Title: Introduction to Matlab 7 Lesson I
1Introduction to Matlab 7Lesson I
- Marco Lattuada
- Swiss Federal Institute of Technology - ETH
- Institut für Chemie und Bioingenieurwissenschaften
- ETH Hönggerberg/ HCI F135 Zürich (Switzerland)
- E-mail lattuada_at_chem.ethz.ch
2How to connect to you folders
- Go to My Computer
- In Tools, click on Map Network Drive
- In the window that appears, type
\\d.ethz.ch\dfs\users\all\ltnethz usernamegt - Select option connect with another username
- Enter d\ ltnethz usernamegt
- Enter your E-Mail password.
- Remember do not keep you data on the computer
you are working on, as they can be deleted!!!!
3Matlab 7.0.4 - 7.8
- What is Matlab?
- Advantages over other choices
Matlab is an interatcive system for numerical
- Quick and easy coding with high level language
- Procedural coding (object-oriented supported)
- Minimal attention required for data
structure/declaration - Simple handling of vectors/matrixes
- High quality graphics available
- Full portability of the m-files
- Built-in editing and debugging tools
- Built-in functions (also on internet)
4Matlab 7.0.4 - 7.8
- Not optimal for symbolic calculations (choose
Maple, Mathematica) - Not as fast as C (C) and Fortran
- Not the best choice for very computationally
demanding problems
5Matlab Introduction Window
File Structure
- Names are case sensitive (Marco ? marco)
- 63 Characters max (1st character must be a
letter) - Letters, numerals and sign _ are valid
characters - No Spaces in between
Invalid Examples
Valid Examples
2ndvariable yes first one 1
a 1 speed 1500 BeamOutput_Type1 vQv name
John Smith
No need to specify the variable type
- Try to type
- a 2
- b 3
- c ab
- d c/2
- d
- who
- whos
- clear
- who
- myName marco
Why these are arrays??? Every variable is an
By pressing w?, the command who is recalled
- Where are my results stored?
- a 2
- b 3
- c ab The result is stored in c
- ab The results in stored in ans
By pressing ? or ?, one can recall the previous
By using the symbol at the end of a command,
the execution is performed, but the result is not
shown in the command window
- Row vector gtgt a 1 2 3
- Column vector gtgt b 1 2 3
- Equally spaced vector gtgt c 05100 (or
0100 or 0100) - Evenly spaced vector gtgt d linspace(0,100,21)
- ( vector linspace(start,end,elements)
) ( vector logspace(start,end,elements) ) - generates a vector from 10start to 10end
- Transpose gtgt e d'
If everything is an array, what is a vector ???
You should see
Fast help by gtgt help linspace
10Vector's Arithmetic
- Try to type
- c 2a
- d 2a
- f ac
- g ab
- dot(a,b)
- A ba
- aa
- a2
- a.2
- a.a
- d d./a
- b sqrt(b)
- c exp(c)
- d factorial(d)
Addition/multiplication by constants
Addition of vectors
Dot product of vectors
Your first matrix ? (3,1)(1,3) (3,3)
Error! ? (1,3)(1,3) nothing
Element-by-element operations
Examples of functions returning
element-by-element operations
11Vector's Arithmetic II
- Further examples
- a 1 2 3
- b 1 2 3
- c ab
- d ba
(1,3)x(3,1)(1,1) SCALAR !
(3,1)x(1,3)(3,3) Matrix!
Never forget the rules for matrix multiplication!
- Methods of creating matrices
- By coefficients gtgt A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
- Matrix of zeros gtgt B zeros(3,2)
- Matrix of ones gtgt C ones(2,3)
- Identity matrix gtgt D eye(3)
- Random matrix gtgt R rand(3,3)
- Normally distr. random matrix gtgt RD randn(3,3)
- Matrix Characteristics
- Size gtgt size(A)
- Length gtgt length(A)
13Accessing Elements
- Vectors (gtgt a 15.2)
- Single element gtgt a(1)
- Multiple elements gtgt a(1 3)
- Range of elements gtgt a(23)
- Last element gtgt a(end)
- Matrices (gtgt A a'a)
- Single element gtgt A(1,3)
- Submatrix gtgt A(23,23)
- Matrix Column gtgt A(2,)
- Matrix Line gtgt A(,3)
- Lines intersected with columns gtgt A(2 3,1 3
14Arithmetic with Matrices
- Try to type
- B 2A
- C 2A
- D AC
- D D
- C(3,)
- D(,2)
- CD
- DC
- A2
- A.2
- E2.A
- sqrt(A)
- sqrtm(A)
- A(-1)
Addition/multiplication by constants
Addition of matrices
Elimination of columns/lines
Product between matrices
Remember product between matrices is usually not
Square of matrix Square of matrix's elements Ei,j
2Ai,j Square-root of matrix's
elements Square-root of matrix (try gtgt
(sqrtm(A))2) Inverse of A (equal to gtgt inv(A))
15Matrix Division
- Let us consider the following case
- A, B
- A/B
- A\B
Two square matrices
A divided by B, alternatively mrdevide(A,B)
equivalent to Ainv(B)
alternatively mldevide(A,B) equivalent to
The two divisions are different, because the
product between matrices is not commutative!
16Other Ways of Creating Matrices
- Matrices in block form
- From matrices to vectors
- From vectors to matrices
- Diagonal matrices
- Meshes
- From one element/column/line
17Operators for Matrices
- Size gtgt size(C)
- Predominant size gtgt length(C)
- Maximum (columns) gtgt max(A)
- Maximum (general) gtgt val,elem max(A)
- Maximum (overall) gtgt max(A())
- Sum of elements gtgt sum(A)
- Mean value gtgt mean(A())
- Determinant gtgt det(A)
- Inverse gtgt inv(A)
- Condition Number gtgt cond(A)
- Norm gtgt norm(A,i)
min(A) -max(-A)
var(A), std(A),
- Compute the approximate value of exp(1)
- Compute the approximate value of exp(2)
- Compute the cross-product of u(1,3,2) ? v(-1,1,2)
19Solution of Linear Algebraic Systems
- Write in matrix notation the following system of
equations - Is this system singular?
- How would you solve this system?
- Solve the following system
- Find the inverse matrix of A
- Solve the following system
21Structures in Matlab
- What is a structure?
- Example chemical components (try)
- gtgt comp(1).name 'water'
- gtgt comp(1).Mw 18.02
- gtgt comp(1).density 1
- gtgt comp(2).name 'ethanol'
- gtgt comp(2).Mw 46.06
- gtgt comp(2).density 0.789
Structures are arrays whose names have
dot-separated parts. They can be used to store
information of different kinds together in a
hierarchical structure.
22Loops in Matlab
- General form of for-loops
- Example
for variable expression statements end
23Examples of Loops
- Try the following
- gtgt for i 05100
- i
- end
- gtgt v 0 4 5 11
- gtgt for i v, i, end
- gtgt n 1e6 x rand(n,1)
- gtgt tic s 0 for i 1n, s sx(i)2 end, s,
toc - gtgt tic s sum(x.2) s, toc
A technique is a trick that works Giancarlo Rota
24While Loops in Matlab
- General form of while-loops
- Example
while expression statements end
The statement is executed as long as the
expression is true
The statements are executed an indefinite number
of times
25Examples of Loops
- Try the following
- gtgt clear x n 5e4 x(1) 2
- gtgt tic for i 2n, x(i) x(i-1)2i end, toc
- gtgt x1 zeros(1,n) x1(1) 2
- gtgt tic for i 2n, x1(i) x1(i-1)2i end,
toc - gtgt v 2linspace(1,n,n)
- gtgt tic x2 cumsum(v) toc
Pre-allocate arrays
Vectorize and use pre-defined functions
20 times faster
129 times faster