Title: Denial of Service Attacks
1Denial of Service Attacks
- A presentation by
- Greg Allen and Paul Sanchez
- ETH Zürich, May 20, 2003
- For Seminar on Security Protocols and Applications
- Denial of Service attacks made headline news in
February 2000, when several high profile sites
including Yahoo, Ebay and Etrade and CNN were
attacked. - A recent account of such attacks was reported
when the web site of Al-Jazeera, an Arabic news
provider, suffered a DoS attack.
3Motivation for Attacks
- Attacks can be performed by mischievous teenagers
for negative attention - Other attacks may have more sinister motives such
as sabotage, censorship or politics
4Goals of DoS Attacks
- Ultimately, the goal is to disrupt and deny
access to computer systems. - This is done by overwhelming computer resources.
- Computer resources include
- The systems ability to connect to the Internet
- The systems ability to perform calculations or
resolve problems
5Presentation Overview
- Types of Denial of Service attacks
- SYN Bombing
- Zombie Attack
- Distributed Reflection Denial of Service Attack
- Real-life Cases
- Preventing further Denial of Service attacks
6Types of Denial of Service Attacks
- Types
- Design weaknesses in Internet protocols
- Bandwidth attacks
- Errors in computer software
- Causes
- Tools are readily available on the Internet
- Attacker needs little or no programming knowledge
- May also be the result of heavy network traffic
7SYN Flooding
- Example of attack on protocol vulnerability
- The first publicized denial of service attack
occurred in September 1996 - Panix, a New York Internet Service Provider was
subject to a SYN Flooding attack
8TCP Three-way Handshake
- Client sends a SYN packet to the server
- Server responds by sending a SYN/ACK
- Client sends a ACK to the server
9What is a SYN Packet?
- Contains information including clients address
and port number - Server allocates memory and stores information
about the client
10TCP Vulnerability
- If server does not receive final ACK packet,
SYN/ACK is resent - The system times out, the allocated memory will
be de-allocated for a new request - For normal traffic load, this is not a problem
11SYN Flooding Attack
- With Raw Sockets it is possible to change the
return address in the SYN packet - The server sends an SYN/ACK packet to a bogus
address - However, problems arise when millions of
erroneous packets are sent to a server - By bombarding a server with a large amount of SYN
packets can crash the server - Known as SYN Flooding
12SYN Flooding Attack (continued)
- A server has no way of distinguishing a
fraudulent packet from legitimate packet - Eventually all of the systems resources will be
tied up handling these fraudulent messages - Valid message can no longer be handled and in
some cases, the system will crash
- No permanent defense against such attacks
- One solution may be to consider how SYN packets
are handled - Limit the amount of times SYN/ACK messages is
resent - Shorten the expected time for reply
- There are also several software solutions
available such as SYN cookies in Linux
14Distributed Denial of Service Attack
- Multiple distributed computers are used to denial
service on the victims system - More potent because of more malicious computing
15A Documented Attack Against grc.com
- Early in 2001, the site of Steve Gibson, a
security researcher and author, was the victim of
a Denial of Service attack - In a few minutes, the output traffic dropped to
zero - Access to the site was denied
16The Attack
- The server was bombarded by millions of UDP
packets. - System resources were not effected due to
firewall - Bandwidth of the system filled with malicious
17The Perpetrators
- 474 Windows PCs had been infected by a Trojan
program known as a Zombie - Zombies cause no harm to the infected computer
- IRC Zombie client automatically connects with
master program - Cause little or no disruption to the
communication potential
18Attack Characteristics
- Ping of Death
- The ping command produces a low speed stream of
packets - If several hundred machines send pings
simultaneously, the effect is significant - UDP Packet Attack
- Maximum size UDP packets are sent to the victims
19Transfer of IRC Trojan
- Transferred via e-mail attachments or in
downloads on the net or through user groups - No need for an attacker to search for their
Zombies because they automatically connect to the
master program - Once enough Zombies scattered throughout the net,
an effective attack may be launched
- Check ports for IRC ClientTypically, IRC
Zombies run on port the default IRC port
6667.An active connection may be checked using
the following commandnetstat -an find
"6667"An active IRC connection will return the
following lineTCPÂ Â Â Â ESTABLISHED
21Countermeasures (continued)
- Check ports for Identification ServerIRC client
application almost always includes a local
identification server for identify.It's default
port is usually 113.The following line will
reveal whether the server is running on the
machinenetstat -an find "113 "An active
server will return the following lineTCPÂ Â Â Â Â ÂÂ Â Â Â Â LISTENING
22Countermeasures (continued)
- Defense using FirewallsAn effective firewall
may notify a user if a IRC server is trying to
connect to a client Zombie installed on a machine - Unfortunately, some firewall applications have
demonstrated to be ineffective against such
attacks One such example is BlackICE defender
23Distributed Reflection DoS Attacks
- An attacker can further remove himself from the
source of an attack - Can be described as an extension of a Distributed
Denial of Service attack - Uses reflectors in addition to zombies
- Reflector is any IP address on the Internet that
will return a packet when it receives one - Web servers
- DNS servers
- Routers
- The Internet is comprised of millions of such
25Attack Characteristics
- The attack works by force, filling the victims
bandwidth - Though the victim can easily trace the attack
back to the reflectors, the reflectors cannot
easily locate the zombie sending the spoofed
26Attack Characteristics (continued)
- Can take advantage of several Internet protocols
such as ICMP or TCP - Focuses on filling bandwidth instead of
exhausting victim resources - For example, when a reflector receives a SYN
packet from a compromised zombie, it can only
respond with a SYN/ACK - Return address of SYN packets are spoofed with
the victim IP address, not an invalid IP
27Gathering Reflectors
- Attacker uses a list of available reflectors
- Easy to compile with a port scan through high
bandwidth IP regions or by using other tools such
as backtrace to generate lists of candidate
28Cases of DoS Attacks
29Case 1 Code Red
- Exploited buffer overflow error in IIS
- Several different versions
- Date-based
- 1-19th attempted to infect random IPs
- 20-28th attack whitehouse.gov
- After 28th dormant
- At peak more than 2,000 new hosts were infected
each minute
30Case 2 Sapphire/Slammer
- Fastest virus spread in history
- Exploited buffer overflow in MS SQL Server
- Used UDP instead of TCP
- Allowed faster spread no response needed
- Limited only by bandwidth
- Problems affected customers, ex. automatic cash
31Case 3 Unreal Tournament
- Communicates using UDP
- Simple queries for players or status can be
combined to return large (11 Kbytes) packets - Huge spoofed packets can overload a victim
32 - Defending against Distributed Denial of Service
33Filtering Packets
- History-Based IP Filtering
- Based on number of days accessed or number of
packets sent from client IP addresses - Hop Count
- Filter packets based on an anticipated number of
hop counts that an attacker cannot modify
34Filtering Packets (continued)
- Internet Service Provider filtering can provide a
defense against Denial of Service attacks - Requires a lot of effort and bandwidth may be
unnecessarily reduced - May also compromise system
- Doesn't provide a permanent solution
35Increasing Individual Computer Security
- Many insecure systems connected to high-bandwidth
ISPs - grc.com was attacked from PCs connected to the
top two U.S. residential high-speed ISPs - High-bandwidth providers are often the most
sought after by hackers - A sensible policy would be a mandatory
client-side firewall
36Economic Incentives
- When security costs are more the benefits, any
motivations to secure systems are usually
diminished. - The good economics of Denial of Service attacks
- All Denial of Service tools do not cause any
harms to the computers file system, hardware and
bandwidth - Thus, the owner of the computer has little or no
incentive to regularly monitor their computer
37A nice theory but...
- Such global regulation of security is not
achievable in the foreseeable future - If firewalls had a 99 percent market penetration,
there would still be enough machines to perform
such attacks - An environment vulnerable to such attacks is
being created at a faster rate than present
security problems are being solved
38Distributed Responsibility
- Internet nodes should be responsible for traffic
passing through its system - End users are responsible for preventing
malicious software from being downloaded onto
their system - Operating Systems should not support malicious
Internet software - Distributed responsibility may not prevent all
further Denial of Service attacks, however they
may improve the overall state of Internet security
39E-Postal System
- How to motivate people to take more interest in
security problems? - Introduce a usage-pay systemA nice idea
but...Industry would not be prepared to
implement such drastic changes
40Redesigning the Internet
- Before the telephone system was redesigned in
1980's, phone phreakers were able to whistle or
click into a telephone and causing it to do
things that it wasn't designed to do - The old system used only one channel for voice
and signaling data - Moving the signal out-of-band fixed the problems
- Redesigning the Internet would be almost
impossible to undertake
41Quality of Software Implementation
- The solution lies in the hands of the system
architects designing and building better more
secure systems - Well-known and new vulnerabilities must be
considered when designing and implementing new
systems - Security is a process not a product - Schneier
42Software Vulnerabilities
- Commonly lead to Denial of Service attacks
- Software engineers are responsible for testing
software and providing patches when bugs appear - System administrators and end users are
responsible for taking appropriate action to fix
software flaws
- Internet growth and dependency have encouraged
Denial of Service attacks - If vulnerabilities exist, so will exploitations
- New vulnerabilities are created and discovered in
software and protocols - Computer security is not about providing a
solution to every security vulnerability, rather
risk management