased efficiency since particles are only
needed locally near the surface of a liquid as
opposed to the whole volume - If cells are sparsely populated, extra particles
are introduced - Improves surface resolution
42Hybrid Surface Model
- Next, determine if the surface is smooth
- Smooth regions have low curvature and the
particles are ignored - High curvature regions indicate splashing so we
use particles
43Hybrid Surface Model
- Some particles will escape the inside of the
liquid layer since the grid is too coarse to
represent them - These particles can be rendered as small liquid
drops - Some stray particles can be used as fine spray or
44Non-Liquid Cells
- Cells that do not contain particles are either
empty (open air) or part of an object - If it is empty, its pressure is set to
atmospheric pressure and velocity on each of its
faces shared with another empty cell is set to 0 - An object cell can have velocities and pressures
set to many different combinations to approximate
liquid flowing into an out of an environment or
to approximate different object material
45Liquid Surface
- We need to make sure that the air does not mix or
inhibit the motion of a liquid, while allowing it
to flow freely into empty cells - Done by explicitly enforcing incompressibility
within each cell that contains part of the liquid
surface - Velocities adjacent to a liquid filled cell are
left alone, whereas the others are set directly
46Conservation of Mass
- Conservation of mass is only satisfied in
surface cells where we have explicitly enforced
it - To do this, we solve the linear system of
equations given by using the Laplacian operator
to couple local pressure changes to the
divergence of each cell
47Moving Objects
- Conditions that must be respected
- 1)Liquid should not flow into the object
- 2)Liquid should flow freely without interference
- 3) The particles should never pass through any
part of the surface of the object
48Moving Objects
- 3) is easily solved since we know where the
polygons are that make the object surface and
what direction they are moving - So we simply move the particles so they are
always outside the surface of the object - To take care of 1), we directly set the component
of liquid velocity normal to the object - 2) is taken care of by implementing an algorithm
which the liquid is both pushed along by an
object while being allowed to flow freely around
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- Simulation is based off of Navier-Stokes
equations for incompressible viscous fluids - u is velocity, p is pressure, v is viscosity, ?
is density - f is an external force such as gravity, buoyancy,
or surface tension
54Traditional Level Set Method
- Typical fluid simulators use a signed distance
function ø to represent the interface - Magnitude of ø equals the distance from given
point to an interface - ø gt 0 if in the gas region
- ø lt 0 if in the liquid region
- ø 0 if on the interface
- Used in formulas for v and ?
- The coloured portion is the
actual film region, and the
dashed line is the level
representation - The thinnest film is lost
- Can only represent features
whose smallest length
scale is larger than size
of grid cell
56Regional Level Set Method
- Region 1,2,... instead of liquid and gas
- Regional scalar function
- øR(X) ltR(X), S(X)gt
- R(X) returns region code
- S(X) returns distance to interface
- Replace all ø(X) with øR(X)
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58Bubble Life Cycles
- For bubbles transited from other materials, such
as beer bubbles or boiling water, directly insert
the bubble with a new region code
59Bubble Life Cycles
- Bubbles will persist until the liquid film
ruptures - Change the region code of points contained in the
two regions separated by the rupturing liquid
film into the same region
60Bubble Life Cycles
- Liquid film ruptures when its thickness is too
thin to resist the surface tension force - Drainage of liquid can occur down the film due to
gravity - Stretching and shrinking of the film occur over
time - Film thickness is based on region thickness of
each bubble
- 1. Define a grid for water height computation
- 2. Apply initial deflections to some grid points
- 3. Compute new water height values using wave
profiles at two previous time moments - 4. Render the water surface
- 5. If necessary apply height excitations at grid
points (rain drops...) - 6. Go to step 3.
62Implementation Details Wave Model
- 128x128 Grid for Water Surface calculations -
(from fast water animation corrected formula
errors) - Physically accurate model with damping (waves
decrease over time similar to concept of spring
constant which resists the motion in the spring) - Lowering the constant increases the waters
ability to move freely
63Implementation Details Wave Model (contd)
- For instance by lowering the damping constant by
25 you could achieve the effect of going from
water to a molasses type material in terms of
viscosity and density (resists motion more,
appears thicker) - Each point on the grid is calculated by taking
its 8 neighboring points into account (including
corner points) and computing a pseudo average of
the heights at each neighbor on the grid over the
previous two time steps.
64Implementation Details Wave Model (contd)
- After each time step the newly computed height
value is drawn. - However, only 0.5 Corner point value is
considered (circle of influence) - Discrete version of the Navier Stokes equation,
which also takes into the CFL condition that a
wave cannot move more than 1 unit per time
iteration (1 grid point per time step).
65ImplementationRain Model
- Rain Grid of size (Water Grid / 2) x (Water Grid
/ 2) for ease of calculation - Rain grid is shifted to even and odd Grid Points
at each time step to reduce the number of
calculations required for rain grid computation
(could probably reduce the grid by Water Grid / 4
and still produce realistic simulation results). - Each rain drop is affected by gravity using the
2D gravity model for distance calculations
(calculated at each time step dt)
66ImplementationRain Model (contd)
- 2D Velocity and distance Vt (dTG V0), Dt
(dtG V0)dt - If wanted/needed a wind vector could be used in
the 3rd dimension and the resulting formulas
would just result in a 3d vector computation. - Initial velocities V0 of the Rain model are
uniformly distributed from 0 - 1 and then scaled
for the appropriate model (Wave currently) being
67ImplementationRain Model (contd)
- This initial velocity probability allows for
"normal" rain motion, otherwise a normalized
(probability) Cartesian plane of water would fall
and not be distributed properly over time (looks
cool but not very natural) - Probabilities of a rain "falling" from the cloud
is uniformly calculated, pair this with
randomized initial velocities and you can
simulate realistic cloud shapes by altering the
68ImplementationRain Model (contd)
- Higher velocities come from cloud points higher
from the Wave model when a certain reference
point is used - Not a realistic model for physical accuracy
(except under heavy rain conditions with no
wind), but since it is currently being used to
just test the wave model (reactions of) this is
not really a problem.
69Demo Time!!!
- (The Original Standford Bunny)
- Discretizing the Wave Equation.
lthttp//www.mtnmath.com/whatrh/node66.htmlgt - Efficient Simulation of Large Bodies of Water by
Coupling Two and Three Dimensional Techniques.
Irving, Guendelman, et al. ACM Transactions on
Graphics (TOG) , ACM SIGGRAPH 2006 Papers
SIGGRAPH '06. Vol. 25, Issue 3, July 2006. - Fast Water Animation Using the Wave Equation
with Damping. Y. Nishidate and G. P. Nikishkov.
20water20animation.pdf. gt - Fluid Animation with Dynamic Meshes. Klingner,
Bryan. 2006. - Fluids in Deforming Meshes. Feldman, OBrien,
et al. Proceedings of the 2005 ACM SIGGRAPH. 2005
pp. 255-259. - Modeling Water for Computer Animation. Foster,
Nick and Metaxas, Dimitri. Communications of the
ACM. Vol. 43, Issue 7, July 2000. - Navier-Stokes Equations. lthttp//en.wikipedia.org/
wiki/Navier-Stokes_equationsgt - Practical Animation of Liquids. N. Foster, R.
Fedkiw, et al. ACM Siggraph 2001. - Realistic Animation of Liquids. Foster, Nick
PROCESSING Vol. 58, No. 5, September, pp.
471483, 1996 ARTICLE NO. 0039 - Rendering Natural Waters. S. Premoze and M.
Ashikhmin. Eighth Pacific Conference on Computer
Graphics and Applications. 2000 p. 23 - Simulation and Rendering for Bubbles in
Liquid.Matsumura, Tomoya. - Simulation of Bubbles. Zheng, Wen. 2006.
- Water Drops on Surfaces. Wang, Huamin.