Title: Proseminar: WEB 3D
1Proseminar WEB 3D
Proseminar Web 3D CG Fundamentals 3
- Hidden Surface Removal
- Lighting and Shading
- Texture Mapping
2Hidden Surface Removal
Proseminar Web 3D CG Fundamentals 3
- Problem Given a set of 3D objects and a
viewing specification, determine which lines or
surfaces are invisible.
- Primitives outside of the field of view
- Back-facing primitives on a closed, convex object
- Primitives occluded by other objects closer to
the camera
3Hidden Surface RemovalGeneral Approaches
Proseminar Web 3D CG Fundamentals 3
- Image-Based Approach (Image Precision)
- for(each pixel in the image)
- determine the ray through the pixel
- determine the closest object along the
ray - draw the pixel in the color of the
closest object -
- Object-Based Approach (Object Precision)
- for (each object in the world)
- determine unobstructed object parts
- draw the parts in the appropriate color
4Hidden Surface RemovalCoherence
Proseminar Web 3D CG Fundamentals 3
- Objects typically have properties which vary
smoothly - Face coherence
- Edge coherence
- Scan line coherence
- Area coherence
- Depth coherence
- Frame coherence
- Object coherence
- Helps to avoid making expensive calculations, or
to turn them into simple differences (like line
5Hidden Surface RemovalPerspective
Proseminar Web 3D CG Fundamentals 3
- Depth comparisons are typically performed after
the perspective transformation - Since were looking down the z axis, two points
are now on the same ray if x1x2 and y1y2 - The perspective transformation preserves
- Relative depth
- Straight lines
- Planes
6Hidden Surface RemovalNormalizing the Viewing
Proseminar Web 3D CG Fundamentals 3
- Transform frustum to a cube before clipping -
that is convert perspective frustum to
orthographic frustum
7Hidden Surface RemovalHandling Occlusion
Proseminar Web 3D CG Fundamentals 3
- Problem some polygons will overlap, therefore
we must determine which portion of each polygon
is visible to eye.
8Hidden Surface RemovalBack Culling
Proseminar Web 3D CG Fundamentals 3
- Reduces complexity only
- Convex self-occlusion
- Angle between the viewing direction an the
normal vector of a polygon to determine
visibility - Criterion vector product positive
9Hidden Surface RemovalBack To Front Sorting
Proseminar Web 3D CG Fundamentals 3
- aka The Painter's method
- First Step The list of surfaces are sorted
according to their distance from the viewpoint - Second Step The objects are then painted from
back-to-front. - Criterion for polygon comparison simplest
solution compare the maximum z coordinate
10Hidden Surface RemovalProblems with Painters
Proseminar Web 3D CG Fundamentals 3
- Choosing a suitable sorting algorithm
- Bubble sort complexity O(n2)
- Radix sort complexity O(n)
- Quick sort complexity O(n lg n)
- The criterion of comparing the maximum z
coordinate is not correct in general - Mutual overlapping and piercing
11Hidden Surface RemovalConstructing a BSP Tree
Proseminar Web 3D CG Fundamentals 3
- The Binary Space Partition (BSP) algorithm
- Select a partitioning plane/facet
- Partition the remaining planes/facets according
to the side of the partitioning plane that they
fall on ( or -) - Repeat with each of the two new sets
- In the case of a crossing facet we clip it into
two halves
12Hidden Surface RemovalComputing Visibility with
BSP Trees
Proseminar Web 3D CG Fundamentals 3
- Starting from the root of the tree
- Classify viewpoint as being in the positive or
negative half-space of our plane - Call this routine with the opposite half-space
- Draw the current partitioning plane
- Call this routine with the same half-space
13Hidden Surface RemovalPixel-level Visibilty
Proseminar Web 3D CG Fundamentals 3
- Thus far - visibilty at the level of primitives
- Now - visibilty at the level of each pixel
14Hidden Surface RemovalRay Casting
Proseminar Web 3D CG Fundamentals 3
- A very general algorithm
- Works with any primitive we can write
intersection tests for - but it's hard to make it run fast
- And thats why
- can use it for much more than visibility testing
- shadows, refractive objects, reflections, motion
15Hidden Surface RemovalScanline Visibilty
Proseminar Web 3D CG Fundamentals 3
- Looks a lot like polygon rasterization
- Maintains active object table
- Looks at one scanline at a time - no need to
store entire image - nice if memory scarce
16Hidden Surface RemovalDepth (Z) Buffering
Proseminar Web 3D CG Fundamentals 3
- Project all primitives and update depth of each
pixel - set depth of all pixels to ZMAX
- for (each primitive in the screen)
determine pixels touched - for (each pixel in the primitive)
- compute z at pixel
- if (zlt depth)
- pixel object color
- depthz
17Hidden Surface RemovalLooking at Depth (Z)
Proseminar Web 3D CG Fundamentals 3
- Pros
- Any kind of primitives - not just planar polygons
- Simple and well suited to H/W implementation
- Spatial coherence - determination of z coordinate
by linear interpolation - Primitives can be processed in any order
- Cons
- Excessive over-drawing
- Doesn't handle transparency well
- Needs intelligent selection of znear zfar
clipping planes
18Illumination and ShadingIllumination Models
Proseminar Web 3D CG Fundamentals 3
- Illumintaion
- Lightning
- Shading
- Illumination Models
19Illumination and ShadingTwo Components of
Proseminar Web 3D CG Fundamentals 3
- Light Sources (Emitters)
- Emission Spectrum (colour)
- Geometry (positional and directional)
- Directional Attenuation
- Surface Properties
- Reflectance Spectrum (colour)
- Geometry (position, orientation, and
micro-structure - Absorption
20Illumination and ShadingLight Sources
Proseminar Web 3D CG Fundamentals 3
- Ambient Light Sources
- No spatial or directional characteristics
- Independent of object's position and orientation
- Directional Light Sources
- All rays have common direction
- Example sunlight
- Spot Light Sources
- Emits rays in a radial direction from its source
- Example light bulb
- Other Light Sources
21Illumination and ShadingDiffuse Reflection and
Proseminar Web 3D CG Fundamentals 3
- Ideal Diffuse Reflection
- A very rough surface on microscopic level
- Example chalk
- Lambert's Cosine Law
- How much of the incoming light energy is
reflected - Computing Diffuse Refelection
22Illumination and ShadingSpecular Reflection and
Proseminar Web 3D CG Fundamentals 3
- Ideal Specular Reflection
- A very smooth surface on microscopic level
- Example mirror
- Snell's Law
- Non-ideal Reflectors
- Empirical model
23Illumination and ShadingPhong Illumination
Proseminar Web 3D CG Fundamentals 3
- The Phong Illumination Model
- Phong Examples
- Variable direction of the light source and
shininess coefficient
24Illumination and ShadingSimple Shading
Proseminar Web 3D CG Fundamentals 3
- Flat Shading
- A only one illumination calculation for each
primitive - Facet Shading
- Apply illumination equation at each point
25Illumination and ShadingGouraud Shading
Proseminar Web 3D CG Fundamentals 3
- First applies the illumination model one subset
of surface points - Then interpolates the intensity of the
remaining points on the surface - But the facet artefacts are still visible
26Illumination and ShadingPhong Shading
Proseminar Web 3D CG Fundamentals 3
- Based on Goraud Shading
- First the surface normal is linearly
interpolated across polygonal facets - Then the illumination model is applied at every
27Illumination and ShadingAdvanced Lighting and
Proseminar Web 3D CG Fundamentals 3
- Physically Based Illumination Models
- use parameters that have clear physical analogies
- predictive
- Recursive Ray Casting
- Radiosity
- Uses the theory of heat transfer
28Texture MappingThe Quest for Visual Realism
Proseminar Web 3D CG Fundamentals 3
- At what point do things start to look real ?
- Photo Texture
29Texture MappingHow to do it ?
Proseminar Web 3D CG Fundamentals 3
- Image space scan
- samples the warped texture at the appropriate
image pixel - May miss parts of the texture
- Texture space scan
- places each texture sample to the mapped image
pixel - May not fill imageForward
30Texture MappingProblems
Proseminar Web 3D CG Fundamentals 3
- Problem 1 fitting - we deal with non-liner
transformations - Problem 2 mapping form a pixel to texel -
31Texture MappingHow to do it ?
Proseminar Web 3D CG Fundamentals 3
- MIP Mapping
- prefiltering technique we apply it before
texture mapping (rasterization) - BUMP Mapping
- alters the surface normal of an object
- the actual shape of the object does not change