Title: College of the Siskiyous
1College of the Siskiyous
- Students Rights and Responsibilities
2As a student of College of the Siskiyous, you
have the right to
- Request info on College regulations, procedures,
programs, and services available.
- Propose changes in College regulations and
- Distribute printed materials or petitions and
wear buttons. - Form organizations to promote any lawful purpose
or point of view.
3Students rights
- Take reasonable exception to opinion in any
- Be taught by instructors who know their subjects
- Request and receive a full explanation of grades
substantiated by accurate records.
4Students rights
- Have instructors available for specified weekly
conference hours.
- Insist that course content be reasonable and
- consistent with the course description
- presented in the College Catalog.
5Privacy Rights of Students
- College of the Siskiyous observes the provisions
of the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act
(FERPA) as amended in 1974 as follows
- Educational records are not released to any
individual or agency without written consent of
the student. - This includes your parents and/or your spouse!
6Privacy rights
- Students have the right to review their
educational records to determine accuracy.
Submit these requests, in writing, to the
Admissions Records office at least 3 working
days in advance.
Students also have the right to challenge the
accuracy of their educational records.
7Students Responsibilities
- Your primary responsibility as a student
attending College of the Siskiyous is to become
self-sufficient in navigating complicated
processes and systems and to be responsible for
your success.
We hope that you will demonstrate your
ability to develop and implement
educational, career and life plans and know
how to enter your chosen profession.
- Respect and support the rights of faculty, staff
and other students. This includes turning off
your cell phone for classes and in all
appropriate settings.
Become informed regarding curriculum
requirements and course assignments.
- Abide by all rules and regulations of the College
as well as the local, state and federal laws.
Additionally, we hope that you will embrace
the values of the College learning,
achievement, innovation, environment,
collaboration, diversity, accessibility, and
- is an act of dishonesty. Intentional plagiarism
is when you copy from a source, but fail to cite
it. Unintentional plagiarism is when you attempt
to summarize a source, but copy too much instead
of writing the ideas in your own words. - Plagiarism is punishable.
11Internet Code of Conduct
- You bear the responsibility for the material that
you choose to access, send or display. COS
encourages its students and staff to use the
Internet for teaching, research, learning and
administrative purposes. - Choose your sites wisely. ?
12Sexual Harassment Policy
- Sexual harassment, whether subtle or blatant, is
unacceptable at COS.
Sexual harassment is any unwanted verbal or
physical conduct of a sexual nature that creates
an intimidating or hostile environment.
13Sexual Harassment Policy
- Any individual who believes that s/he has been
sexually harassed is encouraged to raise the
issue and/or file a complaint according to
established procedures.
For a complete copy of the Policy Prohibiting
Sexual Harassment, please contact
Nancy Miller Director of Human Resources (530)
14Grievance Procedure
- College of the Siskiyous has the following
grievance procedure for students who have a
misunderstanding, problem or disagreement with an
15Grievance procedure
- Meet with your instructor to discuss the problem.
- Meet with the Dean if you do not feel the problem
was resolved. - Meet with the Vice President of Instruction, by
appointment, if you still dont feel the
situation has been resolved. - If these three steps do not resolve the original
problem, then you may file a report to the
attention of the Superintendent/President of the
16Drug Alcohol Policy
- In accordance with the California Education Code,
alcohol is not allowed on community college
campuses at any time. Any student found under the
influence of, consuming, or in possession of
alcoholic beverages on the campus, or at any
college sponsored function is subject to
disciplinary action.
17Drug Alcohol Policy cont
- In accordance with the California Education Code,
the use, sale or possession on campus of, or your
presence on campus under the influence of any
controlled substance or illegal drug is
forbidden. Anyone committing an offense is
subject to disciplinary action.
18Drug Alcohol Policy cont
- Students are responsible for what takes place in
their rooms and for the conduct of their
visitors. Enrollment at COS creates special
obligations. - Students have a responsibility to remove
themselves from situations that are a violation
of college policy.
19Additional Information
- A sign of alcohol poisoning is passing out, which
reflects the bodys inability to tolerate the
amount of alcohol that you have put into it. - Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant
that works to slow down the heart rate, lower
your blood pressure, and slow your breathing
rate. - 90 of all campus rapes occur when alcohol has
been used by either the assailant or the victim.
20Comprehension Quiz
- 1. If your parent, guardian or spouse calls to
collect information on your academic status or
enrollment, it is provided as long as s/he can
verify your social security number. - FALSE! Students must provide written consent to
release this information.
- 2. The first step in the grievance procedure is
to notify the Dean about a conflict you have with
an instructor. - False! It is important to discuss the matter
with the instructor first before notifying other
parties of the conflict.
- 3. Sexual harassment includes only verbal
remarks of a sexual nature between instructors
and students. - False! Sexual harassment can be verbal and
physical conduct that creates a hostile
environment for an individual, regardless of
his/her position on campus.
- 4. It is the students responsibility to
collect information as it pertains to course
requirements and assignments. - True! Be sure to take detailed notes of the
faculty expectations.
- 5. Rachel and Tracy (both 19yrs old) are
roommates in the dorms. Tami is a friend who
also lives in the dorms, but in another room.
Rachel routinely brings alcoholic beverages into
her room. Tracy is aware of her practice and is
frequently in the room when Rachel is drinking.
Tami is also aware of her practice but is never
in her room when there is alcohol present. - Which of the residents is in violation of the COS
Student Code of Responsibilities and Conduct?
- Answer
- Rachel, who is consuming the alcohol, and her
roommate Tracy. - Students who frequent the room while this
prohibited conduct is taking place are violating
the published rules governing the residence
- 6. More than half of the COS full time students
drink alcoholic beverages a couple of times a
week on a regular basis. - False! Interestingly, of the COS students polled
in 2005, only about 15 of the students drank
this often.
- 7. Alcohol use is associated with which of the
following - A) Sexual assault
- B) Poor academic performance
- C) Being bit by a rattle-snake
- D) All of the above
- D) All of the above
- Alcohol is a factor in 40 of academic problems
and 28 of drop outs. - 75 of men and 55 of women involved in date rape
had been drinking at the time. - 25 of students reported failing a test because
of a hang over. - Alcohol plays a role in a significant number of
accidents including rattle-snake bites.
- 8. What should you do when your friend passes out
from drinking too much? - Â
- A) The best thing to do for someone who is drunk
is to put them to bed and let them sleep it off. - Â
ALONE! Stay with the person, check their
breathing, check their skin temperature, and
frequently try to wake them. - Â
- C) This person is suffering from alcohol
poisoning and needs medical attention. Call 911
- Answer
- C) The amount of alcohol it takes to make you
pass out is dangerously close to the amount of
alcohol it takes to make you dead!
- Thank you for your attention!