Title: Rendezvous Planning in Mobilityassisted Wireless Sensor Networks
1Rendezvous Planning in Mobility-assisted Wireless
Sensor Networks
- Guoliang Xing Tian Wang Zhihui Xie Weijia Jia
- Department of Computer Science City University
of Hong Kong
- Motivation
- Problem formulation
- Rendezvous planning algorithms
- Optimal algorithm under limited mobility
- Heuristic under unlimited mobility
- Protocol design
- Performance evaluation
3Challenges for Data-intensive Sensing Applications
- Many applications are data-intensive
- Structural health monitoring
- Accelerometer_at_100Hz, 30 min/day, 80Gb/year
- Micro-climate and habitat monitoring
- Acoustic video, 10 min/day, 1Gb/year
- Most sensor nodes are powered by batteries
- A tension exists between the sheer amount of data
generated and the limited power supply
4Mobility-assisted Data Collection
- Mobile nodes move close to sensors and collect
data via short-range communications - Number of wireless relays is reduced
- Mobile nodes are less power-constrained
- Can move to wired power sources
5Mobile Sensor Platforms
Robomote _at_ USC Dantu05robomote
XYZ _at_ Yale http//www.eng.yale.edu/enalab/XYZ/
Networked Infomechanical Systems (NIMS) _at_ CENS,
- Low movement speed (0.12 m/s)
- Increased latency of data collection
- Reduced network capacity
6Rendezvous-based Data Collection
- Some nodes serve as rendezvous points (RPs)
- Other nodes send their data to the closest RP
- Mobiles pick up data from RPs and transport to BS
- In-network caching controlled mobility
- Mobiles can collect a large volume of data at a
time - Mobiles contact static nodes at RPs at scheduled
times and disruptions to network topology are
7Rendezvous-based Data Collection
mobile node
The field is 500 500 m2 The mobile moves at
0.5 m/s It takes 20 minutes to visit six
randomly distributed RPs It takes gt 4 hours to
visit 200 randomly distributed nodes.
rendezvous point
source node
- Only one mobile is available
- Average speed of mobile is v m/s
- Mobile picks up data at locations of nodes
- Data collection deadline is D seconds
- User requirement report every 10 minutes and
the data is sampled every 10 seconds - Recharging period e.g., Robomotes powered by 2
AA batteries recharge every 30 minutes
9Geometric Network Model
- Transmission energy is proportional to distance
- Base station, source nodes and branch nodes are
connected with straight lines
a multi-hop route is approximated by a straight
Rendezvous points
Non-source nodes
a branch node lies on two or more source-to-root
Source nodes
Branch nodes
approximated data route
real data route
Source nodes
10The Rendezvous Planning Problem
- Choose RPs s.t. the data collection tour of
mobile node is no longer than LvD - Total network energy of transmitting data from
sources to RPs is minimized - Joint optimization of positions of RPs, motion
path of mobile, and routing paths of data
11Illustration of Problem Formulation
- Objective minimize length of routes from sources
to RPs - Constraint mobile tour is no longer than LvD
- The problem is NP-hard
Source nodes
branch nodes
Rendezvous points
data route
12Rendezvous Planning under Limited Mobility
- The mobile only moves along routing tree
- Simplifies motion control and improves
XYZ _at_ Yale
13An Optimal Algorithm
- Sort edges in the descending order of the number
of sources in descendents - Choose a subset of (partial) edges from the
sorted list whose length is L/2 - The mobile tour is the pre-order traversal of the
chosen edges - Set the intersections between the tour and the
routing tree as RPs
of sources in the descendents
- All edges have a length of 50m
- Deadline 500 s, v 0.5 m/s
- L 0.5 m/s x 500 s 250 m
- Correctness
- Edges chosen are connected
- Optimality
- A tour can cover at most L/2 edges
- L/2 mostly 'used' edges are chosen
15A Heuristic under Unlimited Mobility
- Add virtual nodes s.t. each edge is no longer
than L0 - In each iteration
- Choose the RP candidate x with the max utility
defined by c(x) - Remove RPs with zero utility
- Terminate if all sources become RPs or no more
RPs can be chosen without violating the
constraint of L
the decreased length of data routes
the increased length of the mobile tour
obtained by running a Traveling Salesman Problem
two RP candidates
- Motivation
- Problem formulation
- Rendezvous planning algorithms
- Optimal algorithm under limited mobility
- Heuristic under unlimited mobility
- Protocol design
- Performance evaluation
- Mobile computes locations of RPs
- Find real nodes around the computed RPs
- Find the nodes along the routing tree
- Mobile travels to RPs and discover real nodes
Non-source nodes
Source nodes
Rendezvous points
approximated data route
real data route
Source nodes
19Handling Unexpected Delays
- Movement of mobile node is subject to various
delays - Obstacles, mechanical failures
- RPs should cache data as long as possible without
violating the deadline - Mobile node may adjust motion path online e.g.,
skips some of the RPs
20Simulation Settings
- 100 sources are randomly distributed in a 300m X
300m field, base station is on the left corner - Each source generates 2 bytes/second, delivery
deadline is 20 minutes - Implemented USC model Zuniga et al. 04 to
simulate lossy links on Mica2 motes - Baseline algorithms
- NET collect data via the routing tree without
using mobile nodes - Sector mobile moves on a sector of 45o
- RP-CP the optimal algorithm with limited
mobility - RP-UG the utility-based heuristic
- RP-SRC choose a subset of sources as RPs
21Network Energy Consumption
22Impact of Variance of Mobile Speed
- Mean mobile speed is 1m/s, with a variance a m/s
- Proposed a rendezvous-based data collection
approach - In-network caching controlled mobility
- Developed two rendezvous planning algorithms
- An optimal algorithm under limited mobility
- A efficient heuristic under unlimited mobility
- Designed the rendezvous-based data collection