Reconciliation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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'To those who have been far away from the sacrament of Reconciliation and ... Easter Sunday the day Christ rose from the dead ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Reconciliation

  • We believe in the communion of saints and the
    forgiveness of sins.

  • To those who have been far away from the
    sacrament of Reconciliation and forgiving love, I
    make this appeal Come back to this source of
    grace do not be afraid! Christ himself is
    waiting for you. He will heal you, and you will
    be at peace with God!
  • JPII on Sept. 13, 1987, at Westover
    Hills, San Antonio, Texas

Where did sin begin?
  • Genesis 3
  • Devil instills doubt the father of lies
  • You certainly will not die!
  • The center of all sin is I
  • I become God and I determine what is right
    and what is wrong
  • Thats not my job

All sin has three things
  • Something good
  • Something pleasing
  • Something desirable

And sin brings death
  • For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of
    God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
  • Romans 623

For the wages of sin is death
  • Sin kills
  • The Spirit
  • The Soul
  • The Relationship
  • Sin brings shame
  • Sin permeates
  • When we sin, the sin gets into our system, into
    our conscience, into our spirit
  • We become attached to the sin, which is why sin
    can become so addictive
  • Sin creates distance
  • Sin destroys hope

The Gravity of Sin Mortal and Venial Sin
  • CCC 1854 Sins are rightly evaluated according to
    their gravity. The distinction between mortal
    and venial sin, already evident in Scripture,
    became part of the tradition of the Church. It
    is corroborated by human experience.
  • CCC 1855 Mortal sin destroys charity in the heart
    of man by a grave violation of Gods law it
    turns away from God, who is his ultimate end and
    his beatitude, by preferring an inferior good to
  • Grave matter, Full Knowledge, Complete Consent
  • Venial sin allows charity to subsist, even
    though it offends and wounds it.

But there IS hope!
  • God loves us so much ( John 316-17 )
  • Jesus Christ died ONCE and for ALL to forgive
    sins forever
  • Its about a relationship
  • Through sin we ignore the relationship
  • Through sin we reject the relationship
  • Through sin we separate ourselves from Jesus
  • We must reconcile ourselves with Jesus

Reconciling our relationship with God
  • Because we rejected that love by committing sin
    thereby separating us from God and His Son we
    must reconcile
  • Im sorry
  • God has the right to have 1st place in our heart
    because He bought usand at what a price His
    precious body and blood
  • Confession is where the one sacrifice of Christ
    is renewed in our heart
  • We must participate in that oneness in the
    sacrament of Confession

What gives the Church the power to forgive sin?
  • Matthew 1618 - 19
  • And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon
    this rock I will build my church, and the gates
    of the netherworld shall not prevail against it.
  • I will give you the keys to the kingdom of
    heaven. Whatever you bind on earth shall be
    bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth
    shall be loosed in heaven.

Did Christ give His disciples the power to
forgive sins?
  • John 2019 23
  • Easter Sunday the day Christ rose from the
  • He conferred the power by breathing on the
  • The only other time God breathed on anyone was
    when He breathed life into the first human being
    ( Genesis 27 )
  • Thus this was an awesome life-giving power
    delivered to the Apostles
  • Jesus Christ gave the disciples the authority to
    forgive, and NOT to forgive
  • This means a priest must hear sins in order to
    know whether to forgive them or hold them bound

Protestants say
  • We confess our sins to God while Catholics
    confess their sins only to priests.
  • Wrong.
  • We Catholics always confess our sins to God
  • We do it directly as well as through His
    ministers, because this is what God requires

2 Corinthians 517 - 20
  • So whoever is in Christ is a new creation the
    old things have passed away behold, new things
    have come. And all this is from God, who has
    reconciled us to himself through Christ and given
    us the ministry of reconciliation, namely, God
    was reconciling the world to himself in Christ,
    not counting their trespasses against them and
    entrusting to us the message of reconciliation.
  • The Apostles are ambassadors of Christs work of
  • What does this mean but that they share in the
    ministry of Christ and forgive sins in His name?

James 513 - 16
  • Is anyone among you suffering? He should pray.
    Is anyone in good spirits? He should sing
    praise. Is anyone among you sick? He should
    summon the presbyters (priests) of the church and
    they should pray over him and anoint him with oil
    in the name of the Lord, and the prayer of faith
    will save the sick person, and the Lord will
    raise him up. If he has committed any sins, he
    will be forgiven.
  • Therefore, confess your sins to one another and
    pray for one another that you may be healed.
  • James makes clear that sins of the sick are
    forgiven in the sacrament of anointing
  • He specifies that a priest must be called
  • They obviously had a power the ordinary Christian
    did not the power to forgive sins

Many Protestants believe
  • Sins are wiped away in Baptism
  • This means they believe their ministers are used
    by God as His instruments in the forgiveness of
    sins through a sacrament (Baptism) which they
  • Catholics believe the priest is used by God as
    His instrument for the forgiveness of sins in
    three sacraments Confession, Anointing, and

John 2021
  • Jesus said to them again, Peace be with you.
    As the Father has sent me, so I send you.
  • The Apostles are to continue the mission of
  • The essence of the mission? The forgiveness of
  • Jesus knows our human nature
  • He provided the Sacrament of Confession to give
    us several important gifts
  • Humility
  • The certainty of forgiveness
  • Spiritual Direction
  • The power to overcome self-deception

What does the Catechism say?
  • 1424 It is called the sacrament of confession,
    since the disclosure or confession of sins to a
    priest is an essential element of this sacrament.
    In a profound sense, it is also a confession
    acknowledgement and praise of the holiness of
    God and of his mercy toward sinful man.

What does the Catechism say?
  • 1449 It is called the sacrament of forgiveness,
    since by the priests sacramental absolution God
    grants the penitent pardon and peace.
  • 1442 It is called the sacrament of
    Reconciliation, because it imparts to the sinner
    the love of God who reconciles Be reconciled
    to God. He who lives by Gods merciful love is
    ready to respond to the Lords call Go, first
    be reconciled to your brother.

What does the Catechism say?
  • 1455 The confession (or disclosure) of sins, even
    from a simply human point of view, frees us and
    facilitates our reconciliation with others.
    Through such an admission man looks squarely at
    the sins he is guilty of, takes responsibility
    for them, and thereby opens himself again to God
    and to the communion of the Church in order to
    make a new future possible.

In ReconciliationFREEDOM!
  • You are freed from your sin
  • Your sins are forgiven
  • Absolution takes away eternal punishment
  • Penance takes away temporal punishment
  • You renew your relationship with Christ
  • You become a new creature in Christ
  • So,examine your conscience and reconcile
    yourself to God and allow Him to reconcile
    Himself to you!

Guide For a Good Confession
  • Have the intention of humbly returning to God
    like the Prodigal son and of acknowledging your
    sins with true sorrow
  • Examination of Conscience
  • Sorrow for your sins
  • Purpose of amendment
  • Confession of your sins
  • Fulfillment of the Penance imposed by the priest

After Confession
  • Give thanks to God for having forgiven you once
  • Promptly and devoutly fulfill the penance given
    by the priest. Although you may receive holy
    communion even before performing your penance, it
    is advisable to do it as soon as possible
  • If you recall some serious sin that you forgot to
    tell, rest assured that it has been forgiven with
    the others, but be sure to include it in you next

Before Confession
  • Be truly sorry for your sins.
  • The essential act of Penance, on the part of the
    penitent, is contrition, a clear and decisive
    rejection of the sin committed, together with a
    resolution not to commit it again, out of the
    love one has for God (which is reborn with
    repentance). Contrition is the beginning and the
    heart of conversion. It is this that brings the
    back to God like the Prodigal son.
  • The resolution to avoid committing these sins in
    the future
  • Amendment is a sure sign that your sorrow is
    genuine and authentic. This does not mean that
    one has to promise never to fall again into sin.
    A resolution to try to avoid near occasions of
    sin suffices for the true repentance. Gods
    grace in cooperation with the intention to
    rectify your life will give you the strength to
    resist and overcome temptation in the future.

During Confession
  • You can begin your confession by making the Sign
    of the Cross and greeting the priest Bless me
    Father, for I have sinned.
  • The priest gives you a blessing. One response
    you might give is these words St. Peter said to
    Christ Lord you know all thing you know that I
    love you. (Jn 2117)
  • Continue My last good confession was(approx.
    how long).
  • Say the sins that you remember. Start with the
    one that is most difficult to say the rest will
    come easier. If you received a general
    absolution, tell this to the priest and mention
    the sins forgiven.

During Confession Continued
  • If you do not know how to confess, or you feel
    uneasy or ashamed, simply asks the priest to
    assist you. Simply answer his questions without
    hiding anything out of shame or fear. Place your
    trust in God he is your merciful Father and
    wants to forgive you.
  • If you do not remember any serious sins, be sure
    to confess at least one of your venial sins,
    adding at the end I am sorry for these and all
    the sins of my past life, especially for(mention
    in general any past sin for which you are
    particularly sorry for example, all my sins
    against charity).

During Confession Continued
  • The priest will assign you some penance and give
    you some advice to help you to be a better
  • Listen to the words of absolution attentively.
    At the end answer Amen. Be willing to do the
    penance as soon as possible. This penance will
    diminish the temporal punishment due to sins
    already forgiven.
  • After Confession
  • Give thanks to God for having forgiven you once
  • Promptly and devoutly fulfill the penance given
    by the priest. Although you may receive holy
    communion even before performing your penance, it
    is advisable to do it as soon as possible.
  • If you recall some serious sin that you forgot to
    tell, rest assured that it has been forgiven with
    the others, but be sure to include it in you next

Frequent Confession. The Road that leads to
refinement of soul and to sanctity.
  • One of the principal reasons for esteeming
    frequent Confession highly is that , when
    practiced as it should be, it is an infallible
    safeguard against tepidity. Perhaps it is this
    conviction that makes the Church recommend so
    stronglyfrequent confession. B. Baur,
    Frequent Confession
  • This holiness comes about through a constant
    purification of the innermost soul, which is an
    essential condition of loving God more and more
    each day. Despising confession or being
    indifferent to it , when we easily excuse
    ourselves or delay it indicate a lack of
    refinement in our souls and perhaps even a
    lukewarmness, coarseness and lack of
    responsiveness to the motions the Holy Spirit
    arouses in our hearts.

Apostolate of ConfessionThe greatest good that
we can do our friends-taking them to the
Sacrament of Penance.
  • The paralytic of Capharnaum In the Gospel of
    St. Mark, Jesus came to Capharnaum, many were
    gathered together so that there was no longer
    room for them, not even the door. (Mark 21-13)
  • Four friends also went to the house carrying a
    paralytic, but they could not get near Jesus
    because of the crowd..
  • Our mission fundamentally consists in bringing
    our friends face to face with Jesus, leaving them
    a Jesus side, and letting Him do the rest. It is
    He who does what is really important.
  • Sometimes it is our indifference that others do
    not come closer to God, because they feel unable
    of their own effort to reach out to Him.

Apostolate of Confession
  • This paralyzed man, explains St. Thomas,
    symbolizes the sinner lying in his sin. Just as
    the paralytic is unable to move, so too is the
    sinner helpless by himself. Those who carry the
    man immobilized by his paralysis represent those
    who, with their advice, lead the sinner towards
  • St. Thomas, Commentary on St. Mathew

Examination of Conscience
  • I am the Lord your God. You shall not have
    strange gods before me.
  • You shall not take the name of the Lord your God
    in vain.
  • Remember to keep holy the Lords day.
  • Honor your father and your mother.
  • You shall not kill.

Examination of Conscience
  • You shall not commit adultery.
  • You shall not steal.
  • You shall not bear false witness against your
  • You shall not desire your neighbors wife.
  • You shall not desire your neighbors goods.

  • Consider what depths of mercy lie in the justice
    of God! For according to human justice, he who
    pleads guilty is punished, but in the divine
    court he is pardoned. Blessed be the holy
    sacrament of penance!
  • The Way, 309
  • St. Josemaria
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