War on Poverty Tanzanian Experience - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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War on Poverty Tanzanian Experience


War on Poverty Tanzanian Experience. By ... Current strategies for Fighting poverty in Tanzania ... Poverty is rampant among the 33.6 of the population ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: War on Poverty Tanzanian Experience

War on Poverty Tanzanian Experience
  • By
  • Emmanuel Luvanda
  • Tumainin University at Iringa
  • Tanzania

Introduction Contents
  • Meaning of Poverty
  • Poverty Situation in Tanzania
  • Previous strategies for Fighting poverty in
  • Current strategies for Fighting poverty in
  • Major Clusters of Poverty Reduction Outcomes
  • Agriculture Growth for Poverty Reduction
  • Monitoring and Evaluation in Fighting Poverty
  • Challenges in fighting poverty in Tanzania
  • Conclusion

Meaning of Poverty
  • The definition of poverty depends on the
    environment and cultural context.
  • Maxwell (1999) defines poverty as lack of access
    to social services, it is more correctly
    understood as the inability to participate in
    society economically, socially, culturally, or
  • It is a relative to the standard of living in the
    society at the specific time.

Meaning of Poverty
  • Due to the absence of official lines, some
    studies have used their own lines.
  • Lower lines denote the basic food needs based
    on specific assumption about eating habits,
    nutritional requirements, and cost
  • upper line Cover in addition to such food
    requirements, other essential needs, such as
    clothing, housing, water, and health.
  • A poverty line of 1 USD per day in real terms has
    been used to facilitate comparison with other

Poverty Situation in Tanzania
  • Since independence Tanzania has been preoccupied
    with three development problems
  • Ignorance, Disease and Poverty
  • Despite of the effort to tackle these country
    economic and social problems, half of Tanzanian
    are considered to be poor.
  • Poverty is rampant among the 33.6 of the
  • 50 percent of Tanzanian live in poor condition
    while 36 lives in absolute poverty.
  • The GDP growth rate range from 5.5 to 6.7 per

Poverty Situation in Tanzania
  • The annual inflation rate range from 6 percent in
    2000 to 4.6 percent in 2004. Currently the
    inflation rate is 9.5 percent.
  • Income poverty is high, the population below food
    national poverty line is 18.7 below the national
    basic needs poverty line is 35.7
  • The industry sector grew by 8.6 percent in 2003
    compared to 8 percent in 2006
  • Unemployment rate stands at 2.3 million
    equivalent to 13 percent of the workforce
  • Per capital income of 350 USD
  • Tanzania external debt ratio was 14.4 percent of
    the GDP in 2007.

Previous strategies and policy for fighting
  • Social policy 1967 to 1985
  • In 1967 Tanzania adopted a policy of socialism
    and self reliance which was promulgated in the
    Arusha Declaration
  • It put a major means of production under the
    state through nationalizations
  • A large part of the investment going into the
    social sectors which were deemed capable of
    contributing to human development
  • Investment were made in basic social services
    such as education, health, water and sanitation

Previous strategies and policy for fighting
  • Toward the end of the 1970s and in the early
    1980s Tanzania experienced a deep economic crisis
    in which major economic variables were out of
  • Inflation was high about 30 percent, budget was
    in deficit, balance of payment was in deficit,
    shortage of good were wide spread and productive
    capacity were underutilized, and shortage of
    foreign exchange to finance imported good

Previous Strategies and Policy for Fighting
  • Policy for Efficiency and Growth 1986 to 1995
  • In response to the economic crisis of the late
    1970s and 1980s, Tanzania embarked on the
    economic recovery program.
  • This was supported by IMF as well as World Bank
    sponsored Structural Adjustment Program in 1986.
  • Under Economic Recovery Program 1986 to 1989
    Tanzania adopted stabilization measures,
    macroeconomic policy reforms and reform in
    exchange rate regime.
  • With enhanced external support, the decline of
    the economy was halted with output growth
    recovering to about four percent

Current strategies for fighting poverty in
  • By the mid 1990, it become apparent that
    adjustment stabilization measures had resulted in
    erosion in the previous gain in social
    development of the country.
  • To solve this, Tanzania started to address
    poverty as a major policy concern.
  • Tanzania reached its turning point after
    participating Social summit in Copenhagen in 1995
  • The government started to implement International
    declaration for Eradicating Poverty.
  • It declared to eradicate poverty 50 percent by
    year 2010 and 100 percent by the year 2025.

Current strategies for fighting poverty in
  • In 2000 the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper was
    launched in Tanzania
  • According to the paper, the financing poverty
    reduction program will derive mainly from
    domestic sources, central government budget, and
    external funding mainly from the World Bank and
    IMF. The strategy is aimed at
  • Reducing income poverty
  • Improving human capabilities, survival, and
    social well being
  • Containing extreme vulnerability among the poor

Current strategies for fighting poverty in
  • National Strategy for Growth and Reduction
  • Is the second national organizing framework after
  • It is informed by the aspirations of Tanzanians
    development vision 2025 for high and shared
    growth, high quality livelihood, peace, stability
    and unit, good governance, high quality
    education, and international competitiveness.
  • It is committed to the Millennium Development
    Goals MDGs, as international agreed target for
    reducing poverty, hunger, diseases, illiteracy,
    environmental degradation, and discrimination
    against poverty by 2015.
  • The NSGRP builds on the poverty reduction
    strategy paper
  • NSGPR is expected to last 5 years from 2005 2010.
    the end point coincides with the National Poverty
    Eradication Strategy 2010
  • It is two third of the way toward the MDGs 2015,
    12 years toward targets of vision 2025

Major Clusters of Poverty Reduction
  • Growth and Reduction of Income Poverty
  • Reduction poverty requires sustained growth rate
    of GDP of at least 6 to 8 percent per annum over
    the next decade.
  • In this regard, focus will be on scaling up
    investments towards modernizing small, medium and
    large scale agriculture for increased
    productivity and profitability, promotion off
    farm activities, including small and medium time
  • It also gives particular attention to trade,
    services and marketing infrastructure, and
    creating conducive environment to attract private
  • Support of the fast growing sectors like tourism
    and mining
  • Safeguards will be devised to protect the
    environment from undue depletion caused by such

Growth and reduction of Income Poverty
  • Also it focuses on
  • Investment in human capabilities such as
    provision of education, health and nutrition
  • Investment in physical capital with focus on
    efficient and cost effective provision of
    infrastructure for transport, power, ICT and etc
  • Increased factor productivity
  • Private sector development
  • Attracting Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
  • Addressing geographical disparities
  • Equal and universal access to public services

Improvement of Quality of Life and Social well
  • It addresses human capability, survival and well
  • A social protection framework is necessary to
    address vulnerability and provide for social
    security, health insurance, and specific
    vulnerable group
  • Effective system to ensure universal access to
    quality and affordable public services
  • Increased access to clean, affordable and safe
    water, sanitation, decent shelter and a safe and
    sustainable environment and thereby reduced
    vulnerability from environment risk
  • Improved survival, health and well being of all
    children and women and especially of vulnerable

Governance and Accountability
  • The third cluster provide a bedrock for the first
    and second cluster
  • For broad based growth and improvement of quality
    of life and social well being to take place good
    governance has to prevail.
  • It centers on the issues such as economic
    structure use of public resources, financial,
    information and natural resources
  • Management system, personal security, tolerance,
    and inclusion, and participation in the decision
  • Human rights, a functioning and fair justice
    system and war against corruption.
  • Improved personal and material security, reduced
    crime, eliminate sexual abuse, and domestic
  • Rights of the poor and vulnerable groups are
    protected and promoted in the justice system

Agriculture growth for Poverty Reduction
  • According to vision 2025 modernization of
    agriculture is expected to lead the
    transformation toward semi industrialized
  • Stimulating agriculture has a substantial
    multiplier effect through increased demands for
    consumer goods and services
  • Large bulk of the poor are primary engaged in
  • An agriculture focused growth strategy stands out
    to be the best option for sustainable growth and
    poverty reduction in Tanzania
  • Government prepared agriculture development
    strategy as an integral part of the economy which
    is being implemented through Agriculture Sector
    Development Program (ASDP/DADP) since 2006/2007.
  • Attract investors in agriculture sector
  • This has been integrated in the Rural Development
    Strategy which has several dimensions such as
    attaining high quality livelihood, creating
    enabling environment for peoples empowerment,
    attaining self reliance and trade and
    international competitiveness
  • Diversification of agriculture in the rural areas

Monitoring and Evaluation in Fighting Poverty
  • In monitoring the implementation of NSGRP and
    evaluation of the process will be done under the
    poverty monitoring system PMS which was
    established in the year 2001,
  • This is done through Poverty Monitoring Master
    Plan in the line with NSGRP
  • The PMMP is intended to improve data collection,
    reporting and use, align indicator monitoring
    program to fight poverty.

  • Tanzania economy remain vulnerable to high aid
    dependence to the extend that substantial amount
    of budget will continue to depend on donors
    support over the immediate future.
  • System do not provide adequate opportunities for
    participating as critical voices were silenced
    and the policies were directed by top leaders of
    government and lending parties.
  • Policies have also influenced by external forces
    especially dominant donors.
  • Target of the GDP growth rate of 6 to 8 percent
    per annum over the period of 2005 to 10 is
    challenging to be reached.

  • Successful poverty eradication requires focusing
    on the three major issues such as Income poverty
    eradication, well being of the society and
    corporate governance.
  • The successful poverty eradication need to be
    designed to fit the environment and cultural
    context of the society.
  • Agriculture is one of the leading sector in the
    poverty elevation process.

  • Many thanks for Listening
  • End of Presentation
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