Title: Electronic Submission of Signature Pages
1JPAS Release
Electronic Submission of Signature Pages Release
Date 4 March 07 Developed by the JPAS
Industry Team
- Overview
- PSI Automation Signature Pages
- Fax (Fax number 1 866-804-0686)
- Upload
- Screen Shot Review
- Additional Notes
- Frequently Asked Questions
- PSI Automation Signature Pages
- The PSQ Signature Pages must be received in JPAS
in order to process an Investigation Request. - Two methods to provide the Signature pages to
JPAS - Fax
- Upload
Note Upon implementation, all PSIs initiated
and/or revised must follow this process
4PSI Automation Signature Pages
- PSQ Signature Pages
- Certification of SF86
- Authorization for Release of Information
- Release of Medical Information
- Required if subject answers Yes to Question 21
- The documents must be associated with the
Investigation Request before - Industry can submit Investigation Requests to
DISCO - DISCO can approve and submit Investigation
Requests to OPM
5PSI Automation Signature Pages - Fax
- Any person can fax a signature page. Using
Optical Character Recognition (OCR), JPAS
optically reads the investigation request number
from the bottom of the signature pages to
associate each fax to the correct Investigation
Request and document type. - The Security Manager can print signature pages
from JPAS, or the person can print the signature
pages from e-QIP once they have certified the SF
86. - Faxed documents are stored in the JPAS repository
until the Investigation Request is approved. The
documents are sent to e-QIP upon DISCO Approval. - Upon approval, documents are no longer accessible
- Fax phone number 1 866-804-0686
- Documents to be faxed are
- SF 86 Certification
- General Release
- Medical Release (if required)
6PSI Automation Signature Pages Fax
- Possible Fax OCR errors
- Identifying information on fax cannot be
associated to Investigation Request in JPAS - Identified by JPAS
- Resolution System Administrator (Developer)
corrects if possible - Fax associated with wrong Investigation Request
or Document Type - Identified by User
- Resolution User contacts DSS Help Desk.
- Identified by OPM
- Resolution OPM contacts DSS Help Desk.
7PSI Automation Signature Pages Upload
- Upload
- The JCAVS User can browse and select a document
from a local or network drive to upload.
Document must be scanned and saved prior to
upload. - The User identifies the type of document and the
appropriate Investigation Request through
selections in JPAS. - Documents are uploaded directly to e-QIP in
real-time and are not stored in the JPAS document
repository. - Note All uploaded documents must be in .pdf
format and cannot be larger than 1 mg
8PSI Automation Signature Pages Upload
- Possible Upload errors
- e-QIP Unavailable
- Identified by JPAS and displayed to JPAS User
- Resolution Check portal for planned outage and
try again later - e-QIP Validation Error
- Identified by eQIP and displayed to JPAS User
- Resolution Contact DSS Help Desk for resolution
- Incorrect Document Uploaded
- Identified by User
- Resolution View Document to verify, then replace
with new Upload or Fax - Must be replaced prior to DISCO submission
9PSI Automation Signature Pages
- Signature pages can be viewed and replaced in
JPAS - Investigation Request Status Notification
- Redisplayed when a signature page is received
- Displays receipt of currently associated
signature pages - JPAS displays Status History of signature
documents for an Investigation Request - Method (Fax or Upload)
- Result (Success or Failure)
- Only documents that could be associated with the
Investigation Request are displayed in the status
history - Date and Time
- Deployment Transition
- Signature pages for Investigation Requests (prior
to implementation) must be delivered directly to
OPM - A message is displayed on the screen in JPAS when
paper has to be sent to OPM instead of JPAS
10Add/Modify Invest. Request Ready for Review,
No Documents
11Invest. Request Documents Ready for Review, No
12Add/Modify Investigation Request Documents
13Invest. Request Documents Ready for DISCO
14Investigation Request Status Notification Error
15Investigation Request Documents Transition
Paper Message
- FAX OCR Hints and Tips
- Adobe Print Settings
- Page Scaling select None
- Auto-Rotate Center select checkbox
- Advanced tab Ensure Print as Image is deselected
17Additional Notes
- If you have to revise an SF-86 after the new
release date, you will have to submit signature
pages electronically. - DSS will have 24 lines available to accept faxes.
- You will not receive any type of notification if
a fax does not go through. - Not certain how long it will take for the Release
Pages to populate. - If you feel your fax has not gone through it is
okay to fax it again. - The .pdf files cant be larger than 1 mg and can
only be one page per release. - Signature Pages can be faxed by JPAS user or
applicant. - Signature Pages can only be uploaded by a JPAS
User. - Currently it is unknown how to indicate if the
e-QIP submittal is for a PR or an initial. If
for a PR, suggest writing on the SF 86 cert page
PRNo fingerprint cards required . - Only the required documents can be submitted
electronically (no cover sheets). - Attachments not submitted within 60 days of an
eQIP submission will cause the eQIP to terminate. - Paper copies of attachments will no longer be
accepted once this release is operational.
18Frequently Asked Questions
- 1. What is the current expected release date?
- 4 March 2007
- 2. Are there any changes to the procedure we
currently use to send the SF86 (PSQ) to DISCO? - No, these changes only effect how you send the
release forms to DISCO. - 3. How are we going to send the release forms
electronically to DISCO? - Release forms can be faxd directly to the JPAS
Repository, or they can be scanned into .pdf
format and uploaded directly into JPAS. - 4. What is the fax number?
- 1-866-804-0686.
- 5. Do I need to put a cover sheet on the release
forms like we did for OPM? - No cover sheets required.
- 6. Can I fax more than one set of release forms
at a time? - Yes, you can fax release forms for multiple
subjects at the same time. The fax server will
use Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software
that will automatically read and recognize the
investigation request number at the bottom of
each release form. - 7. Do the release forms have to be in any
particular order? - No.
- 8. Can the subject fax his/her own release forms
to DISCO? - Yes, have them send you a file copy.
19Frequently Asked Questions
- 9. How do I upload the release forms into
JPAS? - First you must scan and save each release form
into a separate .pdf file. Then go to JPAS and
select the Documents link so you can search for
the page you wish to upload. Select save and
return after each upload. Select file names that
will help you easily identify which file you need
to attach. - Examples SF86 Release - MacD
Rel030407.pdf - SF86 Certification - MacD Cert030407.pdf
- Medical Release - MacD Med030407.pdf
- 10. We know we have to send the SF86 Release and
Certification forms, but do we really have to
send the Medical Release form? - Only if the subject answered yes to Question
21 on the SF86. Military personnel are required
to submit this form regardless of the answer to
Question 21. - 11. How long can I view the subjects release
forms using the Documents link in JPAS? - Documents are available for review until DISCO
approves the PSQ. You will not be able to view
the PSQ or the release forms after that. - 12. What happens if I upload a .pdf of a Pizza
Hut menu instead of an SF86 release form in JPAS? - If DISCO has not yet approved the PSQ, you can
refax the forms and overwrite the previous
version the previous version becomes history.
If you, or DISCO, do not catch the error and it
is approved and sent to OPM, OPM will reject it
and terminate the request. You will then have to
reinitiate the request.
20Frequently Asked Questions
- 13. Is there a size limit on the release form
pdf? - Yes, the file cannot be larger than 1 megabyte.
- 14. What happens if the subject has to revise
their SF86 and the release forms have already
been sent to DISCO? - If the subject has to revise their SF86 after
implementation, you will need to submit a new set
of release forms via fax or upload. - 15. How will I know if my release forms have been
received by the system? - You will receive notification via JPAS that the
release forms have been submitted. Go to the
Add/Modify Investigation Request screen and
look for a check mark in the required boxes - 16. How long does it take for the fax server to
notify JPAS that the forms have been received? - This will vary depending upon how many faxes are
being sent at the time you are sending. - 17. How long does it take to get a notification
in JPAS if we upload the forms in JPAS? - Uploads are done in real time, as soon as you
upload, you can look for the checked box in JPAS. - 18. What happens to the investigation request if
I do not get PSQ and release forms in to DISCO
within 60 days of receiving them from the
subject? - The investigation request is cancelled and you
will have to reinitiate the request. The FSO and
DISCO share the 60-day timeline. If you wait 58
days to send everything to DISCO, that only gives
them two days to process the package and send it
to OPM. You should view your notifications daily
and submit in timely manner.
21Frequently Asked Questions
- 19. I sent a PSQ to DISCO for approval prior to
this new release, but I have not sent the release
forms yet what do I do? - Wait for your Approved/Released notification,
then submit to OPM via fax or mail. If the PSQ
is revised after implementation, you will follow
the new process and submit electronically. - 20. Will this new process change how fast it
takes DISCO to approve the PSQ? - No approval timelines will not change.
- 21. How do we notify DISCO/OPM that no
fingerprint cards are required? - On the SF86 Certification form, write PR No
Fingerprint Cards Required. - 22. If we do need to send fingerprint cards, do
we still send them to OPM? - Yes, that procedure has not changed.
- 23. We keep hearing about fingerprint scanning
availability, should we purchase that equipment
so we can be ready for the next phase of this
process? - Do not recommend that you purchase electronic
fingerprint scanning equipment until all
equipment approvals are in place. - Does the system check to see if the subject
answered yes to Question 21, and does it tell
you know when the Medical form is required? - The system does not check to see how Qs. 21 is
answered. Once the security rep has determined
the answer to Qs. 21 is "Yes" it is up to them
to fax or scan/upload the page into the system.Â
If fax'd, it will automatically populate JPAS, if
scanned you will have to upload it. In both
instances you will see Medical on the document
line and the box will be checked.
22End of Presentation
Questions ??
- If you have any questions regarding this
presentation please contact one of the following
JPAS Industry Team Members - Joe Jessop joseph.j.jessop_at_lmco.com
- Quinton Wilkes quinton.wilkes_at_L-3Com.com
- Toni MacDonald renita.macdonald_at_boeing.com
- Tanya Elliott Tanyae_at_dragondc.com