Title: In the Garden
1In the Garden Kindergarten Science By Sammie Von
2Table of Contents
- Parts of a Garden
- How does a Garden Grow?
- Tools needed to grow a garden
- Whats in our Garden?
3Think about it What do YOU think is in a
4I spy
Trees and Leaves
In the Garden!
5What do flowers, trees and animals have in
They are ALL living things!
6What else can you see in a garden?
Fruits and Vegetables
7They are ALL non-living things!
What do soil, water, fruits and vegetables have
in common?
8Which items are LIVING things in a garden?
- A. Leaves, water and soil
- B. Fruits and vegetables
- C. Animals, flowers and trees
9Ooopsthat is not the correct answer
10Here is a review
There are many living things in a garden!
Some of these things are
- Trees and leaves
- Flowers
- Animals
Back to Question
11 CORRECT! Good Work! You have done a great
job remembering what parts of a garden are living.
12How does a garden grow?
- 15-45 days to start
- Some plants take longer
- Animals will come later
- Sunlight is vital
- When plants use the sunlight for food
- People care for gardens
- People can
- plant the seeds
- water the soil
- kill weeds
- Water is also food
- Comes from rain
- Also from humans
- Helps plants grow
- Refers to hot or cold
- Seasons have temperatures
- Measure temperature with a thermometer
- Mild weather better
18What tools do you need to grow a garden?
19Digging tools
These are tools used to dig holes in the soil to
put seeds or plants in.
Big Shovel
Garden Plow
Hand shovel
20Cleaning tools
Saw and Sickle
These tools are used to keep the garden looking
clean and the plants cut nicely.
Garden shears
21Watering tools
Garden hose
Watering can
These tools are used to give the plants water
when they dont get it from rain.
22Growing tools
These tools are used to help the garden grow
Lawn mower
Fertilizer spreader
23Observation tools
Line graph
Bar Graph
Paper, Pen and calculator
These tools are used to keep track of the growth
of the garden and to monitor its health and the
24Safety tools
These tools are to keep you safe when in the
Safety goggles
Knee pads
25What tools do you use in a garden if you want to
dig a hole to plant seeds?
- A. watering can, safety goggles and hose
- B. Shovels and garden plows
- C. Knee pads, sickle and lawnmower
26Ooopsthat is not the correct answer
27Review time Remember
Some of the tools used to dig holes were called
Digging tools and they included
Back to question
28Thats Correct Good Work
You recalled the correct tools for digging in a
29If we wanted to plant a garden, what would we do?
30- Brainstorm
- What needs to be done
- first?
- Choose a location
- Gather tools
- Choose crops
- Plant seeds
31- Then what would we do?
- Care for plants
- Record weather
- Record growth
- Harvest foods
- and plants
32Lets get started!
Class project We are making our very own garden
33To keep track of our gardens growth
Name Ms. Von Hoene
We are going to keep garden journals
Our Garden
34- In our journals, we will record
- The date and weather
- How tall the plants are
- What color they are
- Any animals?
35What should we do with the things we are growing?
YOU are a gardener now!
37Credits and Bibliography
- www.scrapbookloversdream.com
- http//www.phy.duke.edu/fortney/vg/vg.html
- www.foodsubs.com
- www.clipartguide.com
- www.photosearch.com
- Clip art from Microsoft PowerPoint