Title: Monitoring for planning vs. implementation projects
1Linking BMPs to Pollutant Sources
2After impairments are understood, pollutant
causes and sources known, pollutant loads
estimated, critical areas identified. its time
to select the treatment measures BMPs that
will achieve your goals.
3Linking BMPs to Sources
- Match BMP to pollutant(s)
- Match BMP to source(s)
- Consider pollutant transport/delivery
- Evaluate load reduction capability
- Cost
- Acceptability/practicality
4Match BMP to pollutant(s)
5Match BMP to pollutant(s)
adapted from
USDA-NRCS Conservation Practice Physical Effects
(CPPE) http//efotg.nrcs.usda.gov/references/publi
6Match BMP to source(s)
7Consider pollutant transport/delivery
- BMP interventions in NPS pathways
- Availability/pollutant prevention (e.g., NMP)
- Detachment (e.g., conservation tillage)
- Transport (e.g., WASCOB)
- Delivery (e.g., filter strip, riparian buffer)
8Evaluate load reduction capability
- Stormwater/Urban (BMP Effectiveness database
Menu of BMPs) - Agriculture (Ag Management Measure document)
- Forestry (Forestry Management Measures document)
- Mining (Development document for proposed
Effluent Guideline for Mining) - www.epa.gov/nps
10www.epa.gov/owow/nps/agmm/ index.html
13Sample BMP effectiveness table
- Look at experience in other watershed programs in
the region - NRCS cost tables, other programs
- Look at whats worked and what hasnt
- Consider costs/benefits
- Property ownership/site access
- Look for added benefits
- Use a combination of techniques
17Rank alternatives