- Process, Timelines, and Next Steps
3New WASC Process
- From
- Reactive
- Regulatory Policeman
- Standards
- Compliance
- Evaluate everything
- Knowing how to do
- Silos
- To
- Proactive
- Capacity building
- Context based
- Inquiry engagement
- Develop core competencies
- Learning community
- Systems
4A New Framework of Accreditation
- Core commitments of institutions to
- Institutional Capacity
- Educational Effectiveness
- Revised Accreditation Standards
- Three-stage, sequential institutional process
5The Core Commitments
- Institutional Capacity
- Educational Effectiveness
6Institutional Capacity
- The institution functions with clear purposes,
high levels of institutional integrity, fiscal
stability, and organizational structures to
fulfill it purposes. (2001 handbook, page 5) - Do resources, structures and processes align with
HSUs mission and priorities? - Is there good evidence of effectiveness of actual
7Core commitment Educational Effectiveness
- The institution evidences clear and appropriate
educational objectives and design at the
institutional and program level. -
- The institution employs processes of review,
including the collection and use of data that
assure delivery of programs and learner
accomplishments at a level of performance
appropriate for the degree or certificate. - (2001 Handbook, page 5)
8Educational Effectiveness
- Articulate a collective vision of educational
achievement - Organize for learning
- Become a learning organization
9Four Primary Standards
- Standard 1 Defining institutional purposes and
ensuring educational objectives - Standard 2 Achieving educational objective
though core functions - Standard 3 Developing and applying resources
and organizational structures to ensure
sustainability - Standard 4 Creating an organization committed
to learning and improvement
10The Big Picture
Institutional Capacity
Educational Effectiveness
11Components of Review
- The Proposal
- This is who we are, and how we want to understand
ourselves. - Workplan and timelines
- Capacity Preparatory Review
- Can we do what we say we want to do?
- Demonstrate capacity to define and sustain
educational effectiveness - Educational Effectiveness
- Are we doing it, and how do we know?
- Demonstrate a system of quality assurance
organizational learning
12New WASC Institutional Review Process
Learning-centered Review Model using Feedback
- Feedback from
- Proposal Review
- Committee
- WASC staff
- Feedback from
- Team visit
- Commission Action
- Follow up
- Feedback from
- Team report
- Commission action
- Follow up
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
2.5 years
1 year
Capacity Preparatory Review
Educational Effectiveness
Spring 2009
October 15, 2005
Spring 2008
13Expanded Definition of Quality
Capacity Preparatory Review Institutions
- Processes
- Course approval
- Program review
- Faculty development
- Assessment
- Inputs
- Resources
- Structures
- Policies
- Results/outcomes
- Learning results
- Licensing results
- Test results
- Portfolio results
E.E. Review Quality assurance systems
student learning results
14Where are we now?
- Proposal development process
- Form the proposal planning group
- Institutional self-review
- Determine campus issues to investigate during
process - Select an approach
- Write the proposal
15Step One The Proposal
- This is who we are, and how we want to understand
16The Proposal workplan for process
- This is who we are, and this is how we want to
understand ourselves. - Dual perspective
- standards-based review ?? engagement with
institutional issues - Establish agreement on the boundaries of the
review - Create work plan and timeline for both phases of
17Proposal Elements
- Institutional context statement
- Description of outcomes
- Description of constituency involvement
- Approach for preparatory review
- Approach for educational effectiveness
- Workplan and milestones
- Effectiveness of data gathering and analysis
18Four Approaches
- Special Themes
- Identify 3-4 topics to study in depth
- Strategic Planning
- Identify a few areas of emphasis in current SP
for in-depth review - Comprehensive
- Description of how institution investigates and
assure educational quality - Audit
19Overall goal of process
- With themed or strategic planning approaches,
three or four areas of inquiry are identified. - To engage in a process of inquiry concerning
issues that campus constituents have identified
as important to the campus.
20(No Transcript)
21The Steering Committee
- Co-chairs Rick Vrem and Sue MacConnie
22(No Transcript)
23Step Two Capacity and Performance Review
- Can we do what we say we want to do?
24Capacity and Preparatory Review
- Can we do what we say we want to do?
- Demonstrate institutions capacity to define and
sustain educational effectiveness and
institutional learning
25Step Three Educational Effective (EE) Review
- Are we doing what we say we want to do? How do
we know weve done it?
26Educational Effectiveness Review
- Are we doing what we say we want to do? How do
we know weve done it? - A system of quality assurance for student and
organizational learning and demonstrates - Leadership focus
- Educational objectives and outcomes at all levels
- Educational infrastructure
- Faculty responsibility
- Culture of inquiry and evidence
- Assessment of student learning
- Reflection and action plans on results of
assessment - Program review
- Consistent attainment of learning results
27Key Elements to New Process
- Increased emphasis on evidence
- Shifts thinking from inputs to effectiveness
- Focus on learning results
- Focus on organizational learning embedding change
and improvement
28Components of Review
- Core commitments
- To institutional capacity
- To educational effectiveness
- The Standards
- Criteria for review
- Guidelines
- Questions for institutional engagement