Title: Institute of Environmental Protection
1- Institute of Environmental Protection
- Maciej Sadowski
- Grazyna Porebska
2- The Institute of Environmental Protection RD
- The Institute of Environmental Protection was
established in 1986 and is an independent RD
unit acting under the Ministry of Environment. - IEP staff consists of 92 research employees
plus administrative and technical service. - The main task- scientific and technical
foundations of environmental protection (polices,
methodologies, monitoring)
3- The Institute's research and development
activity covers following fields of environmental
issues - Â
- Programming of environmental research activities
on national level - Environmental policy - environment protection
strategies on national level and programmes for
local governments and enterprises including
economic analyses - Environmental monitoring
- measurements and analyses of surface and ground
waters, waste waters, atmospheric precipitation,
soil and sludge, gaseous and dust pollution, food
and food products - determining contents of range of elements
including heavy metals, carbon, nitrogen and
phosphorus, WWA, PCB compounds.
4- 1. Water protection- water protection
policies,-Â programmes of water protection in
catchment areas, - - technical licensing for wastewater
treatment and sewage sludge processing
installations - - expert opinions in the field of Polish
legal regulations and requirements.
5- 2. Land protection-Â studies and projects of
degraded land use, land reclamation, assessment
of environmental risk from land degradation and
waste dumping,- techniques and technologies of
land reclamation, wastewater and sludge
management,- monitoring of land degradation.
6- 3. Waste management- waste management
programmes for local governments and
enterprises, - - hazardous waste management,-Â economic and
legal analysis.
74. Protection of the atmosphere-Â development of
measurement systems,-Â expertise in the choice of
measuring devices,-Â assessment of impact of
enterprises on the atmosphere,-Â elaboration of
factors and standards for selected industrial
85. Climate change - Elaboration of the national
climate change policy - Support to the Ministry
on issues related to the - UNFCC and KP - GHGs
inventories - Participation in preparations to
the emission trading system (NAP, emission
projections, registries)
9- 6. Environmental acoustics
- -Â studies and assessment of noise pollution,
- -Â Elaboration of noise protection policies and
measures, - -Â development of measurements methods for the
Environmental Monitoring Service, - - development and update of legal acts on
acoustics and environmental acoustics.
107. Nature and landscape conservation-Â designing
of protected areas,-Â nature valorisation and
inventory,-Â opinions and projects in the scope
of sustainable tourism,-Â development of
protection plans for national and landscape
parks, - development of Clearing House Mechanism
on Biodiversity in Poland.
11- 8.   Environmental impact assessment
-Â Â EIA of technologies, substances and
products,-Â Â EIA of existing and modernised
12Examples of research projects carried out in the
Institute (over 40 completed in 2003 and 2004)on
national level 1.     National strategy of air
protection, 2.     Development and validation of
references analytic method for quantitive
analisys of polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PPAs) and
polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in stable
environmental matrix soils, sewage sludge and
plant materials. 3.     Emission inventory for
years 2001 and 2002 4.     Preparation of heavy
metal critical load maps as the Polish
contribution into research development for Aarhus
Protocol on Heavy Metals. 5.     Conditions and
rules of preparation of references materials for
identification best available techniques for
existing coking plants installations. 6.
Landscape parks in Poland
13- Participation IEP in international RD
activitiesProjects - STAR Standarisation of river classifications
- Reduction of dioxin emission from the
metallurgical sector in Poland - ERA_NET- SKEP-Scientific Knowledge of
Environmental Protection - GEMS Global and regional Earth-system
Monitoring using Satellite and in-situ data - SAFE SME Action for the Environment in
Candidate Countries - NETs
- ACCENT Atmospheric Composition Change an
European Network - Food Safety
- Pathway of pollutants and mitigation strategies
of their impact on the ecosystems - ENVITECH-net including 67 polish scientific