Title: Diabetic retinal screening in Shetland
1Diabetic retinal screening in Shetland
- An over view of the local service
- Kathleen Carolan, April 2006
2Why has the diabetic retinopathy screening
programme been developed?
- Diabetic retinopathy is the major cause of
blindness in the 30-65 age group in the UK at the
present time. - Regular (annual) screening for retinopathy
detects those at risk before visual symptoms
occur and when treatment outcome is optimal. - Treatment can prevent blindness in 90 of those
at risk if applied early and adequately - It is a requirement of all Health Boards in
Scotland that an accredited DRS service is in
place and available to all eligible patients.
3What happens at the screening examination?
- Digital images are taken using a fundus camera.
- The procedure (taking the images) is painless.
- If the patient has small pupils then drops will
be instilled to dilate the pupils. This can make
the eyes water/stings. - Eye drops mean that the patient cannot
drive/operate machinery for up to 6 hours after
the screening (due to blurred vision). - Patient leaflets are sent out with the invite
letter to tell them about the screening and
possibility of drops.
4Retinal image of a right eye
5Retinal fundus camera operator
6DRS service current process for administration
7DRS service current process for managing
call/recall and onward referral
8(No Transcript)
9(No Transcript)
10DRS service changes to the way we call/recall
patients in the future
11SCI Network System
- http//training.diabetes.scot.nhs.uk
User name training Password train2005
12Roll out plan (pre August 2006)
- Offer appointments to patient currently not seen
in Lerwick, (including 12-18 year olds). - Offer appointments to Levenwick Scalloway
Practices (during May/June/July). - Train HCA to provide 10 screening hours per week
(extra capacity to manage programme in Year 1
also reqd). - Look at model for providing one off mobile
clinic in north mainland to ensure equity of
access. - Ensure that all patients are validated and
accessible to the SOARIAN system via SCIN.
13Roll out plan (post August 2006)
- Offer appointments to all remaining patients not
seen at previously available mobile and static
clinics by March 2007 (this will mean that
patients can be offered appointments at their
convenience and in any Practice order). - Continue to review capacity (screening/admin
time), activity (volume of patients seen) and
quality issues (process for DRS) within the
14For further information
- Contact
- Kathleen Carolan
- Tel 01595 743000 (ext 3188)
- Kathleen.carolan_at_shb.Shetland.scot.nhs.uk