Title: Using MMARS to Manage
1Using MMARS to Manage
- RMV BEST PRACTICE Centralized Processing
- On-line authorization
- Less paper
- No wet signature
- No Stamps
- Takes the same amount of time to review as paper
2Logging On
4Search for a GAX Document
5GAX Initiate a payment
6GAX Pull a check or set a payment date
7GAX Accounting panel, set the payment amount
8GAX Refer to encumbrance
9GAX Set Appropriation, Fund, Unit and Object Code
10Look Up Tables
- DISRQ check and reschedule a payment date
- BQ81 Subsidiarized Accounts, check unexpended
and uncommitted balances - BQ82 Revenue Budget, ensure revenue made it to
destined source codes - BQ87 Federal Grants, need program code to search
- BQ89 Unsubsidiarized Accounts check uncommitted
and unexpended balances and obligation ceilings
12BQ81 Subsidiarized Accounts check unexpended
and uncommitted balances
13What is encumbered?
14Go right to the encumbrance document!
15BQ82 Revenue Budget, ensure revenue made it to
destined source codes
16BQ87 Federal Grants, need program code to search
17BQ89 Unsubsidiarized Accounts check uncommitted
and unexpended balances and obligation ceilings
18CT with Commodity Code
- Screen print vendor panel here
19CT Commodity panel
- Screen print commodity panel here
20CT Accounting panel
- Screen print accounting panel
21URSRCHMA find vendor or commodity on price
22CR Revenue Management
- Transfer revenue from sweep accounts to revenue
source codes - Move revenue to different source codes
- Move revenue to from agency funds to trust funds
and retained revenue accounts
23CR Header
24CR Accounting Panel