Title: JuneJuly Fire Siege
1June/July Fire Siege
John Craney Division Chief Sacramento Command
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3CAL FIREs 5 Year Average 4,972 fires 260,806
acres burned
4From June 20 to June 30 2,800 fires totaling
416,272 acres (About 40 CAL FIRE jurisdiction)
From July 1 to July 31 Approx. 3,300 fires
totaling 1,118,977 acres (many of the fires were
carryovers from June)
5There were 21 COMPLEXES (A grouping of many
Some complexes contained as many as 130 fires
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7- In June
- 29 Houses destroyed
- Houses damaged
- 8,638 Houses threatened
In July 59 Houses destroyed 8
Houses damaged 6,283 Houses threatened
85 Firefighters, and, 1 Civilian lost their
lives in June and July
9The largest deployment of National Guard troops
in Californias fire history.
Up to 1500 fires burning in the north at one
10Firefighters from Greece, Australia, New Zealand,
Mexico, Canada, and many states across
America came to California.
NASA was also deployed