Title: Small Cap Show
1The Future of Solar Power is Here
- Who are we? XSUNX
- Why am I here? Solar Energy
- Whats new? Flexible TFPV
- Why XSUNX? Core Technology Providers
- What do we do? License Technology
- Conclusion
3Who are we? An Introduction
- Stock symbol XSNX (OTC)
- Market Category Building Integrated Photovoltaic
(BIPV) - XSUNX intends to be a core technology provider
for OEMs in flexible Thin-Film Photovoltaics
(TFPV) designs and manufacturing processes. - Innovative TFPV solar technologies that provide
diversity in use applications, lower productions
costs, and scalable manufacturing technologies.
4Solar Industry Roadmap
- The U.S. photovoltaics industry including the
U.S. Department of Energy have established a road
map goal that provides for half of all new U.S.
electricity generation to come from solar by
2025. - The robust market development of installed solar
electric systems in the U.S. is anticipated to
grow substantially from less than 0.4 GW in 2003
to 200GW by 2030. - For an approximate comparison that would equate
to the same amount of new electrical production
as 40 new large nuclear facilities.
5Photovoltaic Energy Its real. Its here. Its
- Electricity Demand
- World Competition for scarce resources India
and China - Rates increasing - Demand outstripping Supply
- New Power Plants - NIMB (Not In My Backyard)
- Traditional Photovoltaic
- Clean Renewable Energy
- Long-term cost stability
- Bulky, heavy, niche markets, expensive,
off-grid solutions - Next Generation Flexible Thin Film Photovoltaic
- Its real. Its here. Its working!
- Extensive BIPV applications providing rapid ROI
- Light weight, cost competitive, both Off-grid
as well as On-grid
6A New Approach To The Use Of Solar Technology
- Thin-Film PV integrates with the previously under
utilized, or simply unused, portions of a
buildings structure in the form of PV films
applied to building materials. - This form of power generation technology is
called Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV). - Innovative technology enables every building to
be a virtual power plant by utilizing the power
of the sun, through the skin of the building.
7Whats new? Power Glass
- XsunX Power Glass represents a new breed of
solar cell design balancing solar cell
efficiencies and manufacturing costs with broad
applications and uses. - Provides production efficiencies delivering TFPV
at approximately 2 per watt under small
manufacturing conditions of only 4 MW of annual
production. - Semi-transparency makes Power Glass glazing
desirable for placing over glass. - TFPV uses only .2 microns of a-Si
8Nano-Crystalline 4-T Thin Film
- Currently under development, Nano-Crystalline
represents a future enhancement to the new breed
of solar cell design extending Power Glass to a
4-T device. - Thin opaque TFPV that create light weight,
flexible solar cells with potential conversion
rates of (12gt) that may provide production
efficiencies significantly below 2 per watt
under only limited production capacities. - Targeted for both BIPV and other non-BIPV
- RD phase release scheduled for 2007/08
- Uses a innovative solution to scarce silicon
9Reel to Reel cluster tool approach
Patented (US patent 6,258,408B1)
- separate chambers (modular) - cross
contamination eliminated, - high performance
devices - redundant chambers (increased
10Growth Plan
- Multi-phase plan to license both thin-film
designs and turn-key multi-megawatt production
systems nationally and internationally. - Power Glass
- 2006 Market turn-key multi-megawatt process
lines - Nano-Crystalline 4-T Device
- 2006 Verify and Validate processes
- 2007 Market turn-key multi-megawatt process
11Licensing Process
- Sign a Mutual Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)
- Conduct Preliminary Due Diligence
- Sign a Letter-of-Intent (LOI)
- Conduct Secondary Due Diligence
- Sign License and/or Manufacturing agreement
- Production Systems Delivered
- Flexible Thin Film Photovoltaic
- Clean energy. Its real. Its here. Its
working! - Demand is outstripping Supply
- XSUNX intends to become the core technology
provider for OEMs in Flexible TFPV processes and
manufacturing. - XSUNX has the technology, business model,
processes and manufacturing units for success in
this emerging market
13XSUNX The Future of Solar Power is Here
Joe Grimes, COO JoeG_at_xsunx.com