Title: To the Student
1To the Student
- What are we here for?
- To look the insides of computers
- To learn the jargon of computers
- 200-MHz CPU, 8MB RAM, CD-ROM, , etc.
- This course will provide a foundation, but it is
NOT the end. - The more you learn, the better prepared you will
be. - The most rewarding skill you can develop is the
ability to learn on your own.
2The Study of Algorithms(I)
- A set of steps that defines a task is performed
(an ordered set of unambiguous, executable steps
that define a terminating activity.) - Problem to be solving in general.
- Algorithm a solution for solving a problem.
- Program a machine-compatible representation of
an algorithm.
3The Study of Algorithms(II)
- Software a collection of programs and the
algorithms. - Programming Language to transform the conceptual
algorithm into a set of instructions . - Hardware a machine to realize or execute
instructions unambiguously.
4The Euclidean algorithm
- To fine the Greatest Common Divisor of two
positive integers - Step 1. Assign two input values M and N (larger
and smaller respectively). - Step 2. Divide M by N, and call the remainder R.
- Step 3. If R is not 0, the assign M of N, assign
N of R, and return to step 2 otherwise, the GCD
is the value of N.
5The Origins of Computing Machines
- 16??-17??-18??-19??
- Gear-driven calculators
- Information as holes in paper cards
- Vacuum tubes
- Transistors
- Integrated circuits
- Optic
- ...
6The Evolution of Computer Science
Execution of
Limitations of
Analysis of
Communi- cation of
Representation of
Discovery of
The central role of algorithms in computer science
7CHAPTER ONEData Storage
- Storage of Bits
- Main Memory
- Mass Storage
- Representing Information as Bit Patterns
- The Binary System
- Storing Integers
- Storing Fractions
- Data Compression
- Communication Errors
8Storage of Bits
- BIT binary digit
- 0 and 1
- on and off (a switch)
- open and closed (a relay)
- raised and lowered (a flag)
- reflected and scattered (a laser beam)
- any device with two states
9Boolean Operations
- 1815-1864 mathematician George Boole
- truth or falseness manipulation
- P AND Q (both P and Q)
- P OR Q (ether P or Q)
- P XOR Q (ether P or Q but not both)
10Gates and Flip-Flops
- Gate a device that produces the output of
Boolean operation - AND gate, OR gate, NOT gate, XOR
- Flip-Flop a circuit that produces an output
value of 0 or 1 that remains constant until a
temporary pulse from another circuits causes it
to change to the other value.
11A Simple Flip-Flop Circuit
12Other Storage Techniques
- Magnetic core a small donut-shaped ring magnetic
material with two directions of magnetic field. - Capacitor charged or discharged
- Nonvolatile (core) versus volatile (capacitor)
storage. - a refresh circuit to replenish/charge a capacitor
periodically, so the capacitor-type of storage is
often called dynamic memory.
13Hexadecimal Notation
- Bit pattern Hexadecimal
- 0000 0
- 0001 1
- 0010 2
- 0011 3
- 0100 4
- 0101 5
- 0110 6
- 0111 7
- 1000 8
- 1001 9
- 1010 A
- 1011 B
- 1100 C
- 1101 D
- 1110 E
- 1111 F
14Main Memory(I)
- Byte a typical storage with size of eight bits
- KB (kilobyte) 210 1,024 1,000 103
- MB (megabyte) 220 1,048,576 1,000,000 106
- GB (gigabyte) 230 1,024MB 1,000,000,000
15Main Memory(II)
- Address to identify individual storage
cells(bytes) in a machines main memory. - Each cell has a unique name.
- Addressed as 0, 1, 2, N-1, where N 2n bytes
in main memory - each cell can be accessed individually, so often
referred as random access memory (RAM) - DRAM, SRAM, SDRAM,
16Main Memory(II)
- most significant bit (high-order end) of a cell
- least significant bit (low-order end) of a cell
17Mass Storage
- Due to volatility and limited size of a
computers main memory, most computer systems are
provided with additional nonvolatile and larger
size of storage devices such as magnetic
disks/tapes, CDs, etc.
18Magnetic Disks(I)
- Organization
- Track a concentric circle of a disk surface
- Sector an arc of a track
- Cylinder a set of tracks
- Types
- Floppy disk 3½-inch diskette with 300 rpm and
1.44MB - Hard disk case is sealed at the factory with
such as 7,200 rpm and 9GB
19Magnetic Disks(II)
- Performance
- Seek time
- Rotation delay or latency time
- Transfer time
- Measurement
- Access time seek time rotation delay
- Transfer rate
- Comparison
- nanoseconds(109)
- milliseconds (103)
20Compact Disks
- a single spiraled track with 550630 MB
- write-once-and-read-many-times
- digital versatile disk
- 10GB
- MO
- etc.
21File Storage and Retrival
- Physical record - a sector of a disk
- Logical record - a natural block of data
- Buffer - main memory to store logical records
- Decreasing degrees of random access
- main memory - individual bytes
- magnetic disk - entire sector of data
- compact disk - entire sector but more time to
locate spiraling track - magnetic tape
22Representing Text
- ASCII American Standard Code for Information
Interchange - 7-bit, 128 bit patterns
- ANSI American National Standards Institute
- Unicode
- 16-bit, 65536 bit patterns
- natural language supports
- Chinese, Japanese, etc.
- ISO International Organization for
23Representing Numeric Values(I)
- Base ten system - decimal system
- Base two system - binary system
- Numeric conversion between number bases
- Base 10 to base 2
- Base 2 to base 10
- Base 10 to another base
- Another base to base 10
- etc.
24Representing Numeric Values(II)
- 2-10 Decoding the binary representation
- 10-2 Encoding the binary representation
- one byte 0255
- two bytes 065535
- two ASCII codes 00 99
25Representing Numeric Values(III)
- Fractional part of numbers 4¾
- Floating-point notation
- Too large of values or too small of fractions
- Errors of overflow or truncation
- etc.
26Representing Images
- Bit map techniques - vector techniques
- Pixel - picture element
- three components per pixel (RGB)
- 3-byte-per-pixel of 1280x1024 pixels
- disadvantage not easy to be rescaled
- Scalable fonts
- TrueType fonts (Microsoft and Apple)
- PostScript (Adobe Systems)
27The Binary System
- Binary addition
- carry
- Fractions in binary
- radix point
28Storage Integers
- Twos complement notation
- The complement of a pattern is by changing all
the 0s to 1s and all the 1s to 0s - Sign and magnitude
- MSB is the sign bit of the value
- The problem of overflow
- Excess notation
29CHAPTER TWOData Manipulation
- The Central Processing Unit
- The Stored-Program Concept
- Program Execution
- Arithmetic/Logic Instructions
- Communication with Other Devices
- Other Architectures
30The Central Processing Unit
- An isolated part of the computer
- performs operations such as addition on data is
NOT directly connected to the storage cells - Arithmetic/logic unit
- contains the circuitry that performs data
manipulation - Control unit
- contains the circuitry for coordinating the
machines activities
31The Central Processing Unit
- CISC architecture
- Pentium series developed by Intel
- RISC architecture
- PowerPC series developed by Motorola and IBM
- In order to increase performance
- these CPUs are capable of retrieving multiple
bytes from memory in a single step. - Capable of fetching and executing more than one
instruction simultaneously
- Temporary storage of information
- general-purpose registers
- holding data immediately applicable to the
operation of CPU - memory hierarchy
- registers immediately needed
- cache memory a portion copy of main memory
- main memory needed in the near future
- mass storage
- special-purpose registers
- see section 2.3
33CPU/Memory Interface
- Bus
- a collection of wires used to connect CPU and
main memory units - extract or read or load data from main memory
- place or write or store data into main memory
34Machine Instructions
- Three categories
- data transfer (move) group
- LOAD and STORE instructions
- I/O instructions
- arithmetic/logic group
- logic operations AND, OR, and XOR
- arithmetic operations
- other operations SHIFT and ROTATE...
- control group
- JUMP or BRANCH instructions
- conditional and unconditional jumps
35The Stored-Program Concept
- John von Neumann
- To design a control unit
- To extract/fetch a program from main memory
- To decode the instructions in program
- To execute the instructions
- machine-language
- op-code field
- operand fields
36Program Execution
- Control unit two special-purpose registers
- Program counter
- to hold the address of the next instruction to be
executed - Instruction register
- to hold the instruction being executed
- repeat performing a 3-steps algorithm
- fetch, decode, and execute
37(No Transcript)
38(No Transcript)
39(No Transcript)
40Number Systems
- Base 2, 3, , etc.
- Binary arithmetic
- Bit (stands for Binary digit, 0 or 1)
- Byte, Halfword, Word, Doubleword, Short, Long, ,
41Numbers as a Physical Representation
- Rome I, II, III, IV, V, VI, , etc.
- Base 2 101102
- Base 3 2103 1103
- Base 8 1076543218
- Base 10 987654321010
- Base 16 fedcba987654321016
42Counting in Different Base
43CHAPTER FOURPresenting Integer Data
- Nearly, every high-level computing language
provides a method for storing, manipulation, and
calculation of signed integer and real numbers. - Thus, we need to consider methods of representing
and manipulating there numbers within the
zeros-and-ones constraint of the computer.
44Unsigned Binary
- An 8-bit storage location can store any unsigned
integer of value between 0 and 255. - 16-bit storage location
- 0-65535 (216-1)
- 32-bit storage location
- 0-4,294,967,295 (232-1)
45Storage of a 32-bit Data Word
Memory location
1 byte
Most significant bits (31-24) bits (23-16) bits
(15-8) least significant bits (7-0)
32-bit data word
Next data item
46Binary-Coded Decimal (BCD)
- Each decimal digit is individually converted to
binary with 4 bits per digit. - 6810 0110 10002
- Disadvantage BCD arithmetic is nearly always
much slower. - Advantages
- easy decimal rounding and precision
- easy translation to character forms.
47BCD Multiplication (Example)
- 76 0111 0110x
7 0111 42
101010 7 x 6
42 49 110001 7 x 7
49 (1)32 0100
0010 convert to BCD 4
0100 1001 convert to BCD 532
0100 1101 0010
(13) convert to BCD
(carry) 0001 0011
0101 0011 0010 532 BCD
48Representations for Signed Integers
- Negative numbers in binary form
- sign-and-magnitude
- 1s complement
- 2s complement
- the most common method
- Sign most significant bit (leftmost)
- 0 plus sign, 1 minus sign
- 37 0100101, - 37 1100101
- 1 0000 0000 0000 0001
- - 1 1000 0000 0000 0001
- - 0 1000 0000 0000 0000
- - 32767 1111 1111 1111 1111
- A signed 16-bit BCD - 7999 value 7999
- Disadvantages
- sign is confusing2 - 4 - 2 but 12 - 4 8
- - 0 is confusing
51Nines Decimal Representation
- Negative each digit - the largest numeral in
the radix. - Advantages no carry, converted independently
like a mirror - Base 10 radix 9s complement
529s Complement
- - 467 999 - 467 532 (3-digit number)
- - 467 9999 - 467 9532 (4-digit number)
- 9990 9999 - 9990 9 (represents - 9)
- normal rules of arithmetic
- - (- value) value
- comp base - value
- base - ( base - value) value
- modular rotation
- reach 999, next 000, and then rotated
539ComplementCounting Process
54Wraparound and Modulus Crossing
(1099 End-Around Carry)
500 799 999
0 99 499
- 499 - 200 - 0
0 100 499
55Summary of 9s Complement(I)
- Positive numbers are stated with 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4
(the same of sign-and-magnitude). - Negative numbers are started with 5, 6, 7, 8, or
9 in complementary form. - Negative 0 exists.
56Summary of 9s Complement(II)
- To change sign is to subtract each digit from 9
(the largest digit of base). - To add two numbers is to simply add and
end-around-carry if carry exists. - To subtract two numbers is to change sign of the
subtrahend and then add.
- Overflow 6465 - 12901000000 01000001
5810s Complement
- Only a single ZERO
- Add two numbers adding digits and ignoring the
carry. - Subtract two numbers inverting the subtrahend
and adding. - Negative Modulus - Value
- 1000 - 247 753 (value of -247)
- 10s comp 9s comp 1
592s Complement
- A signed 8-bit with range - 128 value 127
- A signed 16-bit with range - 32768 value
60Other Bases
- Even-numbered base can be split the same way
- Old-numbered base is split unevenly
- A 4-digit hexadecimal with 16s Complement
- positive numbers start with 0-7
- negative numbers start with 8-F
61CHAPTER FIVEFloating Point Numbers
- Real, floating point, numbers can expressed
numbers with a decimal fraction a limited, fixed
number of digits of precision with a power. - A potential loss of precision better precision
in terms of larger storage requirements and
slower calculations.
62Exponential Notation
- - 0.0000003579 - 0.3579 10-6
Sign of mantissa
Sign of exponent
- 0.35790 10-6
Location ofdecimal(radix) point
63Floating Point Format
- S sign of mantissa
- 0 for positive, 5 for negiative
- E exponent
- excess-50 (next page)
- M mantissa
- stored using sing-and-magnitude format
- Implied decimal point
- assumed at the beginning of the five-digit
mantissa - .MMMMM10EE
64Excess-N notation
- N is the midvalue of the exponent
- Two-digit exponent with excess-50value 00 to 99
stands for -50 to 49and the magnitude range
of0.00001 10-50 lt N lt 0.99999 1049
65Overflow and Underflow
- Overflow magnitude too large
- Underflow magnitude too small
- To maximize the precision, numbers are stored
with no leading zeros. - Normalization process is to eliminate leading
zeros by adjusting (shifting) the exponent
.MMMM 10EE - 246.8035 0.2468035 103 05324680
- 1255 10-3 0.1255 101 05112550
- -0.00000075 -0.75 10-6 54475000
67Convert Decimal toFloating Point(I)
- Procedure ConvertToFloat (DecimalIn Real,
FloatOut Integer) - Var Mantissa Real
- Exponent, Sign, IntegerMantissa Integer
- Procedure StandardizeNumber
- Begin
- Mantissa Abs(Mantissa)
- ( Adjust the decimal to fall between 0.1 and
1.0 ) - While Mantissa gt 1.00 Do
- Begin
- Mantissa Mantissa / 10.0
- Exponent Exponent 1
- End
- While Mantissa lt 0.1 Do
- Begin
- Mantissa Mantissa 10.0
- Exponent Exponent - 1
- End
- IntegerMantissa Round(10000.0 Mantissa)
- End
68Convert Decimal toFloating Point(II)
- Procedure ConvertToFloat (DecimalIn Real,
FloatOut Integer) - Var Mantissa Real
- Exponent, Sign, IntegerMantissa Integer
- Procedure StandardizeNumber
- ...
- Begin ( main procedure )
- If DecimalIn 0.0 Then FloatOut 0
- Else Begin
- If DecimalIn gt 0.0 Then Sign 0
- Else Sign 50000000
- Exponent 50
- StandardizeNumber
- FloatOut Sign Explonent 100000
IntegerMantissa - End
- End
69Addition and Subtraction
- 05199520 04967850 ?
- alignment 05199520 0510067850
- add mantissa () means carry 099520 00067850
(1)0019850 - normalize result 05210019(850)
- round result 05210020
70Multiplication and Division
- 05220000 x 04712500 ?
- add explonents 52 47 - 50 49
- multiply mantissas0.20000 x 0.12500
0.025000000 - normalize result 04825000
71Floating Point in the Computer
- 32 bits approximately 10-38 to 1038
- 8-bit (256 levels) exponent excess-128
- 23-bit mantissa stretched to 24-bit
- an implicit or hidden leading bit 1 is not
72IEEE Standard 754(I)
- IEEE Computer Society
- N (-1)S2E-127(1.M)
- single-precision (32-bit, E8-bit, M23-bit)
- double-precision (64-bit, E11-bit, M52-bit)
73IEEE Standard 754(II)
- an implied most significant bit
- excess-127 (excess-1023) base 2
Exponent Mantissa Value 0 0 0 0 ¹ 0 2-126
0.M 1254 any 2E-127 1.M 255 0 255 ¹
0 special condition
74IEEE Standard 754(III)
- special condition (not a number)
- dividing zero by zero
- square root of a negative number
75ConversionBetween Base 10 and Base 2(I)
- 25375 1100011000111112 1.10001100011111
214 - IEEE 754
- 1-bit sign 0
- 8-bit exponent 14127 141 100011012
- 23-bit mantissa 100011000111110000000002
76ConversionBetween Base 10 and Base 2(II)
- -25.375 -11001.0112 -1.1001011 24
- IEEE 754
- 1-bit sign 1
- 8-bit exponent 4127 131 100000112
- 23-bit mantissa 100101100000000000000002
77Packed Decimal
- A number converted from decimal to binary to
decimal may not be the same - each decimal digit is stored in BCD form
- sign is stored in the low-order bits of the last
byte - 1111 unsigned
- 1100 positive
- 1101 - negative