Title: Gregory C Murphy
1Sustained employment achieved following traumatic
spinal cord injury Employer-based barriers and
- Gregory C Murphy
- School of Public Health, La Trobe University
- Amanda Young
- Center for Disability Research, Liberty Mutual
Research Institute for Safety, Hopkinton MA USA
- Four questions need attention if we are to
improve the quality of vocational services to
those with disabling injuries - 1. How did you obtain your post-injury job?
- 2. How satisfactory is / was your position of
employment - 3. What is / was the occupational title of the
job you gained? - 4. What was the reason for employment cessation
(if this did occur)?
- Data was provided from a study comprised of 459
Australian people aged between 16 and 65 who were
surveyed at least 18 months post injury (see
Murphy et al., 2003). -
- Average age of group was 39.6 years
- Average age at time of injury 28.4 years
- 53 had paraplegia
- 52 of the injuries were complete
- 85 of the sample were male
- 26 had completed high school
- 81 were employed pre-injury
- 42 were eligible for compensation
4Sub-groups from the larger study who provided
data for the present inquiry
- A group of 162 individuals who had at some stage
left a job they had obtained post injury. - Two smaller groups of 25 and 59 individuals who,
in spite of possessing high vocational potential,
had left a job obtained post injury or were, at
the time of larger survey follow up, not in the
labour force. - Respondents in the smaller groups were
empirically- identified negative surprises from
the use of DFA in the original study aimed at
predicting post-injury labour-force status.
- Self-report survey
- Questions included
- Current labour force status
- Reasons for not being employed
- Reasons for leaving any post-injury work gained
6Data analysis
- Simple descriptive statistic (frequencies and
measures of association) were used to analyse
- At the broadest level, among those who had worked
at any time post injury (289 of the surveyed
459), the percentage of time employed as a
proportion of time of available for employment
averaged 62.2 (standard deviation of 28.9). - The relatively large standard deviation suggested
that many had not sustained employment for long
or had many lengthy interruptions.
- Reasons for job cessation reported by the larger
Table 1 Reasons for leaving a job gained
post-injury (N162)
Note Percentages add to gt100, owing to some
respondents endorsing multiple categories
9Table 2 Significant associations between
dichotomous study variables and reasons for job
10Reasons for job cessation reported by 25 of those
with high vocational potential
Table 3 Employment cessations by those in the
Negative Surprise group (n25)
11Table 4 Reasons for not working by those in the
Negative Surprise group (n59)
- This study aimed to investigate the reasons for
people with a spinal cord injury leaving a job
gained post-injury. - Assuming the reliability of the information
provided (see Murphy et al., 1997), the results
suggested a certain regularity in the frequency
of reported reasons, with the lack of an on-going
position being the most commonly reported reason
for employment being broken.
- Retrenchment was another prominent reported
reason, although the detail of particular
retrenchments was not ascertained - Personal ill-health or injury problems, along
with retirement, were also commonly reported
reasons for job loss.
- One potentially encouraging result was that 40
respondents reported leaving a job for positive
reasons (New business, better job, family
reason). Unfortunately this crude category that
combined three diverse reasons for job
separations did not provide a clear description
of what actually occurred to 25 of this
important group of post-injury employees who left.
15Discussion (continued)
- Results from the Negative Surprises group
suggested that health concerns were the single
most prominent factor in job losses. Of the 25
people in this group of individuals with high
vocational potential, 44 reported leaving a job
because of health or injury concerns. The next
most commonly reported reason was to do with the
job being only temporary in nature.
- Within the Negative surprises group, the low
occurrence of reports of jobs being left so that
the individual could pursue further study was
disappointing. Post-injury study, although
infrequently investigated by researchers, has
been shown to be an independent predictor of both
return to work and of durable post-injury
- Findings from the study suggest that both the
work conditions as well as the health status of
those who work with a spinal cord injury needs
proper assessment. Firstly, what exactly were the
situations in which a respondent reported leaving
a job because it was temporary? - Was the RTW situation more an additional type of
assessment to guide client and/or employer
decision making?
- Secondly, the precise nature of these health
concerns needs to be established. To what extent
are they work-related? To what extent are they
related to the aging process? To what extent are
they the result of person-job mismatch?
19- If any of these concerns involve preventable
ill-health conditions, then the present study may
have highlighted an important public health issue
for rehabilitation practitioners and researchers
the extent to which subsequent ill health can
be prevented among those suffering SCI who return
to work.
- The present study represents an initial attempt
to fill in some of the detail associated with the
post-injury employment achievements and
experiences of those who suffer a spinal cord
injury. - Much more work needs to be done before we have
even basic answers to the four questions posed at
the beginning of this paper. It is hoped that the
present study will stimulate others to gather the
relevant data. - Until this is done we will not be able to offer
reliable, high quality vocational services to
those considering working after the suffering of
a traumatic spinal cord injury.
- Murphy, G., McDonald, L. McDonald, S. (1997).
The reliability of employment information
provided by spinal cord injured people when
surveyed two years post injury. Psychological
Reports, 81, 25-26. - Murphy, G., Young, A., Brown, King, N.
(2003).Explaining labour force status following
spinal cord injury The contribution of
psychological variables. Journal of
Rehabilitation Medicine, 35, 276-283.