Title: Basics of mechanical properties of metals
1Basics of mechanical properties of metals
- Jean-Philippe Chateau
- Ecole des Mines de Nancy
- Institut Jean Lamour
2Mechanical properties
- Deformation is the response of a material to an
applied force - elasticity
- reversible
- instantaneous
- anelasticity
- reversible
- delayed
- plasticity
- permanent
- progressive
- fracture
- permanent
- brutal
3Classes of materials
- Typical behaviours
- 3 main classes of materials
- depending on the nature of atomic bondings
- glass, concrete,
- technical ceramics (Al2O3, diamond, SiC, WC,
Si3N4,) - ionic or covalent bondings (strong)
- cristalline or amorphous structure
- brittle behaviour (no plasticity before fracture)
- very high mechanical resistance
- excellent behaviour at high temperature
- corrosion resistant
- intramolecular covalent bondings, intermolecular
Van der Waals or hydrogen bondings (weak) - cristalline or amorphous structure (T dependent)
- ductile behaviour
- low mechanical resistance
- poor behaviour at high temperature
- corrosion resistant
- ¾ of the elements
- metallic bondings
- cohesion is achieved by the cloud of free
electrons - cristalline structure (except metallic glasses)
- ductile behaviour
- high mechanical resistance
- good behaviour at high temperature
- low corrosion resistance
- Lattice deformation
- Macroscopic behaviour of the polycrystal
- Effect of temperature and strain rate
- Failure
- many illustrations with Fe-Mn-C steels
- (my main research topic)
- Lattice deformation
- 1) Elasticity
- 2) Elastic limit plasticity
- 3) Tensile test on a single crystal
- Macroscopic behaviour of the polycrystal
- Effect of temperature and strain rate
- Failure
9Lattice deformation1) Elasticity
10Enthalpic vs entropic elasticity
metals, ceramics
polymers, elastomers
Initial state applied force F 0 length
L0 bonding enthalpy H0 entropy S0 k ln O0
current state applied force F elongation L gt L0
H gt H0 S S0
H H0 S k ln O lt S0
G H TS gt G0 H0 TS0
e lt 1
e ? 800
11Linear elasticity at small strains
- interatomic potential energy
- small elastic displacement
- Youngs modulus
- E tens to hundreds of GPa
12Compared Youngs Moduli
13Anisotropy of elastic constants
- Metals have a cristalline structure
- E depends on the cristallographic tensile
direction - hexagonal 5 elastic constants required
- cubic 3
- polycristal with no texture (isotropic) 2
- Lamé parametres l, m
14Dependence on temperature
- E, µ decrease when T increases
- Except when a phase transition occurs
- e.g. elastic anomaly observed in Fe-22Mn-0.6C
- antiferro/paramagnetic transition at TNéel 50C
DMTA experiment
austenitic steels
- E(20C) 160 GPa (190-200 GPa in other
austenitic steels)
15Lattice deformation 2) Elastic limit -
16Lattice friction
- Plasticity is achieved by glide under applied
deviatoric stresses - Theoretical critical shear stress
- tc ? 0.10 0.16 m ? 10 GPa
- measured 2 to 4 orders of magnitude lower
- Plasticity is achieved by dislocation glide
- Potential energy W ? Peierls stress tp at 0K
- Lattice friction tf lt tp at T ? 0K (thermal
17Selection of slip systems
- along which cristallographic planes ?
- lowest lattice friction
- highest inter reticular distance
- i.e. dense planes
- in which cristallographic directions ?
- Burgers vectors of the dislocations with the
lowest line energy ( µb2) - directions of the smallest lattice vectors
- i.e. dense directions
- depends of the cristallographic structure of the
metal - main structures f.c.c., b.c.c., h.c.p.
18Slip systems in the f.c.c. structure
- Cu, Al, Ni, Pb, Au, Ag, g-Fe, a-brass
- compact planes 111, Burgers vectors a/2lt110gt
- tf 111 0.01 MPa ltlt tf ijk
4 x 3
12 slip systems
(24 if the sign is taken into account)
19Slip systems in the b.c.c. structure
- dense planes 110gt112gt123 Burgers vectors
a/2lt111gt - tf strongly depends on T
Mo, W, a-Fe, b-brass Mo, a-Fe K
6 x 2
12 x 1
24 x 1
20Slip systems in the h.c.p. structure
- depends on the compacity of the structure
- in many cases tf Basal tf 111 f.c.c.
basal B prismatic P 1st order
pyramidal p1 2nd order pyramidal p2
1 x 3
3 x 1
6 x 1
Cd, Zn B, p2, p1, P Mg B, p1, P Ti, Zr
P, B, p1
6 x 1
21Lattice deformation 3) Tensile test on a single
22Resolved shear stress Schmid factor
- Peach Köhler force on a dislocation under
applied stress - glide force fg tb
- Resolved shear stress on a glide system
- Fb F cos l
- Schmid factor
- m cos l cos f t m s
- de m dg
- m lt 0.5
- Activation of the slip systems with the highest m
- when t reaches the elastic limit tc
23Example in the f.c.c. structure
orientation for single slip
24Crystal rotation in single slip
- deformation is achieved by glide along the
activated slip system - induces a rotation of the crystal
- the tensile direction moves towards the slip
direction - the Schmid factor of the primary system decreases
- until a second system is activated (secondary or
conjugate system)
25Crystal rotation in single slip
stereographic projection
- standard triangles
- 100 and 110 planes
- 24 equivalent regions
- F in 1 triangle
- ? 1 slip system
- single slip
- primary slip system
- F moves towards
- double slip
- conjugate slip system
- F moves towards
b.c.c. structure case of Fe
26Tensile test curve
- resolved shear vs primary glide
- hardening q dt/dg
multi slip
27Lattice strengthening
- elastic limit tc
- lattice friction tf
- low in pure Cu (f.c.c.)
- solid-solution hardening
- Dt K cn
- 1/3 lt n lt 2/3
- Dtinsertion gt Dtsubstitution
- Dtinsert. CC gt Dtinsert. CFC
- strain hardening
- softening in stage III
- annihilation of dislocations
- by cross slip r ?
28- Most materials polycrystals
- agregates of crystals with different orientations
- macroscopic mechanical properties
part I
part II