Title: State of the Art in Anonymity Systems
1State of the Art in Anonymity Systems
- Andrei Serjantov
- University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory
- APES Workshop
- 5th November 2002
- Motivation
- Threat Models
- Mix Systems
- Non Real Time Systems (anonymous email)
- Remailers
- Real Time Systems (anonymous web browsing)
- P2P Systems
- Traditional Systems
3What is Anonymity?
- The ability to hide not just the contents of a
particular communication or message, but also the
very fact that a communication between two
parties occurs - Encryption is necessary
- Just encryption is not enough
- More advanced techniques required
4Why Anonymity?
- Some applications require anonymity
- Raising alarm without fear (whistle blowing)
- Anonymous surveys
- Alcohol abuse
- Medical information
- Electronic Voting in the USA
- The voter should not be able to prove how he
voted - Censorship Resistant Systems
- Dating Service (!?!)
5Why Anonymity? (2)
- Privacy
- Why give away your identity by default?
- Ian Goldberg introduced the nymity slider concept
nymity can easily go down, but its very hard
to bring it up - Start off with anonymity and build applications
on top with the right amount of identification
built in - Eg. Anonymous targeted advertising
6Threat Models
- Who are we hiding from?
- The local system administrator?
- Can observe local area around the sender
- The company we are working for?
- Can observe (large) parts of the network
- The NSA?
- Can observe the entire network
7Anonymity The Basic Idea
- Take our message and mix it up with lots of other
similar-looking messages so that it is hard for
the attacker to know which is which - Have to have lots of messages together in one
place - May have to delay messages
8Mix Networks
- Chaum, 1981 Untraceable Electronic Mail, Return
Addresses, and Digital Pseudonyms, Communications
of the ACM - Introduced the concept of a mix
- Extended by others since
- Numerous practical implementations
- More efficient than the original
- A number of problems have been highlighted (and
9Threshold Mix
N 4
A mix collects N message before sending them out
10Mix Systems
11Mix Network Run Diagrams
Mix 1
Mix 2
Mix 3
12Important Considerations
- Size of all messages has to be the same
- Have to protect against replay attacks
- If the attacker knows that a number of messages
are going from A to B, he has a much better
chance of isolating that communication - There should be enough traffic in the system
- Mixes should be reliable
13Implemented Anonymity Systems
- Non Real-Time
- Email
- Real-Time Connection Systems
- Can execute a variety of protocols
- HTTP (web browsing)
- IRC (chat)
- etc
14Properties of Email
- All emails are of a similar size
- small
- Delaying emails is not a problem
- Delay can be minutes or even hours
- Can use mixes almost as described in the previous
15Anonymity Systems for Email
- Type I anonymous remailers
- Vulnerable to traffic analysis
- Still Running
- Type II anonymous remailers (Mixmaster)
- Use sophisticated techniques (see later)
- Secure (as far as we know)
- More advanced proposals (MixMinion)
- Adding replies
16Type I Remailer
- Strips off SMTP headers and forwards to
destination - Easy to use
17Type I Remailer Message
18(No Transcript)
19(No Transcript)
20Type II Remailers
- Use much more sophisticated mix algorithms
- Ensure that the size of all messages in the
network is the same - Padding
- Splitting into pieces
- Stop replay attacks
- Introduce dummy traffic
- Not very well (yet)
21Type II Remailers
- Robust implementation
- Mixmaster 2.09b
- In fact, several independent implementations
- Several email clients which generate Type II
anonymous messages - Quicksilver
- Jack B. Nimble
- The system works relatively well
22Screenshot of Quicksilver
23Pool Mix
- M messages stay in the mix at each round
- Messages to be sent are picked from both the N
and the M - A message might stay in the mix for an
infinitely long time (but the probability of this
happening is very small)
- The receiver anonymity set of a message leaving
at round i includes the senders who sent messages
processed during previous rounds
24Dummy Traffic
- A mix can easily create a dummy message
- Just send a message full of random numbers to
another randomly chosen mix - Dummy is discarded by the next mix
- The attacker cannot tell the dummy apart from a
user message - Useful in low traffic conditions
25Email Systems -- Summary
- Implemented and deployed
- Secure against the global passive attacker
- Pretty secure against the global active attacker
- One who can insert and delete messages on the
network - Secure against a substantial number of
compromised mixes
26Real Time Anonymity Systems
- Mostly HTTP
- P2P anonymity systems
- Crowds
- Tarzan
- Traditional Systems
- Onion Routing
- Freedom Network (Zero Knowledge Systems)
- Web Mixes (Dresden)
- Anonymizer.com
- More to come?
27Properties of Real Time Anonymity Systems
- Cannot delay messages
- If a webpage takes 2 minutes to load, the system
is unusable - The volume 2 anonymous connection (stream of
messages) can be very different - eg HTTP request and an FTP transfer of a large
file - Timing characteristics of a particular connection
carry information - Hence, cannot do mixing
- Crowds Anonymity for Web Transactions
- Michael Reiter and Aviel Rubin
- Everyone runs a node
- When a node wants to send a request, it picks
another node randomly and forwards the request to
it (encrypted) - That node decrypts, and flips a coin if heads,
forwards the request to the destination,
otherwise, picks another node at random and
forwards the request there (encrypted) - http//www.research.att.com/projects/crowds/
29Crowds II
- Not secure against the global attacker
- Many people participate, hence it is, perhaps
unreasonable to assume a global attacker - Not secure against an attacker who watches the
network around the source and owns one other node
on the route - Implemented in Perl, not actively running
30Onion Routing (at the moment)
- Roger Dingledine, Paul Syverson
- Has a few Onion Routers, many Onion Proxies
- Uses Onions(!)
- Users choose routes
- Does not delay messages
- Enables the user to execute arbitrary protocols
anonymously (eg SSH, SMTP, IRC) - Implementation in progress
- Insecure against a global attacker
- http//www.onion-router.net/
31Web Mixes
- Hannes Federrath et al
- A cascade of mixes
- All messages go through the same mixes in the
same order - Cheap
- Insecure against the global attacker
- There is no global attacker
- Has been running for 2 years
- http//www.inf.tu-dresden.de/hf2/anon/index.html
32Freedom Network
- Commercial anonymity system
- Zero Knowledge Systems
- Now offline (too few customers)
- Source code available
- No delaying packets
- Insecure against the global attacker
- http//www.zeroknowledge.com/
- Commercial anonymity provider
- Lance Cottrell
- Single Proxy (Mix)
- Handles HTTP, email
- SSH tunnelling
- Dialup access
- Ad blocking, etc
- Not secure against an attacker who watches
network around the anonymizer servers
34Anonymity as an Academic Subject
- David Chaum 1981 introduces Mixes
- First remailer based on onions 1995
- Now a subject of interest at many security and
networking conferences - Privacy Enhancing Technologies Workshop (2 so
far, 3d in Dresden, March 2003) LNCS 2009, 2482,
- Systems for sending strongly anonymous email
exist and are deployed - There is room for improvement
- Anonymous Web browsing is harder
- No design of a system which protects against the
global passive attacker - An active attacker is much more realistic anyway
36DC Nets
- Dining Cryptographers problem
- Theoretical construction
- David Chaum, J. Cryptology (1988), 165-75
- http//komarios.net/crypt/diningcr.htm
37Dining Cryptographers The Problem
- Cryptographers had dinner
- The bill has been paid!
- Problem Did one of them pay the bill or did the
NSA? - We do not want to reveal the identity of the
cryptographer who paid the bill
38Dining Cryptographers The Solution
Cryptographers sitting next to each other toss a
coin secretly (behind a menu!)
Paid the bill
Each cryptographer declares whether the outcome
of his 2 tosses was the same or different
If the cryptographer paid the bill, he lies.
If the number of differences is odd, then
a cryptographer paid the bill, otherwise it was
the NSA
39Anonymous Broadcast by DC nets
- On the previous slide, we showed how to broadcast
1 bit of information - Similarly, can broadcast messages (broadcast bit
by bit) - If 2 people transmit (detectable by senders), let
senders back off for some number of rounds - More efficient methods and proofs of correctness