Polarization studies with the ALICE central barrel - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Polarization studies with the ALICE central barrel


Takes into account non-perturbative effects in quarkonium production ... The produced quarkonium inherits transverse polarization at high pt ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Polarization studies with the ALICE central barrel

Polarization studies with the ALICE central
  • Evgeny Kryshen (PNPI, Gatchina)

  • Basic definitions
  • Theoretical background
  • Quarkonia polarization at fixed target and
    collider experiments
  • Quarkonia polarization measurements with dimuon
    and dielectron channels in ALICE
  • Methods for the reconstruction of quarkonia
  • Simulation and analysis framework for polarized
  • Di-electron channel
  • Acceptance calculation
  • Definition of a fiducial region
  • Polarization vs pt, estimation of statistical
  • Preliminary conclusions and future steps

Basic definitions
  • The decay angular distribution of the vector
    particle in general case
  • where ? and f the angles of the positive lepton
    in the rest frame of the decaying particle
  • parameters a, ß, ?
  • are related to the density matrix elements
  • depend on kinematical variables
  • depend on the definition of coordinate system

In most experiments flat distribution for f angle
is assumed, and integrated cross-section is
measured as a function of cos ? a 0 No
polarization a gt 0 Transverse polarization a lt
0 Longitudinal polarization
C. S. Lam and W.-K. Tung, Phys. Rev. D 18, 2447
Reference systems
  • Decay angular distribution depends on the choice
    of the polarization axis (z). Various
    possibilities exist
  • Gottfried-Jackson reference frame
  • Collins-Soper usually used in fixed target
  • Helicity frame usually used in collider
    experiments (CDF, BaBar etc)

Helicity (recoil) reference frame Z axis
coincides with the J/? direction in the
target-projectile center of mass frame
  • All reference systems are equivalent for J/?
    having pt 0
  • One must be careful when comparing experimental
    results with theoretical predictions

Theoretical overview
  • Polarization in pp collisions - test of
    quarkonium production mechanisms
  • CSM Color Singlet Model
  • Perturbative QCD, underestimates quarkonium
    production cross-sections
  • Transverse polarization
  • CEM - Color Evaporation Model
  • Soft gluon emission from the cc-pair during
    hadronization randomizes spin and color
  • No polarization
  • NrQCD Non-relativistic Quantum Chromodynamics
  • Takes into account non-perturbative effects in
    quarkonium production
  • Dominance of the gluon fragmentation mechanism
    for pt gtgt M, the fragmenting gluon is almost
    on-mass shell, and is therefore transversely
  • The produced quarkonium inherits transverse
    polarization at high pt
  • Khoze, Martin, Ryskin, Stirling, Eur. Phys. J.,
    C39, 163 (2005)
  • Perturbative calculations only. The basic
    subprocess g(gg)8s ? J/?
  • Cross sections are in agreement with CDF and RHIC
  • Transverse polarization at small pt, longitudinal
    polarization at high pt gtgt M.
  • Polarization in AA collisions test for HIC
    dynamics and QGP formation
  • B.L. Ioffe and D.E. Kharzeev Phys. Rev. C68
    061902 (2003)
  • Quarkonium Polarization in HIC as a possible
    signature of the QGP
  • Formation of quarkonia takes place in the plasma
    changes in ratio of feed-down and direct
    production non-perturbative effects are screened
  • Transverse polarization 0.35 - 0.4 in the case
    of QGP formation

  • Overview of experimental results on quarkonium
  • (mostly based on R. Arnaldi talk at Physics
    Forum, March 15 2006)

J/? polarization in E866 experiment
  • 9 million J/?s in p-Cu collisions _at_ 800 GeV
  • Study vs xF, pT
  • Integrating over xF and pT ? ? 0.069 ? 0.004 ?
  • NrQCD predicts 0.31 lt ? lt 0.63
  • Feed-down from ?c1 (longitudinal) and ?c2
    (transverse) complicates the issue
  • Nuclear effects can also play a role

Phys.Rev.Lett.,91,211801 (2003)
Y polarization in E866 experiment
  • ? (1S) small transverse polarization at high
  • Measured value ? 0.07 ? 0.04
  • NRQCD predicts ? 0.28 0.31
  • ? (2S) and ? (3S) strong transverse
    polarization (in agreement with CSM)
  • p-Cu collisions _at_ 800 GeV (2 mln events 8.1 lt
    Mµµ lt 15 GeV)
  • Studied vs xF and pt

Phys.Rev.Lett.,86,2529 (2001)
J/? polarization in CDF
Run 1
  • p p _at_ vs 1.8 TeV
  • 180000 J/?, 1800 ? (Run 1)

J/? prompt
  • Disagreement at high pt with NrQCD predictions.
    But in agreement with approach of Khoze et al.
  • Zero polarization for J/? from B decays
  • Inconsistency between Run1 and Run2

Run 2
J/? from B decay
Phys.Rev.Lett.85,2886 (2000)
J/? polarization in NA60
  • In-In _at_ 158 AGeV
  • Statistics 30K J/?
  • Negligible background at J/? mass (2-3)
  • ? vs Npart, pt, xF measured
  • Result ? close to 0

In the case of QGP formation ? 0.3-0.4 is
predicted by Ioffe and Kharzeev
  • R. Arnaldi et al. (NA60 Coll.), Eur. Phys. J.
    C43, 167 (2005 )

J/? polarization in PHENIX
  • AuAu _at_ 200 AGeV, dAu _at_200 AGeV
  • J/? ?e e-
  • Central arm ?lt0.35, p gt 0.2 GeV
  • Low statistics
  • Consistent with zero polarization
  • J/? ?µ µ- is under studies
  • Larger statistics is expected

? 0.15 0.26(stat) 0.04(syst)
dAu _at_200 GeV
d-Au ? vs pt
? 0.06 0.28(stat) 0.05(syst)
Other experiments
  • Fixed target experiments E537, E672, E771, CIP
    showed unpolarized results.
  • BaBar (ee- annihilation) J/? are produced
    mostly longitudinally polarized
  • plt3.5 GeV/c a -0.46 - 0.21
  • pgt3.5 GeV/c a -0.80 - 0.09

Most experimental results are in contradiction
with theoretical predictions polarization
measurements in the Alice experiment should help
to clarify this puzzle
Dimuon vs dielectron channel in ALICE
J/? ? µ µ-
J/? ? e e-
  • Extension of polarization measurements to the
    mid-rapidity region which is expected to be
    baryon free different physics
  • ITS allows to measure and separate secondary J/?
    from B decays (17) and study polarization of
    prompt J/? only

Run 1 - TRD will be only partially installed
reduced acceptance
Methods for polarization measurements
  • 3D-acceptance correction method (used in E866,
  • Invariant mass distributions are plotted in bins
    of pt, xF and cos ? and fitted to a Gaussian peak
  • The number of events under the peak give the
    triple-differential yield
  • Uncorrected cos ? distributions are plotted in
    each (pt, xF) bin
  • 3D acceptance plot is calculated with predicted
    distribution in pt, xF and cos ?.
  • Acceptance-corrected cos ? distributions are
    obtained for each (pt, xF) bin
  • cos ? distributions are fitted with the function
    f(cos ?) N(1 a cos2 ?)
  • Advantage exact knowledge of the differential
    cross-section is not crucial
  • Requirement significant statistics in each (pt,
    xF and cos ?) bin or negligible background
  • Inclusive acceptance correction (used in Phenix)
  • In the case of low statistics polarization is
    measured inclusively in a wide kinematical range,
    where quarkonium cross-section changes
  • Inclusive acceptance is calculated in this
    kinematical range with realistic kinematical
    distributions as an input.
  • Acceptance-corrected cos ? distributions are
    fitted with the function f(cos ?) N(1 a cos2
  • Disadvantage is sensitive to J/? kinematics.
    Non-negligible systematic error

Simulation framework
  • Generator of polarized quarkonia
  • Standalone class AliQuarkoniumDecayer public
    AliDecayer is used instead of AliDecayerPythia,
    supports dilepton decays for J/?, Y etc.
  • AliQuarkoniumDecayerSetForceDecay (Int_t
    decay)decay kDiElectron, kDiMuon both
    dilepton channels can be forced
  • AliQuarkoniumDecayerSetLambda (Double_t
    lambda)sets polarization parameter
  • AliQuarkoniumDecayerSetPolarizPtHistogram
    (TH1D histo)allows to set a sample histogram
    for the pt-dependant polarization parameter
  • AliQuarkoniumDecayerSetRefSystem (Int_t
    refSystemID)only helicity reference frame is
    implemented at the moment
  • Simulation environment
  • Aliroot HEAD 9 March 2006
  • Generator AliGenParam, CDF scaled
  • Fast simulation for electrons response LUT (J.F.
    Grosse-Oetringhaus), reduced efficiencies for
    expected background dNch/d? 4000 are taken into
  • Fast simulation for muons response LUT (FASTSIM
  • Full simulation and reconstruction with ESD
    tracks tested

Simulation of J/? in the central barrel
  • Fast simulation was used
  • Acceptance is calculated with statistics 108 J/?
    in the rapidity range accessible for the central
    barrel y lt 1 -gt negligible errors
  • PbPb run is considered (L 5 x 1026 cm-2 s-1,
    running time 106 s)
  • dNch/d? 4000
  • For 10 most central events expected signal J/?
    S 110 700
  • pt range 1 GeV/c lt pt lt 10 GeV/c (where
    significant signal is expected)
  • signal error is set with (SB)1/2 for
    corresponding pt bin

S, B, S/B ratio and SGN vs pt
Satisfactory acceptance coverage in cos ?
reconstruction of J/? polarization seems feasible
Signal is significant enough even if calculated
in bins of cos ? for each pt range lowest SGN
obtained from PPR by appropriate scaling
3D acceptance analysis
  • Triple-differential acceptance is calculated with
    the flat distribution in bins of pt, y and cos ?.
    Considered y-pt range
  • -1 lt y lt 1 20 bins
  • 0 GeV/c lt pt lt 10 GeV/c 10 bins
  • -1 lt cos ? lt 1 20 bins
  • Acceptance strongly depends on the considered bin
    in cos ?.
  • Acceptance reduces at the edges of cos ? range.
    The most significant effect for low pt.
  • Acceptance vanishes at some pt-y bins these
    bins must be excluded from the analysis

Definition of fiducial region - I
  • In order to perform acceptance correction, bins
    with zero acceptance must be excluded from the
    analysis necessary to define fiducial region in
    pt-y space where acceptance is higher than a
    certain cut value for each ? range
  • Cut bins with acceptance lt 0.025
  • Accessible pt-y space strongly narrows with the
    growing cos ? value
  • cut value to be optimized

Definition of fiducial region And matrices
  • the accessible kinematical region, common for all
    bins in a given cos ? range, should be
    deteremined the and matrices were created

cos ? lt 0.7
cos ? lt 0.8
cos ? lt 0.9
The accessible kinematical region strongly
narrows if wider range in cos ? is considered
Accessible y-pt kinematical region is divided
into 5 pt ranges and corresponding range in cos ?
is selected
Optimization of cos ? ranges
Reconstructed a values vs considered cos ? range
Reconstructed a uncertainty vs considered cos ?
Optimized cos ? range
  • In order to optimize cos ? range, longitudinally
    polarized J/? were generated and polarization
    parameter was extracted from the fit
  • The range, which gives the lowest uncertainty, is

Integrated acceptance in pt bins
  • Integrated acceptance distributions in 5 pt
    ranges were obtained by simulations with
    realistic CDF-scaled parameterization
  • Total statistics 108 events in the acceptance

1 GeV/c lt pt lt 2 GeV/c
4 GeV/c lt pt lt 6 GeV/c
8 GeV/c lt pt lt 10 GeV/c
  • Larger acceptance at high pt compensates low
  • Acceptance values depend on the J/? kinematical
    distributions - systematic uncertainties should
    be checked

Reconstructed cos ? distributions vs pt
  • Invariant mass distributions were reconstructed
    in bins of pt and cos ?
  • ? distributions in pt bins were corrected for the
    acceptance and compared to the simulated spectrum

1 GeV/c lt pt lt 2 GeV/c
4 GeV/c lt pt lt 6 GeV/c
8 GeV/c lt pt lt 10 GeV/c
  • Uncertainty on reconstructed a 0.02 0.05
  • a uncertainty is not very sensitive to the number
    of reconstructed J/? (if this number is
    significant enough)

Tests on different polarization values
Similar studies made for several simulated
polarization patterns
Longitudinal polarization
No polarization
Transverse polarization
polarization, dependent on pt
  • Performance of reconstruction algorithm - wholly
    satisfactory results for different patterns
  • Uncertainties up to 0.13 in the case of
    transverse polarization
  • underestimation of polarization parameter in the
    case of pt-dependent polarization - additional
    investigation is required

Conclusions and future steps
  • Conclusions
  • Quarkonium polarization measurement is an
    important test for our understanding of
    quarkonium production mechanisms and HIC dynamics
  • J/? polarization measurement with the central
    barrel is feasible for PbPb collisions
  • The technique for polarization measurement is
    well established, acceptance properties
  • Polarization parameter can be extracted in 5 pt
    ranges. Statistical uncertainties on
    reconstructed a 0.02 - 0.13.
  • To do
  • Analysis of acceptance for the reduced number of
    installed TRD modules
  • Feasibility of polarization measurements in Run 1
    (pp, 200 hours)
  • Realistic background simulation
  • Optimization of fiducial regions and acceptance
  • Optimization of pt and cos ? binning
  • Estimation of systematic errors, check the
    consequences of unknown kinematical
    distributions, check the convergence of the
  • Bottomium polarization measurements
  • Polarization of J/? from B meson decays

Backup slides
  • J/? polarization measurements with the muon

General information
  • Fast simulation (FASTSIM package) was used
  • Acceptance is calculated with statistics 108 J/?
    in the ? range of the muon spectrometer 1710 lt
    ? lt1780 -gt negligible errors
  • pp Run 1 is considered (L 1030 cm-2 s-1, run
    time 7.2 x 105 s) - estimated statistics of
    collected J/? 67 000

pt-y acceptance plots in cos ? bins
  • 0.9 lt cos ? lt 1.0

0.8 lt cos ? lt 0.9
0.7 lt cos ? lt 0.8
0.6 lt cos ? lt 0.7
0.3 lt cos ? lt 0.4
0.0 lt cos ? lt 0.1
Fiducial regions (cut 0.05)
0.9 lt cos ? lt 1.0
0.8 lt cos ? lt 0.9
0.7 lt cos ? lt 0.8
0.6 lt cos ? lt 0.7
0.3 lt cos ? lt 0.4
0.0 lt cos ? lt 0.1
And matrices (cut 0.05)
Cos ? lt 0.5
Cos ? lt 0.6
Cos ? lt 0.7
Cos ? lt 0.8
Cos ? lt 0.9
Cos ? lt 1.0
Optimization of ? range
Optimized cos ? ranges
Acceptance in pt-bins and reconstruction
1 lt pt lt 4
4 lt pt lt 7
7 lt pt lt 20
a vs pt
  • Some Backup slides

Gottfried-Jackson and Collins-Soper reference
Decay angular distribution depends on the choice
of the polarization axis (z). Various
possibilities exist
Collins-Soper Z axis is parallel to the
bisector of the angle between beam and target
directions in the quarkonium rest frame
Gottfried-Jackson Z axis is parallel to the
incoming beam axis in the quarkonium rest frame
Viewed from J/? rest frame
  • These reference systems are mainly used at fixed
    target experiments

Dielectron channel - Polarization dependent on pt
  • Reconstruction is performed correctly
  • Fit procedure needs careful treatment
  • Possible solutions
  • use wider bins in order to improve significance
    of reconstructed distribution
  • remove out-of-order points from the fit
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