Title: Urban dimension in the Polish Operational Programmes
1Urban dimension in the Polish Operational
- Anna Baucz
- Department of Structural Policy Coordination
- 18-19 March 2009
- Prague
216 Polish Regions
3Poland as an experimental field of the reformed
Cohesion Policy
Success of Polish NSRF success of 2007-13
Cohesion Policy
- The biggest allocation for Poland for 2007-2013
period - More than 67 bln EUR 20 of the Cohesion
Policy budget - OP Infrastructure and Environment the biggest
operational programme in the history of Cohesion
Policy 27,9 bln EUR - OP Human Capital the biggest operational
programme from the ESF 9,7 bln EUR from ESF
4Polish Operational Programmes
- 20 OPs for ERDF/CF 16 Regional OP 4 centrally
managed OPs - 16 Regional Operational Programmes
- OP Development of Eastern Poland
- OP Innovative Economy
- OP Infrastructure and Environment
- OP Technical Assistance
- 1 OP for ESF - OP Human Capital (ESF)
5Distribution of the EU resources in the
Operational Programmes
NSRF 67.3 billion EUR
6Strategic Programming System in Poland 2007-2013
7National Development Strategy 2007 - 2015 Goals
and Priorities
Raising the level and quality of life of Polish
inhabitants individual citizens and families
1. Growth of competitiveness and innovativeness
of the economy 2. Improvement of the condition of
the technical and social infrastructure 3.
Growth of employment and raising its quality 4.
Building an integrated social community and its
safety 5. Development of rural areas 6. Regional
development and raising the territorial cohesion
Priorities 2 and 6 will have a direct impact on
city development
8National Strategic Reference Framework Objectives
Strategic objective of NSRFCreation of
conditions for the growth of competitiveness of
knowledge and entrepreneurship based economy
assuring the increase in employment and in the
level of social, economic and territorial cohesion
Objective 5Increase of the competitiveness of
Polish regions and countering their social,
economic and territorial marginalisation
Objective 1 Improving the functioning standard
of public institutions and development of
partnership mechanisms
Objective 4Improving the competitiveness and
innovativeness of enterprises, including in
particular the manufacturing sector with high
added value and development of the services sector
Objective 3Establishment and modernization of
technical and social infrastructure crucial for
better competitiveness of Poland
Objective 2Improving the quality of human
capital and enhancing social cohesion
- Objective 6Balancing development opporunities
and supporting structural changes on rural areas
9National Strategic Reference Framework
- According to the NSRF urban dimension will be
realised within 3 areas of activity - Using the potential of the largest urban centres
as a driver of regional development - Strengthening the relationship between metropolis
and urbanised areas and surrounding areas - Promoting internal cohesion of urban areas, in
order to reduce a high concentration of
economic, environmental and social problems
within major urban centres
10Urban issues within OP
- Urban issues within Polish Operational
Programmes - 16 Regional Operational Programmes
- OP Infrastructure and Environment
- OP Development of Eastern Poland
11Regional Operational Programmes (1)
- Urban dimension is implemented mainly through 16
Regional OP - Regions recognize economic renewal and
revitalization of cities as an important stimulus
for regional development processes. Hence the
important role of cities in the programming of EU
funds - The policy towards cities is differently placed
depending on ROP - A vast majority of regions dedicates relevant
priority axes to urban projects - Some regions want support cities or some of their
functions but consider these activities as
elements of ROP complementary priorities e.g. in
such areas as economic infrastructure or local
12ROP for Silesia Region
- Priorytety Cele szczególowe RPO WSL
13Priority 6 of the ROP for Silesia Region
Improving of the competitiveness of the urban
areas of the region
14Regional Operational Programmes (2)
- Revitalisation
- Types of revitalisation projects
- restoring the value of public and economic uses
of degraded areas (including post-industrial and
post-army areas) - the development of city centres and deprived
areas - the development of local infrastructure, creating
conditions to enhance investment attractiveness
of deprived arreas - housing renewal
- EUR 1,176 million of the total amount allocated
to ROPs, i.e. 7 of the total ERDF (this includes
funding for housing) -
15Detailed expenditure breakdown under intervention
category 61 urban/rural renewal by regions
16Regional Operational Programmes (3)
- Housing
- Housing investments projects are supported at
regional level (ROP) - Expenditures must not exceed 3 of the total ERDF
allocation for given OP - Possible investments
- Renovation of common parts of multifamily
residential buildings - Adaptation of existing buildings for social
housing for those in need
17Detailed breakdown of expenditure in Intervention
Category 78 Housing infrastructure, by regions
18OP Infrastructure and Environment
- Urban dimension will be realized mainly through
3 Priority Axes - VII Environment friendly transport,12 062 mln
EUR (including 7 676 mln EUR from the CF) - XI Culture and cultural heritage,576,4 mln EUR
(including 490mln EUR from the ERDF) - XIII Infrastructure of higher education588,2
mln EUR (including 500mln EUR from the ERDF)
19OP Infrastructure and Environment
- VII Environment-friendly transport
- increasing a proportion of environmentally
friendly public transport in metropolitan areas, - clean urban transport system
- extension of the railway network
- priority will be given to projects that integrate
various transport sub-systems
20OP Infrastructure and Environment
- XI Culture and cultural heritage
- construction, extension and reconstruction of
cultural institutions located in the city centre - The project foreseen here are considered as
crucial for their key role played in achieving
the goals in the cultural sector - Investments in culture increase location
attractiveness for investors and citizens,
determine development of tourism and co-determine
the metropolitan function of cities -
21OP Infrastructure and Environment
- XIV Infrastructure of higher education
- construction and reconstruction of
infrastructural objects - Aim develop modern academic centres in leading
universities in Poland
22Development of Eastern Poland OP
- Specific objective Development of selected
metropolitan functions of voivodship cities - 1) Priority Axis III Voivodship growth centres -
forseen activities - Collective municipal transport system (support
for environment friendly transport projects) - Infrastructure of congres and fair travel
(construction and modernization of infrastructure
for fairs, congresses and conferences) - Additionaly Priority Axis Modern Economy and
Transport Infrasturcture will contirbute to
implementing urban policy (here modernization of
infrastructure of universities, supporting
innovativeness, industrial parks, innovation
- URBACT 2002-2006
- Polish cities participate in URBACT projects
since May 2004 - 21 Polish cities have been actively involved in
URBACT 2002-2006 - URBACT II
- Polish cities show great interest in
participation in the URBACT II projects, this
indicates a strong demand for the knowledge about
the integrated urban development within the
Polish cities - Currently the Polish partners participate in 19
out of 25 URBACT II projects (which makes the
second place regarding the number of partners) -
- Ministry for Regional Development will commission
the Ex-ante evaluation of the urban dimension of
the Polish OP - Urban dimension within the Polish OP is
significant but not quite coordinated - In the new financial perspective one should
consider the possibility to support functional
areas as the metropolitan areas or cities with
their surrounding the coordination of support
for these areas at the Community level may have
considerable added value
25Thank you for your attention
- Ministerstwo Rozwoju Regionalnegoul. Wspólna
2/4www.mrr.gov.pl - Anna.Baucz_at_mrr.gov.pl