Title: Probation in Scotland: Past, Present and Future
1Probation in ScotlandPast, Present and Future
- Dr Fergus McNeill
- University of Glasgow
- F.McNeill_at_sccjr.ac.uk
2Why remember?
- a historically tutored memory may help us to
realise that the centralised, highly managerial,
and potentially short-lived future into which the
service is being drawn is not the only or the
brightest future that it might have had
(Nellis 2001, p35 - on the service south of the
3Five probation eras
- 1905-1931
- From punishment to supervision
- 1931-1968
- From supervision to treatment
- 1969-1991
- From treatment to welfare
- 1991-1997
- From welfare to responsibility
- 1998-onwards
- From responsibility to risk
41905-1931 From punishment to supervision?
- Linked to public concern about the excessive use
of custody for fine-defaulters - in view of the admittedly demoralising influence
of imprisonment, the serious consideration of all
was demanded concerning the welfare of the
community (City of Glasgow 1955, p9). - 43,000 people were received into prison for fine
default in 1904 (16,000 from Glasgow alone) at
the rate of 800 per week - The comparable national figure in 2004-5 was
5The Glasgow probation trial
- Bailie John Bruce Murray
- Travels in the USA
- Chief Constable appoints 6 plain clothes
Detective Sergeants and 3 women officers - To receive instruction from magistrates in
suitable cases - To make enquiries into the offenders
circumstances and offences - To observe and supervise the offender
- By 1919, there were 11 Police-probation officers
and 5 women officers - Diversion then of a sort, but
6Probation and the policing of family life
- According to one probation officer in 1925, It
often happens that a child is put on probation
and the probation officer has to shoulder the
whole family There is frequently a reacting
benefit to the other members of the household and
a higher sense of responsibility introduced into
the home. It is frequently found that there is a
laxity of parental control in the home and the
visits of the probation officer tend to
strengthen the control (Mahood 1995, p59-60).
7Probation and the policing of family life
- Probation officers and rescuing children from
vicious homes - Mary Hill, the first female probation officer
claimed that a good probation officer is the
best sort of person to look after the child who
has gone wrong, not the parents who might make
light of the offense It was acknowledged that
when the probation system broke down, which was
often the case, blame lay on the continued
failure of parents. In these cases a residential
school was the best place to send on probation
children from vicious homes (Mahood 1995,
8Probation and the birch
- Whipping should also be ordered as an additional
penalty in cases of serious misbehaviour or
repeated convictions - (Chief Constable of Edinburgh, 1925)
9Probation and the birch
- A boy gets into trouble because he has not
learnt to adapt himself to the life of the
community. What is needed is that he should be
re-educated, and the probation system was devised
for this purpose. A brief experience of pain
cannot alter a boys point of view or teach him
how to direct his energy or control his impulses.
All it can do, and unfortunately often does, is
to make the boy a swank and prove to his
friends that he is tough. Vanity makes him
repeat his offence (Winifred Elkin, Howard
League for Penal Reform, Glasgow Herald, 28th
October, 1937). - Birching was formally abolished in the Criminal
Justice Act 1948, section 2, which applied in
Scotland as well as elsewhere in the UK.
101931-1968From supervision to treatment?
- The prohibition of police-probation in the 1931
Act - The effects of the war
- Feminisation
- A service for juveniles?
- Practice approaches
- The Boys Brigade lobby versus scientific
social casework
111969-1991From treatment to welfare?
- Kilbrandon report (1964)
- 1970s Neglect of CJSW
- The sick man of the criminal justice system
- Hibernation during Nothing works?
- 1980s Pressure for change
- Community service innovation
- Prison overcrowding, riots and suicides
121991-1997From welfare to responsibility?
- The National Standards and 100 funding
- The responsibility model
- the responsibility model recognises both that
offenders make active choices in their behaviour
and that choice is always situated within a
persons social and personal context in the
supplement to the Standards (SWSG 1991b) we find
a practice model premised on the view that,
through social work intervention which promotes
individual responsibility for behaviour together
with social responsibility for alleviating
adverse circumstance, offending will be
discouraged (Paterson and Tombs, 1998, p9) - Reducing use of custody by providing credible
(effective) alternatives
131998 onwardsFrom responsibility to risk
- New post-release supervision responsibilities
(Prisoners and Criminal Proceedings Act, 1991) - A Commitment to Protect (1997)
- The Steven Leisk case (1997)
- Cosgrove, MacLean, the Criminal Justice Act 2003
- The RMA and MAPPA
- The Colyn Evans case (2005)
14The use of probation in Scotland
15No grounds for complacency
16No grounds for complacency
- Houchin (2005)
- Half of the prisoner population give home
addresses in just 155 of the 1222 local
government wards in Scotland - The overall imprisonment rate for men in Scotland
is 237 per 100,000 for men from the 27 most
deprived wards the rate is 953 per 100,000 - Of the 53 wards most represented in the prison
population, 35 are in Glasgow, 8 in Edinburgh, 3
in Aberdeen and 2 in Dundee. Royston is the
worst ward in Scotland in terms of imprisonment
rates - About one in 9 young men form our most deprived
communities will spend time in prison before they
are 23
17Recent developments
- Management of Offenders Act 2005
- Community Justice Authorities
- National Advisory Body
- National Strategy for Offender Management
- 2007 election and SNP minority government
- Public not private
- Detain the dangerous, treat the troubled
- Tackle the 3 ds drink, drugs and deprivation
- Penal reductionism and rehabilitation are back!
- Devolution, punitiveness, trust and bipartisan
politics? - Full circle?
18The past and the future
- The reasons why Scotland first needed probation
endure - The prison population is too high and that harms
all of us offenders, victims and communities - The current reforms need penal reductionism (not
penal expansionism) to be at their heart - While inequality persists and is implicated in
criminality and criminalisation, there exists a
duty to assist offenders in their rehabilitation,
but - Rehabilitation in and of itself is neither
morally nor politically sufficient the
commitment must be to restoration for offenders,
victims and communities this means the
provision of real opportunities for offenders to
make good to society and the commitment of
society to make good to offenders - Making good, as a reciprocal process between
offenders and society, is what probation (at
its best) has stood for and should continue to
stand for.
- For more details of the history of probation in
Scotland, of current developments and of criminal
justice social works possible futures, see - McNeill, F. and Whyte, B. (2007) Reducing
Reoffending Social Work and Community Justice in
Scotland. Cullompton Willan.