Title: Week 11: Leadership Jepoardy
1Week 11 Leadership Jepoardy!
2As a Cadet Basic what are your responsibilities
as an "element member?"
- --learning basic drill movements -- reporting
properly -- how to fall in properly to a unit
3What are the aspects of followership?
- Respect For Authority
- Attitude
- Integrity
- Self-Discipline
- Listening
4What are some good study habits?
- Studying without distractions, taking breaks each
hour, highlighting the material, etc
5What are the three missions of CAP?
6Describe the external AE program.
- The external program goes out into the community,
works with teachers and school students and local
community members to bring AE closer.
7What is the definition of chain of command?
8What is it?
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16What is the definition of the word "COURTESY?"
- Simple politeness, civility, respect, and
personal recognition of the rights of others.
17How does a CAP Cadet report to an Officer?
- Salute and say "Sir or Ma'am"(your CAP grade and
last name) reporting as ordered. Hold salute
until the officer has returned the salute.
18What are the major goals of DRILL?
- To promote teamwork. To promote discipline. To
learn to follow.
19What is the difference between the words "grade"
and "rank?
- GRADE is an important step in the promotion
"structure" or program.RANK is grade adjusted
for time.Captain and Major are examples of
GRADE. Seniority determines RANKNO TWO PEOPLE IN
20What does managing others start with?
- You must be able to manage yourself first, before
you can begin to manage others.
21What does SELF-DISCIPLINE mean?
- Doing a task because you see that it needs to be
done, not because you are told to do it. You are
motivated internally not externally.
22What is the CAP motto?
23What is the three step approach to improving your
reading comprehension?
- 1.IDENTIFICATION - Finding the author's main
ideas. Be able to answer the question, What am I
reading.2.INTERPRETATION - Find key ideas and
sentences that support the author's main
ideas.3. EVALUATION - Decide if you understand
the main points of the reading.
24What are the 5 things a good listener must do?
- 1. Listen to understand, not to argue or
challenge.2.Take notes with care.3.Make and
hold eye contact.4.Keep your feelings
positive.5.Listen to new ideas and if you use
them, give credit to the person you got the idea
from. Â
25Who was the first National Commander?
- Maj General John F. Curry