Java 2D API - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Java 2D API


Y-coordinate increases as move down from upper left ... Sepia. Grayscale (ColorConvertOp) Light Grayscale (RescaleOp, ColorConvertOp) Emboss (ConvolveOp) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: api | java | sepia


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Java 2D API

Chapter 4
  • Java 2D API

Drawing Basics (review)
  • Upper left corner is (0,0)
  • Y-coordinate increases as move down from upper
  • X-coordinate increases as move to the right
  • A graphics context enables drawing on the
    screen.  The Graphics class manages a graphics
    context, controlling how information is drawn. 
    It includes methods for drawing, font
    manipulation, color manipulation etc.
  • Graphics is an abstract class.  This contributes
    to portability.  For each platform, a Graphics
    subclass implements the drawing capabilities.
  • Class Component is the superclass for many
    classes in java.awt. 
  • Method paint of class Component is called when
    the contents should be painted, such as when
    first displayed, when window is resized, etc. 
  • Method paint takes a Graphics reference as an
    argument (which allows a subclass to be passed
    in).  The actual reference is platform-specific. 
  • paint should not be called directly!  Drawing
    graphics is an event-driven process.  Should
    invoke method repaint of class Component.  This
    requests a call to method update as soon as
    possible, to clear the Component's  background. 
    Method update then calls paint. 

Basics continued
  • Class JComponent is the superclass for many
    classes in javax.swing.  The Swing mechanism
    calls method paintComponent of class JComponent. 
    As above, the developer should call repaint.
  • Packages included in the Java 2D API
  • java.awt.image deal with jpg, gif etc.
  • java.awt.color Grayscale and RGB
  • java.awt.font
  • java.awt.geom 2D images like ellipse, line,
    point, etc.
  • java.awt.print for printing
  • java.awt.image.renderable allows images to be
    manipulated independent from rendering

Graphics 2D Classes
Polygon RectangularShape Rectangle Line2D
CubicCurve2D Area GeneralPath QuadCurve2D
Area methods add, subtract, intersect,
exclusiveOr Rectangle2D methods intersection,
Rectangle2D RoundRectangle2D Arc2D Ellipse2D
  • Methods of Shape interface
  • boolean contains(double x, double y)
  • boolean contains(double x, double y, double w,
    double h)
  • Rectangle getBounds()
  • PathIterator getPathIterator(AffineTranform at)
  • boolean intersects(double x, double y, double w,
    double h)

  • Class java.awt.Graphics2D enables drawing.  Need
    to cast the Graphics reference passed to paint to
    a Graphics2D.
  • Java 2D can render three types of graphics
    primitives images, text and geometrical shapes.
  • Seven Graphics2D state attributes determine how
    graphics primitives are rendered 
  • clipping - defines the area in which rendering
    operations take effect.  Can be any geometrical
  • compositing - a set of blending rules that
    control how the pixels in a source image mix with
    the pixels in a destination image.
  • font - text is rendered by drawing and filling
  • paint - determines colors, patterns, gradients
    for filling and outlining a shape.
  • rendering hints - techniques can be specified to
    help optimize drawing.
  • stroke - determines the outline of the shape to
    be drawn.
  • transforms - ways to perform linear

Graphics2D - continued
  • Interface Paint determines the color of a shape
    that is drawn.  It can be a predefined Color, a
    GradientPaint, SystemColor or TexturePaint.
  • GradientPaint takes 7 arguments starting
    coordinate, starting Color, ending coordinate,
    ending Color, and whether it's cyclic (true) or
    acyclic (false).   The two coordinates determine
    the direction of the gradient.
  • Method fill draws a filled shape. 

Graphics2D - continued
  • Interface Stroke provides options for the outline
    of a shape.  BasicStroke provides constructors to
    set the line width, specify how the line ends
    (end caps CAP_BUTT, CAP_ROUND, CAP_SQUARE), how
    lines join together (line joins JOIN_BEVEL,
    JOIN_MITER, JOIN_ROUND) and optional dash
    attributes (determined by array of lengths)

Graphics2D - continued
  • A BufferedImage describes an Image with an
    accessible buffer of image data.  It is comprised
    of a ColorModel and a Raster of image data. The
    first two parameters are the width and height in
    pixels, the third parameter determines whether
    the image will be in color or gray scale. 
    createGraphics creates a graphics2D that can be
    used for drawing on the BufferedImage (e.g., with
    fillRect, etc.).

Graphics2D - continued
  • The TexturePaint object uses the image stored in
    its BufferedImage as the fill texture for a
    shape.  The second argument is the area from the
    BufferedImage that will be replicated. 
  • Many shapes (such as Arc2D.Double) are drawn
    within a bounding rectangle.  Arc2D is determined
    by upper left, upper right, width, height, start
    angle in degrees, arc angle and a closing option
    (Arc2D.PIE, Arc2D.CHORD and Arc2D.OPEN).

Graphics2D - continued
  • output

Lines (Strokes)
  • Not covered in our text
  • AffineTransform can be applied to an individual
    shape or can be set for a graphics context and
    applied to all shapes.
  • Allows you to rotate, translate, shear, and
    scale. createInverse can be used to get a
    transform to undo the transformation.

Graphics 2D - continued
  • Graphics2D extends the Graphics class to provide
    more sophisticated control over geometry,
    coordinate transformations, color management, and
    text layout.
  • Coordinates passed to a Graphics2D object are
    specified in device-independent coordinate system
    called User Space.  By default, when drawing to a
    screen or image, user space is the same as device
  • The Graphics2D contains methods that allow you to
    modify the coordinate system. For example,
    translate moves the origin of the coordinate
  • Every Graphics2D object is associated with a
    target that defines where rendering takes place.
    A GraphicsConfiguration object defines the
    characteristics of the rendering target, such as
    pixel format and resolution. The same rendering
    target is used throughout the life of a
    Graphics2D object.
  • The Rendering Process can be broken down into
    four phases that are controlled by the Graphics2D
    rendering attributes. The renderer can optimize
    many of these steps, either by caching the
    results for future calls, by collapsing multiple
    virtual steps into a single operation, or by
    recognizing various attributes as common simple
    cases that can be eliminated by modifying other
    parts of the operation.

Graphics 2D - continued
  • The steps are
  • Determine what to render.
  • Constrain the rendering operation to the current
  • The Clip is specified by a Shape in user space
    and is controlled by the program using the
    various clip manipulation methods of Graphics and
  • This user clip is transformed into device space
    by the current Transform and combined with the
    device clip, which is defined by the visibility
    of windows and device extents.
  • The combination of the user clip and device clip
    defines the composite clip, which determines the
    final clipping region. The user clip is not
    modified by the rendering system to reflect the
    resulting composite clip.
  • Determine what colors to render.
  • Apply the colors to the destination drawing
    surface using the current Composite attribute in
    the Graphics2D context.

Graphics2D - continued
  • Class GeneralPath represents a shape constructed
    from lines and complex curves.
  • The x- and y-coordinates are represented by two
    int arrays.
  • The moveTo method specifies the first point
    (could be first two points in arrays, or could be
  • The lineTo method draws a line to the next point
    in the star.
  • The closePath method draws a line from the last
    point to the target of moveTo.
  • The translate method moves the drawing origin.
  • The rotate method rotates around an origin.

Graphics2D - continued
  • output

  • Update shapes to make figure
  • Update shapes2 to display 4 triangles, change

Image Processing
  • Image processing is the manipulation of digital
    images by applying filters - mathematical
    operations that change images.
  • Java 2D API shields developers from underlying
  • Compression filters reduce a digital image's
    memory usage, for reduced storage size and faster
    transmission.  Used in HDTV, video phones and
    virtual reality.
  • Measurement filters collect data from digital
    images.  They are used in image recognition and
    machine vision (e.g., for use with robots).
  • Enhancement filters alter certain physical
    aspects of an image, often to restore corrupted
    images.  They can remove noise, sharpen edges and
    brighten colors. 

Image Processing
  • Filters operate on BufferedImage objects. 
    Contains a Raster and a ColorModel. 
  • A Raster is composed of a DataBuffer and a
    SampleModel.  The DataBuffer stores the raw data
    for an image.  The SampleModel organizes the data
    that determines a pixel's color components.  Each
    pixel is composed of samples, which are number
    values that represent the pixel's color
  • The SampleModel accesses the sample values in the
    DataBuffer for any given pixel. 
  • The ColorModel is an interpreter for the Raster,
    converting the sample values for each pixel to
    the appropriate color. 
  • The ColorModel's operation depends on the color
    scale of the image.  Two common color scales are
    grayscale and RGB.
  • TYPE_INT_RGB uses three 8-bit segments to
    represent red, green and blue color components.
  • Method createGraphics creates a Graphics2D, which
    can be used to draw into this BufferedImage.

e.g., RGB has 3 bands per image one band has
all red, one has all blue, one has all red. 2
options all samples from a particular band can
be stored contiguously or all samples from a
single pixel can be stored contiguously.
Raster rectangular array of pixels
encapsulates dataBuffer (stores image data)
sampleMode (describes how pixels are stored in
dataBuffer) ExSinglePixelPackedSampleModel bit
masks 016711680, 165280, 2255 bitSizes
Raster includes height, width, minX, minY
(bounding rectangle) numBands, numDataElements
(per pixel)
Background cont.
alphaMask, blueMask, greenMask, redMask (nBits,
maskOffsets etc.) is_sRGB colorSpace (type,
minVal, maxVal, etc.)
Image Processing
Image Processing - application
  • Deitel example creates interface
    Java2DImageFilter with just one method,
  • processImage is used to deliver data from an
    ImageProducer to an ImageConsumer.
  • Create subclasses that implement various filters

Image Processing - application
  • MediaTracker is a utility class to track the
    status of a number of media objects. Currently
    only images are supported.
  • Use addImage to add an image.  Image can have a
    unique id that controls the priority order that
    images are fetched. 
  • Constructor takes a reference to the component
    (e.g., a JPanel) using the tracker's services. 
  • After images have been added, use waitForAll to
    start loading all images.  Could do waitForID
    with a parameter to wait for a particular image
    to load.

Image Processing - application
  • Toolkit is the abstract superclass of all actual
    implementations of the Abstract Window Toolkit.
    Subclasses of Toolkit are used to bind the
    various components to particular native toolkit
    implementations.  Includes methods to create
    various components, such as buttons, checkboxes,
    images etc.
  • createImage creates an image which decodes the
    image stored in the specified byte array.
  • The data must be in some image format, such as
    GIF or JPEG, that is supported by this toolkit.
  • The ImagePanel creates an image via the call
  • Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage( imageURL

  • Images may take awhile to load
  • An object can register itself as an imageObserver
    and do a call such as getWidth.
  • getWidth can be asynchronous. Will return the
    value once the file is loaded.
  • Can also use null for ImageObserver parameter,
    indicating image is already loaded (thats done
    in Java2DExample).

Sepia details // tint shadows darker if (red lt
60) red 0.9 green 0.9 blue 0.9
else if (red lt 190) // tint midtones light
brown by // reducing the blue blue 0.8 else
// tint highlights a light yellow // by reducing
the blue blue 0.9 Use BufferedImage methods
such as getRaster, getData, getCompatibleWritableR
aster etc. to access pixels. getWidth, getHeight
of image for loop indices.
  • Update Java2DExample to include
  • Sepia
  • Grayscale (ColorConvertOp)
  • Light Grayscale (RescaleOp, ColorConvertOp)
  • Emboss (ConvolveOp)
  • Flip Vertical (AffineTransform)
  • Flip Horizontal (AffineTransform)
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