Calculation of Solid Properties Using WIEN2k Package - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Calculation of Solid Properties Using WIEN2k Package


Our main purpose is to calculate some solid properties such as: lattice ... Since all the properties depend on the total electronic wave function or the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Calculation of Solid Properties Using WIEN2k Package

Calculation of Solid Properties Using WIEN2k
  • Our main purpose is to calculate some solid
    properties such as lattice constants, band
    structure, optical properties, hyperfine fields,
  • Since all the properties depend on the total
    electronic wave function or the total
    electronic density , we need to calculate
    one of them.

  • This can be done by two ways
  • Using Sch. Equation !!!
  • Using Density Functional Theory.
  • Density Functional Theory is the most common
    used method in electronic structure calculation.
  • The Wien2k code is based on Khon-Sham formalism
    of the density functional theory using
    Full-Potenatial Linearized Augmented Plane Wave
    (FP-LAPW) method.

  • The main idea behind the DFT is that the energy
    is a functional of the electron density
  • The usual quantum mechanical approach to SE can
    be summarized as following
  • While in the DFT approach the observables are
    obtained directly from the density as following

The Hohenberg-Kohn Theorem
  • The complete many-body wavefunction ?, of an
    electronic system is a unique functional ?n(r)
    of the electronic charge density n(r). As a
    consequence, the expectation value of any
    observable is also a functional of n(r).
  • The correct ground state density is obtained by
    minimizing the energy functional En(r) under
    the constraint that the integration of the
    density over all the volume gives the number of

  • The energy functional can be written as
  • Kinetic energy T n and electron-electron
    interaction U n are system independent.
  • Hohenberg and Kohn defined a universal

Kohn-Sham Formalism
  • The Kohn-Sham formalism of DFT provides a way to
    exactly transform the many-body problem into a
    single-body one.
  • Kohn and Sham have introduced (1965) the
    following separation of the functional F n
  • Using Variational Principle we get

  • Now there are two questions
  • How can we solve the KS equations?
  • How can we find Excn or consequently Vxcn?
  • Starting with the second question, the answer is
    we need approximations!

  • If we have a system with non-uniform electron
    distribution where the density is slowly varying,
    one can divide the space into portions, where the
    density in each portion is almost constant.
  • Each portion is a uniform electron gas.
  • So if we assume that the exchange energy per
    particle in the uniform electron gas is
  • The corresponding exchange-correlation potential

  • Usually, is splitted into two parts
  • And the correlation part can be calculated by
    Quantum Monte Carlo method.

  • So in terms of the parameter rs we can express
    the two parts of the exchange-correlation energy
    per unit electron in a homogeneous system as

Disadvantages of LDA
  • It is a good approximation for systems with
    slowly varying density.
  • It tends to overbind, which cause for example
    small lattice constants.
  • It does not into account the polarization of the

  • This is a very important approximation because in
    this approximation we take into account the spin
    of the electrons and so the existence of
    polarized electrons will affect the density.
  • In this case, the density of the electrons will
    be divided into two parts na, nß.
  • So that

  • We must note that the LSDA will reduce to the LDA
    in the case of full occupied orbitals, but in the
    case of half-empty orbitals the two
    approximations will be different.
  • The following represents the ionization
    potentials in electron volts of some atoms.

  • Exc is calculated just as in the LDA method, but
    enhancement is introduced by multiplying
    with a factor Fxc which takes into account the
    local variation of the density n.

  • The exchange part is calculated exactly, and the
    correlation part still approximated using LDA or
  • Where fi are the KS orbitals which give the
    charge density distribution.

  • These are some of the approximations that can be
    used to calculate the exchange-correlation energy
    and its functional dependence on the density of
    the system.
  • Now let us consider the first question
  • How can we solve the KS equations?
  • There are many methods to do such solution.
  • We are interested in one of these methods
    which is FP-LAPW

  • The linearized augmented plane wave (LAPW) method
    is among the most accurate methods for performing
    electronic structure calculations for crystals.
  • It is based on the density functional theory for
    the treatment of exchange and correlation and
    uses e.g. the local spin density approximation
  • The LAPW method is a procedure for solving the
    Kohn-Sham equations for the ground state density,
    total energy, and (Kohn-Sham) eigenvalues of a
    many-electron system (here a crystal) by
    introducing a basis set which is especially
    adapted to the problem.

  • Let us first start with the APW method.
  • Dividing the unit cell into
  • (I) non-overlapping atomic spheres (Muffin-tin
    spheres, MT) (centered at the atomic sites) and
  • (II) an interstitial region (IR).
  • This allows an accurate description of both, the
    rapidly changing (oscillating) wavefunctions,
    potential and electron density close to the
    nuclei as well as the smoother part of these
    quantities in between the atoms.
  • In the two types of regions different basis sets
    are used

Figure 1 Partitioning of the unit cell into
atomic spheres (I) and an interstitial region
  • (I) inside atomic sphere t of radius Rt a linear
    combination of radial functions times spherical
    harmonics Ylm(r) is used
  • where ul(r,El) is the (at the origin) regular
    solution of the radial Schroedinger equation for
    energy El and the spherical part of the potential
    inside sphere t.
  • is the energy derivative of ul with
    respect to E taken at the same energy El.
  • A linear combination of these two functions
    constitute the linearization of the radial
    function the coefficients Alm and Blm are
    functions of kn .
  • These coefficients can be determined by requiring
    that this basis function matches (in value and
    slope) the corresponding basis function of the
    interstitial region.

  • original APW formulation the plane-waves are
    augmented to the exact solutions of the
    Schrödinger equation within the MT at the
    calculated eigenvalues.
  • Problems
  • The basis set have explicit energy dependence.
  • Linearity problem.
  • Highly computational effort.
  • Solution
  • The linearized APW method the energy dependence
    of the basis set is removed by using a fixed set
    of suitable MT radial functions.

  • (II) In the interstitial region a plane wave
    expansion is used
  • where knkKn Kn are the reciprocal lattice
    vectors and k is the wave vector inside the first
    Brillouin zone. Each plane wave is augmented by
    an atomic-like function in every atomic sphere.

  • The solutions to the Kohn-Sham equations are
    expanded in this combined basis set of LAPW's
    according to the linear variation method
  • The coefficients cn are determined by the
    Rayleigh-Ritz variational principle.
  • The convergence of this basis set is controlled
    by a cutoff parameter RmtKmax 6 - 9, where Rmt
    is the smallest atomic sphere radius in the unit
    cell and Kmax is the magnitude of the largest K

  • In its general form the LAPW method expands the
    potential in the following form
  • And the charge densities analogously.
  • Thus no shape approximations are made, a
    procedure frequently called the full-potential
    LAPW (FLAPW) method.

The structure of the WIEN2k-code
  • The SCF cycle of the WIEN code consist of five
    independent programs
  • 1. LAPW0 generates the potential from a given
    charge density
  • 2. LAPW1 computes the eigenvalues and
  • 3. LAPW2 computes the valence charge density
    from the eigenvectors
  • 4. CORE computes the core states and densities
  • 5. MIXER mixes the densities generated by LAPW2
    and CORE with the density of the previous
    iteration to generate a new charge density.
  • From these programs LAPW1 and LAPW2 are the most
    time consuming, while the time needed to run CORE
    and MIXER are basically negligible.

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General Remarks on WIEN2k
  • WIEN2k consists of many independent F90 programs,
  • are linked together via C-shell scripts.
  • Each case runs in his own directory
  • The master input is called
  • Initialize a calculation
  • Run scf-cycle
    run_lapw (runsp_lapw)
  • You can run WIEN2k using any www-browser and
    the w2web
  • interface, but also at the command line of
    an xterm.
  • Input/output/scf files have endings as the
  • programs
  • case.output1lapw1 case.in2lapw2
  • Inputs are generated using STRUCTGEN(w2web) and
  • init_lapw

w2web The web-interface of WIEN2k
  • Based on www
  • WIEN2k can be managed
    remotely via w2web
  • Important steps
  • start w2web on all your hosts
  • login to the desired
    host (ssh)
  • w2web (at first startup
    you will be
    asked for



    creates /.w2web directory)
  • use your browser and connect to the (master)
  • mozilla http//fp98.zserv10000
  • create a new session on the desired host (or
    select an old one)

  • Structure generator
  • Spacegroup selection
  • import cif file
  • step by step initialization
  • symmetry detection
  • automatic input generation
  • SCF calculations
  • Magnetism (spin-polarization)
  • Spin-orbit coupling
  • Forces (automatic geometry
  • Guided Tasks
  • Energy band structure
  • DOS
  • Electron density
  • X-ray spectra
  • Optics

K mesh generation
  • x kgen (generates k-mesh and reduces to
    irreducible wedge using symmetry)
  • always add inversion except in magnetic
    spin-orbit calculations
  • time inversion holds and E(k) E(-k)
  • always shift the mesh for scf-cycle
  • gaps often at G ! (might not be in your mesh)
  • small unit cells and metals require large k-mesh
  • large unit cells and insulators need only 1-10
  • mesh is good if nothing changes and scf
    terminates after few (3) iterations
  • use an even finer meshes for DOS, spectra,

Properties with WIEN2k
  • Energy bands
  • classification of irreducible representations
  • character-plot (emphasize a certain
  • Density of states
  • including partial DOS with l and m-character (eg.
    px, py, pz)
  • Electron density, potential
  • total-, valence-, difference-, spin-densities, ?
    of selected states.
  • 1-D, 2Dand 3D-plots (Xcrysden).
  • X-ray structure factors
  • Hyperfine parameters
  • hyperfine fields (contact dipolar orbital
  • Isomer shift
  • Electric field gradients

  • Total energy and forces
  • optimization of internal coordinates, (MD,
  • cell parameter only via Etot (no stress tensor)
  • elastic constants for cubic cells
  • Phonons via supercells
  • Spectroscopy
  • core level shifts
  • X-ray emission, absorption, electron-energy-loss
    (with core holes)
  • optical properties (dielectric function in RPA
    approximation, JDOS including momentum matrix
    elements and Kramers-Kronig)
  • Fermi surface (2D, 3D)

WIEN2k- hardware/software
  • WIEN2k runs on any Unix/Linux platform from PCs,
    workstations, clusters to supercomputers
  • Pentium-IV or higher with fast memory bus (1-2
    Gb memory, 100Mbit net).
  • Fortran90 (dynamical allocation, modules)
  • web-based GUI w2web (perl)
  • f90 compiler, BLAS-library (ifort9mkl), perl5,
    ghostscript(jpg), gnuplot(png), Tcl/Tk
    (Xcrysden), pdf-reader,www-browser, octave,

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Examples Using WIEN2k Code
  • Structural Properties

  • Magnetic Properties

  • Hyperfine fields

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  • Thank You
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