Title: A note about gradient descent:
1A note about gradient descent Consider the
function f(x)(x-x0)2 Its derivative is By
gradient descent .
2Solving the differential equation
or in the general form
What is the solution of this type of equation
3THE PERCEPTRON (Classification)
Threshold unit
where is the output for input pattern
, are the synaptic weights and is
the desired output
w1 w2 w3 w4 w5
Linearly seprable
0 1
Linearly separable
6Perceptron learning rule
Convergence proof Hertz, Krough, Palmer
(HKP) Handout 1, read at home. Assignment
3a program in matlab a preceptron with a
perceptron learning rule and solve the OR, AND
and XOR problems. (due before Feb 2, send me by
email to harel.shouval_at_uth.tmc.edu)
w1 w2 w3 w4 w5
7Linear single layer network (
approximation, curve fitting)
Linear unit
where is the output for input pattern
, are the synaptic weights and is
the desired output
Minimize mean square error
w1 w2 w3 w4 w5
8Linear single layer network (
approximation, curve fitting)
Linear unit
where is the output for input pattern
, are the synaptic weights and is
the desired output
Minimize mean square error
w1 w2 w3 w4 w5
9The best solution is obtained when E is minimal.
For linear neurons there is an exact solution for
this called the pseudo-inverse (see
HKP). Looking for a solution by gradient descent
Chain rule
Which types of problems can a linear network
11Sigmoidal neurons
for example
Which types of problems can a sigmoidal networks
solve? Assignment 3b Implement a one layer
linear and sigmoidal network, fit a 1D a linear,
a sigmoid and a quadratic function, for both
12Multi layer networks
Output layer
- Can solve non linearly separable classification
problems. - Can approximate any arbitrary function, given
enough units in the hidden layer.
Hidden layer
Input layer
13Note is not a vector but a matrix
14Solving linearly inseparable problems
Hint XOR or and not and
1 0.5
0.5 -0.5 1 -1
How do we learn a multi-layer network The credit
assignment problem !
16Gradient descent/ Back Propagation, the solution
to the credit assignment problem
For hidden layer to output weights
17For input to hidden layer
18For input to hidden layer
Assignment 3c Program a 2 layer network in
matlab, solve the XOR problem. Fit the curve
x(x-1) between 0 and 1, how many hidden units did
you need?
19- Formal neural networks can accomplish many tasks,
for example - Perform complex classification
- Learn arbitrary functions
- Account for associative memory
- Some applications Robotics, Character
recognition, Speech recognition, - Medical diagnostics.
- This is not Neuroscience, but is motivated
loosely by neuroscience and carries important
information for neuroscience as well. - For example Memory, learning and some aspects of
development are assumed to be based on synaptic
20What did we learn today?
Is BackProp biologically realistic?