Title: Climate roleplay - learning for sustainable development?
1Climate roleplay - learning for sustainable
- Our biggest challenge in this new century is to
take an idea that sounds abstract, sustainable
development, and turn it into a reality for all
the peoples of the world. - Kofi Annan, Johannesburg, 2002
3- Education and programmes
- Social science programme Global profile
- Social science programme Art profile
- Natural science programme Health and
environmental - profile
4The programmes and their profiles differ somewhat
in the range of subjects offered, but the
teaching methods are the same, as well as the
overall focus on children's rights, democracy,
equality and promoting an understanding for our
multicultural world.
5- Pedagogical Methods
- teaching methods are based on a multidisciplinary
approach - subject integrated projects, e.g. Climate
roleplay - besides gaining knowledge of complex global
issues, students also learn to work in groups and
to co-operate towards a common goal when working
in the form of projects - methods which emphasize the importance of
critical thinking and democratic processes
6- Pedagogical Methods
- a strong belief in the importance of putting
democracy into practise and letting our students
participate in democratic procedures concerning
all educational matters - e.g.
- school conference with equal amount student and
- staff representatives
7- lifewide learning through an active network
- e.g.
- co-operation with higher educational
institutiones - co-operation with several NGOs such as WWF and
Plan Sweden
8Varför en klimatsatsning? Plan översätter
- Barn i fattiga länder är den grupp som redan idag
påverkas mest av effekterna av klimatförändringen - Barns rättigheter kränks till följd av de
negativa effekterna av klimatförändringen - Barn har rätt att delta i beslut som påverkar
deras vardag här och nu samt deras liv i
9Klimatsatsning Plan Plan översätter
- Öka kunskapen och engagemanget hos ungdomar när
det gäller klimatförändringens påverkan på barn
och ungdomar i de mest utsatta länderna. - Utbildningsmaterial - The Rights of the Child in
a changing climate - Något om ungdomsforum och deltagandet i
Köpenhamn. - Kanske något om Children in a changing climate
10Climate roleplay negotiations on climate change
- Object
- To show the complexity
- behind negotiations on
- climate change and to reflect
- upon solutions for a
- sustainable future.
11The Climate roleplay
- a simulation of international negotiations on
climate change in the UN - the students act as if they were delegates
attending a UN meeting - the goal is to negotiate about a future climate
12The Climate roleplay is about
- environmental, economical and social issues
- international co-operation
- international politics
- foreign and security politics
- human rights
- global justice
- conflicts and difficulties that occur when states
and other participants with different interests,
values and ideologies will work together
13The Climate roleplay
- Delegations
- States
- USA, EU, Brazil,
- Saudi Arabia, Samao,
- Uganda, China, India,
- Australia, Japan, Russia.
- Organisations
- Vattenfall (Businessgroup)
- Climate Justice Now
- Plan
- Naturskyddsföreningen (NGO)
Chairman and vice chairman
14Different parts in the roleplay
- 1. Preparations
- Analyzing causes and consequenses on climate
change, countryfacts, differents positions - To compose position papers, resolutions and
opening speech - 2. Conferece
- Registration and welcoming ceremony
- Opening speeches
- Lobbying
- Debate
- Closing ceremony
- 3. Debriefing
15Why roleplay?
- What have you learned from taking part in the
climate roleplay? - What do you think is the most valuable knowledge
or experience from the roleplay? - How can you apply your experiences and gained
knowledge from the roleplay in real life?
16Why roleplay?
- How do you found roleplay as a teaching method?
Positive and maybe some negative aspects? - How did the negotiations in the roleplay finish?
Did you reach an agreement? - What factors were important to reach agreement
and what factors made it difficult to reach to an
17Climate roleplay
- The idea is to give room for the students own
perspective and participation with the purpose to
engage, gain knowledge and ability to act.
18- Sara Nybäck och Karolina Sandahl, Globala
college - www.globalagymnasiet.se