Title: Test Taking Tips
1Test Taking Tips For PASS
2Think positive! Dont panic.
3Have all the materials you need.
Be Ready
4Write in complete sentences!
Complete Sentences
5Sometimes part of the test itself is whether
or not you can follow directions.
Directions are important!
6Answer the easy questions first. Skip the hard
questions and come back to them.
Easy does it!
7When you finish, go back and check your work. It
may help you spot a careless error.
Finished, doesn't mean FINISHED.
8- It is O.K. if you know how
- Read all the answers.
- 2. Decide which ones are obviously wrong.
- 3. Choose your best guess from the answers
9 If you dont understand the instructions, ask
your teacher for help
10If you work too fast, you make silly mistakes.
11Judge the right speed for yourself, but dont
waste time
12Only, Always, All and Never mean with no
exception. Most, Generally and May mean some
exceptions may be possible.
Key Words
13If you find a word you dont understand, look at
the words around it. Sometimes this will give
you a clue as to the meaning of the word.
Look for Meaning
14Mistakes should be erased very carefully.
15Never give up. A quitter has yet to pass a test.
Never give up!
16Only give 100.
17 Pay attention to what you are doing not to
other kids in the room.
Pay Attention
18Your consideration during a test may mean the
difference for other students still taking the
19Anxiety has lowered more test scores than not
knowing the right answer.
20Watch where you mark, stray marks could decrease
your score.
Stray marks
21Check to see how you are pacing yourself. Slow
down if you are going too fast. Remember, this
is not a timed test !
22After reading the question, stop and think about
what is being asked.
23Valuable information about what you already know
and need to learn is found out through testing.
Valuable information
24We, the MIGHTY panthers are ready for PASS!
25EXtra effort is worth it!
26You can make a better score if you know these
27Z End!
28Good Luck!