Coronal Magnetic Fields: Plan of Action - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Coronal Magnetic Fields: Plan of Action


Initiative on the use of Coronal Magnetic Field measurements in theoretical ... Look for polarization signatures of quasi-separatrix surfaces in the solar corona ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Coronal Magnetic Fields: Plan of Action

Coronal Magnetic Fields Plan of Action
  • Hare and hounds initiative (leader Penn)
  • Initiative on instrumental limits (leaders
    Mickey, Penn)
  • Initiative on pioneering measurements of magnetic
    fields in the solar corona (Leaders Kuhn, Lin,
  • Initiative on the use of Coronal Magnetic Field
    measurements in theoretical models (Leaders
    Fisher, Roussev, Li)
  • Initiative on integration with other measurements
    (leader Hudson?)
  • Appendix Other research projects spawned by our
    workshop Measurement of prominence masses and
    geometries Hudson

Hare and Hounds Initiativeleader Penn
  • 1. Generate coronal models active region,
    flux rope, helmets, CMEs, filaments B(x,y,z),
    n(x,y,z), T(x,y,z) (15 Jan)
  • Global analytic and plane parallel atmosphere
  • Aulanier filament models and BC Low filament
  • Use potential field or MHD simulation, then add
    better coronal energy balance physics post-facto
    (Lundquist, Fisher, Alexander)

Hare Hounds (contd)
  • 2. Convert models to I(x,y,lam,pol) (Lin,
    Judge? Casini?, Gibson?) (15 Mar)
  • Collisions modifying pol signal
  • Projection
  • NRL (physical and intensity calculation)?

Hare Hounds (contd)
  • 3. Add telescope, compute data, analyze (15
  • Kuhn (Solar-C) gallery of diff. structures
  • Penn (ATST)
  • Tomczyk (COMP)

Initiative on instrumental limitsleaders
Mickey, Penn
  • Definitions
  • Class 1 observations use the instrument as a
    coronagraph (no magnetic information), look in
    continuum, see ne distribution
  • Class 2 observations use the integrated IR
    coronal emission line to look at linear
    polarization (related to transverse field
    direction) and in total intensity intensity
    defines where the corona is emitting in, e.g.,
    FeXIII compared to all coronal plasma
  • Class 3 observations Measure Zeeman splitting
    resolve line profile and have high polarization

Initiative on instrumental limits (contd)
  • Action a group of experimentalists (Penn,
    Mickey, H. Lin, Kuhn) will quantify, for the
    Solar-C telescope, what spatial temporal
    resolutions are practical feasible for given
    sensitivities in each of the 3 classes of

Initiative on Pioneering Coronal Magnetic Field
msmts (LeadersKuhn, Lin, Mickey)
  • Primary Goal Answer this question Is there
    conclusive evidence for a flux rope in corona
    before eruption? If so, what is the field
    strength, twist, and length of the rope?

Initiative on Pioneering Coronal Magnetic Field
msmts (contd)
  • Observing plan for primary goal
  • systematic measurement of the linear and circular
    polarization of long-lived prominences that cross
    both limbs of the Sun. Frequently, these are
    tilted w/r to azimuthal direction. Getting
    observations on both limbs allows for a possible
    reconstruction of the desired flux rope
    parameters. H. Lin, Kuhn, Mickey
  • Observe prominences in H? with the IVM Mickey,

Initiative on Pioneering Coronal Magnetic Field
msmts (contd)
  • Secondary observational goals
  • Measure linear and circular polarizations in a
    helmet streamer
  • Look for polarization signatures of
    quasi-separatrix surfaces in the solar corona
  • Examine the polarization structure near a coronal
    hole-streamer boundary

Initiative on Pioneering Coronal Magnetic Field
msmts (contd)
  • Long term goal 3-d synoptic magnetic field maps
    of the large scale corona. This would be
    extremely valuable for comparison with large
    scale models of the corona (such as
    source-surface models).
  • Solar-C observations will provide a test bed of
    concepts for coronal observations from ATST

Initiative on the use of coronal magnetic field
measurements in theoretical models (Leaders
Fisher, Roussev, Li)
  • Observations with Solar-C that could test
    models of flux-rope like structures
  • (1) filament models (e.g. Aulanier)
  • (2) flux rope models e.g. Roussev-Titov/Demouli
  • (3) analytic models of BC Low. Inverse versus
    normal filament topology
  • (4) filament models that are not highly
    twisted - eg Dahlburg Antiochos(??)
  • Action Get model originators to Identify the
    features of these models that would allow for
    observational discrimination

Initiative on the use of coronal magnetic field
measurements in theoretical models (contd)
  • Use coronal field measurements to test models
    of helmet-streamer and active region structures
  • (1) source-surface models (Li)
  • (2) MHD solar-wind/helmet streamer models
    (Michigan, Ledvina, CISM efforts of Mikic
  • (3) active region models (Abbett/Fisher/Lundqu

Other measurements to coordinate with coronal B
measurements (leader Hudson?)
  • TRACE (field lines) develop algorithm for using
    xray images to reconstruct field line curves
  • Coordinate obs. with UVCS to get T,n,v
    diagnostics to go along with the B msmts Jing
  • Radio msmts tie down field in active regions
    BBSO? Owens Valley? Dale Gary?
  • Energetic particle measurements Hudson?
  • Chromospheric vector magnetograms Metcalf??
  • Action item Get confirmed leader for this
    initiative and finish identifying people who want
    to do these things.

Appendix Measurement of prominence masses and
geometries (leader Hudson)
Overview of techniques 1.1 H-alpha 1.2 EUV
absorption 1.3 Thomson scattering 1.4 Micro/mm
free-free emission 2. Characterization of masses
2.1 Quiescent prominences 2.2 Erupting
prominences 2.3 Active-region prominences 3.
Filament masses related to CMEs and flares 3.1
Statistics 3.2 Morphology 3.3 Transformation
during eruption
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