Title: The StateoftheScience on Factorial Invariance
1The State-of-the-Science on Factorial Invariance
- Todd D. Little, University of Kansas
- Factorial Invariance What It Is and Why It Is So
Damn Important - Roger Milsap, Arizona State University
- Prediction Using Measures That Violate Factorial
Invariance What Happens? - Nilam Ram, Penn State University
- Time For Change? Redefining and Reconsidering
the Role of Factorial Invariance in Psychological
Inquiry - Keith F. Widaman, University of California at
Davis - Discussant
2Factorial Invariance What It Is and Why It Is So
Damn Important
- Todd D. Little
- Director, Quantitative Training Program
- University of Kansas
- www.Quant.KU.edu
3Comparing Across Groups or Across Time
- In order to compare constructs across two or more
groups OR across two or more time points, the
equivalence of measurement must be established. - This need is at the heart of the concept of
Factorial Invariance. - Factorial Invariance is assumed in any
cross-group or cross-time comparison - SEM is an ideal procedure to test this
assumption. - Without evidence of Factorial Invariance,
conclusions are dubious at best or wrong at
4Comparing Across Groups or Across Time
- Meredith provides the definitive rationale for
the conditions under which invariance will hold
(OR not)Selection Theorem - Note, Pearson originated selection theorem at the
turn of the century
5Which posits if the selection process effects
only the true score variances of a set of
indicators, invariance will hold
6Classical Measurement Theorem
Xi Ti Si ei Where, Xi is a persons
observed score on an item, Ti is the 'true' score
(i.e., what we hope to measure), Si is the
item-specific, yet reliable, component, and ei is
random error, or noise. Note that Si and ei are
assumed to be normally distributed (with mean of
zero) and uncorrelated with each other. And,
across all items in a domain, the Sis are
uncorrelated with each other, as are the eis.
7Selection Theorem on Measurement Theorem
X1 T1 S1 e1 X2 T2 S2 e2 X3 T3 S3
Selection Process
8Factorial Invariance
- An ideal method for investigating the degree of
invariance characterizing an instrument is
multiple-group (or multiple-occasion)
confirmatory factor analysis or mean and
covariance structures (MACS) models - MACS models involve specifying the same factor
model in multiple groups (occasions)
simultaneously and sequentially imposing a series
of cross-group (or occasion) constraints.
9The Covariance Structures Model
- where...
- S matrix of model-implied indicator variances
and covariances - L matrix of factor loadings
- F matrix of latent variables / common factor
variances and covariances - Qd matrix of unique factor variances (i.e., S
e and all covariances are usually 0) - This model is fit to the data because it contains
fewer parameters to estimate, yet contains
everything we want to know.
10The Mean Structures Model
- where...
- mx vector of model-implied indicator means
- tx vector of indicator intercepts
- L matrix of factor loadings
- a vector of factor means
11Levels Of Invariance
- There are four levels of invariance
- 1) Configural invariance - the pattern of fixed
free parameters is the same. - 2) Weak factorial invariance - the relative
factor loadings are proportionally equal across
groups. - 3) Strong factorial invariance - the relative
indicator means are proportionally equal across
groups. - 4) Strict factorial invariance - the indicator
residuals are exactly equal across groups - (this level is not recommended).
12Defining Equations for Factorial Invariance
Configural invariance Same factor loading
pattern across groups, no constraints. Weak
(metric) invariance Factor loadings
proportionally equal across groups. Strong
(scalar) invariance Loadings intercepts
proportionally equal across groups. Strict
invariance Add unique variances to be exactly
equal across groups.
13Comparing parameters across groups
1. Configural Invariance Inter-occular/model fit
2. Invariance of Loadings RMSEA/CFI difference
3. Invariance of Intercepts RMSEA/CFI difference
4. Invariance of Variance/ Covariance Matrix ?2
difference test
5. Invariance of Variances ?2 difference test
6. Invariance of Correlations/Covariances ?2
difference test
3b or 7. Invariance of Latent Means ?2 difference
14 Got Factorial Invariance?
15Effect size of latent mean differences
- Cohens d (M2 M1) / SDpooled
- where SDpooled v(n1Var1 n2Var2)/(n1n2)
- Latent d (a2j a1j) / v?pooled
- where v?pooled v(n1 ?1jj n2
?2jj)/(n1n2) - dpositive (-.16 0) / 1.05
- where v?pooled v(3801
3791.22)/(380379) - -.152