Title: Quiz
- Mast cell A. Phagoctyosis
- Fibroblast B. Heparin
- Macrophage C. Collagen
- White blood cell D. histamine
- Thins blood
- Allergies
2- Thick white fiber A. Reticular
- Thin white fiber B. Collagen
- Stretchable fiber C. Elastic
- Yellow fiber
3Cells of Connective Tissue
4III. Connective Tissue Cells
- A. Resident Cells
- 1. Stay put.
- 2. Present in stable numbers.
- 3. Ex. Fibroblasts, Mast Cells
5- B. Wandering Cells
- 1. Move throughout tissues.
- 2. Appear due to injury or infection.
- 3. Ex. Different kinds of white blood
6mast cell
7mast cell
8- E. Mast Cells
- 1. Usually located near bld vessels.
- 2. Release heparin - prevents bld. clotting
- 4. Release histamine - promotes swelling in
allergic reactions.
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12- D. Macrophages
- 1. Macro large
- phage to eat
- 2. Phagocytose - eat unwanted material
- 3. Help our immune system
- 4. Move about
Body's Radar Type of cell normally present in
the blood Detects the enemy
The Enemy Invader Usually a bacteria or virus.
Immune response
14The T-Helper CellCommunication Link Between the
body's macrophages and b-cells
The B-CellThe War Factory Produces antibodies
custom tailored for the type of enemy antigen
AntibodiesAntigen Busters Designed to seek and
destroy the specific
15ComplementSupport Troops Assists the antibodies
to neutralize the enemy antigen
Immune ComplexWhen antibodies and complement
attack the antigen, an immune complex
PolymorphDisposal Unit Detects the immune
complexes and removes them
16T-Suppressor CellAnother Communication
Link Signals to the b-cell to stop making
antibodies once the antigen has been destroyed
Normal Body's Immune System
18- C. Fibroblasts
- 1. Most common
- 2. Large cell, star shaped
- 3. Make fibers
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20Fibers of Connective Tissue
22IV. Connective Tissue Fibers
- A. Collagen Fibers
- 1. Thick, collagen protein
- 2. Parallel fibers
- 3. Flexible and slightly elastic
23- 4. Very Strong
- 5. Found in
- a. Bones, ligaments and tendons.
- 6. White in color - due to white collagen
24collagen and fibroblasts
fibers and cells are?
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261. nucleus of fibroblast 2. collagen fiber 3.
elastic fiber
27elastic fiber
28- B. Elastic Fibers
- 1. Made of protein elastin
- 2. Branching fibers.
- 3. Not as strong as collagen
- 4. Yellow in color
29- 5. Found in
- a. Vocal cords and air passage of
respiratory system.
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31reticular fibers
32- C. Reticular
- 1. Thin fibers, branching fibers
- 2. Made of collagen
- 3. Form supporting networks in many
different tissues. -
33Connective Tissues
34Loose or Areolar
35VI. Loose Fibrous - Areolar
- A. Description -
- 1. Fibroblast cells
- 2. Gel-like matrix -collagen and elastic
36- B. Function
- 1. Binds skin to body
- 2. Holds tissue fluid
- C. Location
- 1. Under epithelial tissue
- 2. Fills spaces between muscles.
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38Dense Fibrous
1. Nuclei of fibroblasts 2. Collagen Fibers
39VIII. Dense Fibrous
- A. Description
- 1. Many closely packed collagen fibers
- 2. Network of elastic fibers
- 3. Few cells (fibroblasts)
40- B. Function
- 1. Binds body parts together.
- C. Location
- 1. Tendons - muscle to bone
- 2. Ligaments - bone to bone
- 3. Dermis of skin
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421. Lumen of esophagus 2. Stratified Squamous 3.
Dense Fibrous
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1. cell membrane 2. nucleus 3. Fat vacuole
45VII. Adipose Tissue
- A. Description
- 1. Fluid form of Ct.
- 2. Adipocyte - fat cell.
- 3. Large cell, nucleus pushed to side
46- B. Functions
- 1. Protects
- 2. Insulates
- 3. Stores fat
- 4. Cushions
47- C. Location
- 1. Beneath skin
- 2. Around body organs
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