Title: A Webbased system for modeling multiscale earthquake processes
1A Web-based system for modeling multi-scale
earthquake processes
The Solid Earth Research Virtual Observatory
Andrea Donnellan, John Rundle, Geoffrey Fox,
Marlon Pierce, Dennis McLeod, Jay Parker, Robert
Granat, Terry Tullis, Lisa Grant
- IT approaches Integrate multiple scales into
computer simulations. - Web services Simplified access to data,
simulation codes, and flow between simulations of
varying types.
3Solid Earth Research Virtual Observatory (iSERVO)
- Web-services (portal) based Problem Solving
Environment (PSE) - Couples data with simulation, pattern recognition
software, and visualization software - Enable investigators to seamlessly merge multiple
data sets and models, and create new queries. - Data
- Spaced-based observational data
- Ground-based sensor data (GPS, seismicity)
- Simulation data
- Published/historical fault measurements
- Analysis Software
- Earthquake fault
- Lithospheric modeling
- Pattern recognition software
- Store simulated and observed data
- Archive simulation data with original simulation
code and analysis tools - Access heterogeneous distributed data through
cooperative federated databases - Couple distributed data sources, applications,
and hardware resources through an XML-based Web
Services framework. - Users access the services (and thus distributed
resources) through Web browser-based Problem
Solving Environment clients. - The Web services approach defines standard,
programming language-independent application
programming interfaces, so non-browser client
applications may also be built.
5SERVOGrid Basics
- Under development in collaboration with
researchers at JPL, UC-Davis, USC, and Brown
University. - Geoscientists develop simulation codes, analysis
and visualization tools. - We need a way to bind distributed codes, tools,
and data sets. - We need a way to deliver it to a larger audience
- Instead of downloading and installing the code,
use it as a remote service.
6SERVOGrid Application Descriptions
- Codes range from simple rough estimate codes to
parallel, high performance applications. - Disloc handles multiple arbitrarily dipping
dislocations (faults) in an elastic half-space. - Simplex inverts surface geodetic displacements
for fault parameters using simulated annealing
downhill residual minimization. - GeoFEST Three-dimensional viscoelastic finite
element model for calculating nodal displacements
and tractions. Allows for realistic fault
geometry and characteristics, material
properties, and body forces. - Virtual California Program to simulate
interactions between vertical strike-slip faults
using an elastic layer over a viscoelastic
half-space - RDAHMM Time series analysis program based on
Hidden Markov Modeling. Produces feature vectors
and probabilities for transitioning from one
class to another. - PARK Boundary element program to calculate fault
slip velocity history based on fault frictional
properties.a model for unstable slip on a single
earthquake fault. - Preprocessors, mesh generators
- Visualization tools RIVA, GMT
7Web Services
- Web services are the fundamental pieces of
distributed Service Oriented Architectures. - We should define lots of useful services that are
remotely available - Archival data access services supporting queries,
real time sensor access, and mesh generation all
seem to be popular choices. - Web services have two important parts
- Distributed services
- Client applications
- These two pieces are decoupled one can build
clients to remote services without caring about
the programming language implementation of the
remote service. - Java, C, Python
8Web Services, Continued
- Clients can be built in any number of styles
- We build portal clients ubiquitous, can combine
- One can build fancier GUI client applications.
- You can even embed Web service client stubs
(library routines) in your application code, so
that your code can make direct calls to remote
data sources, etc. - Regardless of the client one builds, the services
are the same in all cases - my portal and your application code may each use
the same service to talk to the same database. - So we need to concentrate on services and let
clients bloom as they may - Client applications (portals, GUIs, etc.) will
have a much shorter lifecycle than service
interface definitions, if we do our job
correctly. - Client applications that are locked into
particular services, use proprietary data formats
and wire protocols, etc., are at risk.
9iSERVO Web Services
- Job Submission supports remote batch and shell
invocations - Used to execute simulation codes (VC suite,
GeoFEST, etc.), mesh generation (Akira/Apollo)
and visualization packages (RIVA, GMT). - File management
- Uploading, downloading, backend crossloading
(i.e. move files between remote servers) - Remote copies, renames, etc.
- Job monitoring
- Apache Ant-based remote service orchestration
- For coupling related sequences of remote actions,
such as RIVA movie generation. - Database services support SQL queries
- Data services support interactions with
XML-based fault and surface observation data. - For simulation generated faults (i.e. from
Simplex) - XML data model being adopted for common formats
with translation services to legacy formats. - Migrating to Geography Markup Language (GML)
10SERVO Grid
Solid Earth Research Virtual Observatory using
grid technologies and high-end computers
11Problem Solving Environment
High-level architecture of planned system showing
grids, portals, and grid computing environments.
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16GeoFEST Northridge Earthquake Deformation
17Virtual California 1000 Years of Simulated
18Pattern RecognitionInSAR and Seismicity
- Prototype portal and database have been
developed. - SERVO is being used to carry out system level
science with the initial focus being on southern
California. - More info http//quakesim.jpl.nasa.gov