Title: Kiwanis Club of South Edmonton
1Kiwanis Club of South Edmonton
- Service to our community since 1949
- Our beginnings
- Objects of Kiwanis
- Club organization, structure executive
- Club projects
- Club activities
3Our Beginnings
- January 21, 1915 Detroit Michigan,
- The original aim was helping one another succeed
in business, in 1920 a more noble mission was
adopted based on the Indian word Kiwanis meaning
"We Build", - In 1917 Kiwanis became international by starting
a club in Hamilton Ontario, - International membership now over 600,000
serving in over 13,00 clubs, in over 96
countries, - Asia-Pacific, Europe/Africa, Latin America,
North America regions, - International head office in Indianapolis,
Indiana - Our club is in Western Canada District, Division
4Objects of Kiwanis
- To give primacy to the human spiritual, rather
than to the material values of life, - To encourage the daily living of the golden rule
in all human relationships, - To promote the adoption the application of
higher social, business professional standards. - To develop, by precept example, a more
intelligent, aggressive serviceable
5Objects of Kiwanis
- To provide through Kiwanis clubs, a practical
means to form enduring friendships, to render
altruistic service build better communities, - To cooperate in creating maintaining that sound
public opinion high idealism with makes
possible the increase in justice good will.
6Kiwanis International President
- 2007-2008
- Dave Curry
- Goals for the year
- Increase our commitment to young children,
- Develop leadership throughout the Kiwanis family,
- Expand Kiwanis service around the world,
- Access Kiwanis service and growth through the
World Link Program.
7Our Club Executive
President Dan OKeefe
Directors (Seven)
Past President Aileen Rogers
Treasurer Don Makowichuk
Secretary Richard LeSueur
All terms are for 1 year, except the board of
directors,where we like to maintain a balance of
both experienced and new club members,
overlapping terms are for 2 years.
8Our Club Committees(each committee has a
chairman one or more members)
- Club archives
- Community service
- Fund raising
- House committee
- Interclub
- Membership
- Public relations
- Social
- Spiritual aims
- Youth services
9Our Club Projects
- Reading is Fundamental
- Held in the inner city at the Norwood Community
Services Centre, - To promote reading aid education,
- Fall/Winter/Spring readings by members, spouses
friends, - 20 children in 2 classrooms of Head Start
program, - Every child receives nutritious snack,
- 1,000/yr. for books given to children,
- Children get to keep 3 books each.
10Our Club Projects
- Camp Health Hope Happiness
- Provides summer camping experience for mentally
physically disabled youth, - Camp conceived by our club in 1960,
- Constructed a Gazebo, to enable campers to go
outside after they have taken medication by
providing a shaded area, - Host BBQ's, talent nights, socials, etc.
- Club contributed to pool, roofs, etc.
- Annual sponsoring a camp for 75 youth for 10 days.
11Our Club Projects
- Kiwanis Music Festival Support - in conjunction
with the Downtown Club, - Provide marshals to assist the musicians, family
adjudicators, - Provide 750 in scholarships each year to further
student interests in music, - We look after the Cosmopolitan Music Society
12Our Club Projects
- Terrific Kids
- A school program at Holy Family, Robert Rundle,
St. Clements, St. James, St. Justin, Bishop
Savaryn, - Celebrates children in each Kindergarten to Grade
6 classroom, - In recognition of the importance of self esteem
to children, - Each child that achieves their goal for that
month receives a certificate, pencil, bumper
sticker and treat.
13Our Club Projects
- W.I.N.G.S. Women In Need Growing Stronger
- A second stage safe home for abused women their
children, it provides housing support to the
families for a 6 months to help them become self
confident reliant for their well being, - Designed and built a large playground for the
children youth, - Ongoing projects
14Our Club Projects
- Kiwanis Safety City
- Developed in conjunction with the Alberta Safety
Council, - Provides safety courses for kindergarten grades
1 2, - Over 12,000 youth attend classes annually,
- We have a waiting list of over 24 schools
annually that want to use the facility.
15Annual Fund Raising
Christmas Trees
Typical Club income from all projects is about
25,000 annually with a Casino every second year
bringing about 60,000. We are always looking for
new ways of raising funds for new existing
16Club Activities
- Conferences
- International Convention
- Western Canada District Convention
- Mid Winter Conference Training Session.
17Membership Commitments
- Project committees events,
- Fundraising support,
- Fellowship activities,
- Twice monthly dinner for those that can attend.
18- Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers
dedicate to changing the world one child and one
community at a time