Title: Neuronal Model of Decision Making
1Neuronal Model of Decision Making
- How the noisy background activity of the brain
influences the dynamics of simple decision making
- Specific neurons involved in decisions. A
benchmark decision task about moving dots,
involving area LIP (Newsome and Shadlen, 2001 ). - Accumulation of evidence threshold decision
making (Smith and Ratcliff, 2004). - Dynamical models of decision through mutual
inhibition. (Wang, 2003, Amitt and Brunel, 1997). - Low level background activity of the brain
(Salinas, 2003). - A complete story from sensory inputs to the
movement that expresses the decision.
(Merleau-Ponty, ) - Second order statistics Gentz, Feng.
3Network Connectivity
Upwards detector
E up
I down
I up
Downwards detector
E down
Saccadic Eye Movement
Background Activity
Kinematogram Stimulus
4Integrate and Fire Model
- Diffusion Approximation with Poissonian synaptic
inputs processes - The Variance of ISI is equal to its mean
- Activities of neurons characterised by FR
- r is the ratio between excitatory and
inhibitory inputs
5Global Direction Detectors
6Results of the Direction Detector
The Firing Rate of a directtion detector is a
linear function of the coherence of the
stimulus. Increasing r increases discrimination
accuracy. (Gaillard et al, 2005). Gaussian
distribution of ISIs Fits Biological data,
common approach in literature. (Wang, 2003).
7LIP column where the decision takes place
E up
Background activity
Upwards detector
E down
Downwards detector
8Weights Matrix
9Embedded decision Saccadic Eye Movement.
In order to express the decision, any living
being has to make a move. For example, in
Newsomes experiments on monkeys, the monkeys
indicate their decision by moving their eyes in
one direction or another. They use a Saccadic Eye
K and l are parameters. Fup and Fdown are the
forces applied to eye by the muscles,
proportional to the Firing Rate of the decision
neurons. The tangent function expresses an
elastic force, that prevents the eye position
from diverging. Same decision criterion as
psychophysical experiments.
10Time course of a decision and working memory
11Illustrating Movie
12Simulations Results
- Influence of the FR (mean ISI) of the Background
Activity on Reaction Time
13Simulations Results
- Influence of the Standard Deviation of the
Background Activity on Reaction Time
14Simulations Results
- The Influence of the standard deviation of the
background activity on Error Rate
In the middle, there is the mean over all values
of the mean. Surrounded by two extreme cases.
15Prediction Error Rate as a function of Reaction
16Partial conclusions
- Confirm that background activity controls RT, not
a switch, a continuum. - Not only the intensity of the background
activity, but also the actual noise reduces
Reaction Time. (And increases Error Rate). - A Non invasive idea for biological research
ERf(RT). - Non monotonous behaviour. Interpretation?
- Second order statistics are essential to the
system dynamics We cannot use the Poisson
17Propagation of Moments
- Usual Approximation Scheme for the Integrate and
Fire model
- Homogenous case with r inhibitory synapses for
one excitatory
18Propagation of Moments
- Expressions of the first and second moment
19Propagation of Moment
- Expression of the mapping
20System Study
- Homogenous case.
- Two stable attractors quiet and high activity.
- If Inhibition stronger than excitation (rgt1), low
level activity attractor. - Our case is heterogeneous. We study the
generation of islands of higher activity within
the stable sea of low level activity. - Resort to simulations.
21The mapping
22No decision when small background variance.
23Time course of a decision
24Reaction Time depends on the moments of
background activity
- MNN results contradict Poisson model Detrimental
assumption. - The intensity of the background activity seems to
act like a switch, whilst the actual noise
controls Reaction Time as a continuum. (And
probably increases Error Rate). - Non monotonous behaviour.
- How to measure ER?
26Some References
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Switch Between Dynamical States in a Network.
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