Title: Solutions for ease and comfort...
- Solutions for ease and comfort...
2 Team Members
3 Outline
1. Short Description of Biber
2. Some Keypoints
3. Main Functionalities
4. Demonstration for Web Side Wi-Fi
5. Development Status
6. Encountered Problems
7. Questions
4Short Description of Biber
A software for automation requirements of a
restaurant.The objective is to greatly reduce
the congestion and provide ease and comfort to
both restaurant staff and customers.
5 Some Keypoints
Ease of use Proficient Functionality
Consistent System Configurability
Flexibility Security Comment and
descriptions on everything
6Main Functionalities
- Security Issues - Configurability (Settings
Module) - Product Management - Inventory
Management - Reservations - Extra
Income/Expenditure - Employee Management -
Customer Management - Ordering Order
Management - Reporting
7 Security IssuesDifferent Access Rights(1)
Admin GUI
8Security IssuesDifferent Access Rights(2)
Standard User GUI
9- Printers- Areas/Regions- Units- Seances-
Menu- Web Site- Logo- VAT(KDV)
ConfigurabilitySettings Module
10Product Management(1)
- Manage all raw material(ingredients), menu
items and menus- Amount in stock, unit cost,
amount of lower limits, additional information
and provider are hold- Options for raw
materials Subtract from amount
available in hand after orders? (salt?)
Consider in cost calculations? (maydonoz?)
11Product Management(2)
- Create the menu and menu items- Assign
printer, preparation time, photograph(for web
side), and available portions to menu items-
Calculate cost from ingredients, with predefined
or other selected profit percentage- Overview of
the menu
12Inventory Management
- View/Edit the Inventory Amount Unit
Remaining Amount Condition(whether there is a
problem) Date item is bought Supplier-
Create suppliers - Create a shopping list for a
selected supplier with ease of viewing items
under critical limit
- Quick search for a registered customer-
Viewing the contact information- Viewing/editing
all active reservations - Error on reservation
to a previous date- Quich shortcut to customer
14Extra Income/Expenditure
- Keeping track of extra income/expenditure-
Contains the description- View/edit the list
15Employee Management
- Working hours- System access rights
16Customer Management
- Single/ Corporate Customer- Personal info,
address, address description, comments...-Weekly
menu and number of portions for each day
17Ordering Order Management
- Calling the waiter- View open, closed tables
and ones whose orders are late- When adding menu
items to bill, selection from available portions
and extra features (salty,overcooked...)-
Disabling menu item addition if the item is not
available in stock- Warning on cancellation of
items that are sent to printers already- Option
for cancelling the whole bill or newly added
items- Viewing total cost- Packet service
- Daily reports- General reports containing
information and statistics on selected items in
defined date intervals.
Parts so far, web side and Wi-Fi
20 Development Status
On Air
Near Future
- Web Side
- Ürün Yönetimi
- Stok Takibi
- Entra Gelir/Gider
- Müsteri Yönetimi
- Çalisan Yönetimi
- Rezervasyonlar
- Ayarlar
- Ordering
- Programming with Wi-Fi
- PDA Side
- Reporting
- Documentation
Final Release
21 Encountered Problems
Bluetooth programming ?
22 Now...
23 Thank You ?
Any Questions?