Title: Estimating C
1Estimating CI waste arisings
Glyn Jones Environmental Economist
- Background
- Estimates and forecasts
- Method
- Issues
- Planners need CI data
- CI data is sparse and difficult to collect
- Three historic surveys
- Forecasting too simplistic
4Method estimation of current arisings
- ONS data for each region
- Clean/adjust NW data PPC data
- Extrapolate to other regions
- Sector by size band
- Sector by waste type (SOC)
5For each cell
Other regions universe of companies no. of
companies by SIC and sizeband
Adjusted NW survey results tonnages by SIC and
NW universe of companies no. of companies by
SIC and sizeband
6Method estimation of current arisings
- ONS data for each region
- Clean/adjust NW data PPC data
- Extrapolate to other regions
- Sector by sizeband
- Sector by waste type (SOC)
- Validation
7Method forecasting future arisings
- Need to link forecasts to expected shape of
future economy - Use outputs from regional models
Changes the volume and type of future waste
8GMFM data as example
9Declining industrial employment
10Expanding service sector
11Method forecasting future arisings
- Method forecasting future arisings
- Need to link forecasts to expected shape of
future economy - Use outputs from regional models
- What-if scenario tool
12CIWhat-if ?
- Data availability
- ONS ok
- PPC delayed
- Regional models nearly there, enough detail?
- Validation timescale
- Sensitivity analysis
14Suggested timeline
- Regional estimates by December 12th
- Validation by December 19th
- By ADAS (deposit data) and regions
- Forecasts by January 9th
- Forecast validation by January 16th
- Final report January 30th