Title: Management Science
1Management Science
QM 6433 -- Spring 2004
- Introduction to Decision Modeling
Instructor John Seydel, Ph.D.
2Student Objectives
- Locate course materials
- Outline major course components
- Summarize the modeling decision making process
- Discuss the scientific problem solving process
- Contrast what-if analysis, optimization,
goal-seeking, sensitivity analysis - Create, analyze, and criticize simple math models
- Represents simple problems as spreadsheet models
- Use Excel for basic data analysis
3Course Materials
- Start with course website
- www.clt.astate.edu/jseydel/qm6433
- Under construction (always evolving)
- Major items
- Syllabus
- Grading
- Text
- Expectations
- Handouts (i.e., links thereto)
- Homework
4Lets Look at Some Mini-Cases
- Form discussion teams with students near you
- Approximately 4 per team
- Exchange names, email addresses, and phone
numbers - Elect a spokesperson
- Remember who you are
- Teammates
- Spokesperson
- Mini-cases to be addressed
- Newspaper vending machine decision
- Staffing of ER physicians
- Agricultural decision crop planting
5Newspaper Vending Machine Case
- Monetary information
- Cost per paper 0.50
- Revenue per paper
- 1.00 if sold
- Nothing otherwise
- Decision determine best value for x, how many
papers to stock - Alternatives 10, 11, 12, 13
- Criteria (objectives)?
- Criteria volume, profit
- Model
- Use a decision tree approach
- Note Not necessarily all papers will be sold
- Whats missing . . . ?
6Consider the Demand Probability Distribution
7Vending Machine Case Solution
- Add probability values to the decision tree
- Calculate expected monetary value (EMV) for each
alternative - Choose the alternative with the highest EMV
- Now, consider how the decision would have been
different if volume had been used as the decision
8Another Case ER Planning
- Friday nights how many physicians (x) needed?
- Basic summary info
- l 7 per hour
- m 3 per hour
- Decision tree . . . ?
- Determine a reasonable course of action
9Solution to ER Planning Case
- Need to determine which criterion is most
important - Waiting time (average, maximum, . . . )?
- Number waiting?
- Utilization?
- Costs . . . ?!
- Must use complex formulae to analyze this
- Alternative spreadsheet model
- Note results for various values of x
- Now, which is the best choice???
10A Third (and Final) Case
- Read An Agricultural Decision
- Discuss in small groups?
- Address
- Whats the decision involved?
- What objectives might be involved?
- What limits the progress on the objectives?
- What info do we have available and how reliable
is it? - Model and solve . . .
11Crop Planting Case
- Revenue 270/acre (melons) 300/acre (loupes)
- Cost data
- Fertilizer 4.00/acre (melons) 3.00/acre
(loupes) - Labor 10.00/acre (melons) 12.50/acre
(loupes) - Resources
- Water
- Usage 50 gal/acre (melons) 75 gal/acre
(loupes) - Available 6000 gal/day
- Land available 100 acres
- Criteria costs, volume, profit
- Solve via trial and error
- Tabulate info
- Play what-if with the decision variables
- Consider a decision tree representation
12Using a Spreadsheet
- Enter key data into certain cells
- Use formulae to display results of various
decisions - Tinker with the decision variables
- Demonstration . . .
- Alternative use the Solver !
- Profit maximization
- Compare result with volume maximization
13Review of the Cases
- Three different decision models
- Single decision variable
- Vending machine
- ER decision
- Two decision variables crop planting
- Stochastic inputs
- Vending machine
- ER decision
- Deterministic inputs crop planting
- Optimization
- Vending machine
- Crop planting
- Description ER decision
- Framework to be discussed momentarily
- All require computer support
14Now, an Abbreviated Course Outline
- Specific techniques
- Decision analysis
- Queuing theory
- Linear programming
- Project management concepts tools
- Simulation modeling analysis
- Multicriteria analysis
- General concepts and techniques (integrated
throughout course) - Spreadsheet modeling techniques
- Basic modeling concepts
15Our Recurring Framework Scientific Problem
Solving Process
- Problem solving is based upon decision making
- The framework
- Define the problem
- Determine criteria of importance
- Define decision variables
- Identify constraints
- Consider alternatives
- Identify them
- Evaluate them
- Select best one
- Implement solution
- Monitor and revise solution re-solve if
16We Will Be Using Various Decision Models
- Models involve
- Inputs
- Uncontrollable (e.g., costs)
- Controllable aka decision variables
- Outputs i.e., the results
- A solution
- The course of action to be taken
- That is, the values chosen for the decision
variables - Note
- Models are simplified versions of the things they
represent - A valid model accurately represents the relevant
characteristics of the object or decision being
17Another Framework Models For Decision Support
- Two (or three) general model classifications
- Descriptive indicate what results will occur,
given various input combinations - Deterministic (generally no variation in outputs)
- Stochastic (output variation involved)
- Prescriptive indicate what values the
controllable should be in order to achieve
desired output results - Note the difference in focus
- Descriptive models describe the outputs
- Prescriptive models prescribe the inputs
- (Varies somewhat from text framework)
18Benefits of Modeling
- Economy - it is often less costly to analyze
decision problems using models. - Timeliness - models often deliver needed
information more quickly than their real-world
counterparts. - Feasibility - models can be used to do things
that would be impossible. - A structured, modeling approach to decision
making helps us make good decisions, but cant
guarantee good outcomes. - Models give us insight understanding that
improves decision making.
19Another Look at Model Components
- Inputs
- Decision variables (controllable inputs)
- Parameters (uncontrollable inputs)
- Criteria (with objectives, goals)
- Constraints
- Solution procedure
- Refer back to the scientific problem-solving
process - The problem definition stage refers to the first
3 of these - The alternatives stage refers to the 4th
20Typical Solution Procedures
- Tinkering with controllable inputs (i.e.,
decision variables) - What-if analysis
- Optimization (or satisficing)
- Goal seeking
- Sensitivity analysis
- Involves tinkering with uncontrollable inputs
- Seeks to test quality of decision, effect of
assumptions, etc.
21Why Use Quantitative Methods for Decision Support?
- Compare and contrast
- Satisficing (searching for an acceptable
solution) - Optimization
- Tendency is to satisfice
- Quant methods reduce cost of search and thus make
optimization more desirable
22Now, Some Data Analysis, an Excel Review
- Refer to survey data from review exercises
- ASU students
- Opinions regarding publishing instructor
evaluations - First, copy the data into a blank Excel worksheet
- Then use Excel to help out some with the
calculations, etc. - Univariate analysis Credits
- Bivariate analysis Level vs. Credits
23Summary of Objectives
- Locate course materials
- Outline major course components
- Summarize the modeling decision making process
- Discuss the scientific problem solving process
- Contrast what-if analysis, optimization,
goal-seeking, sensitivity analysis - Create, analyze, and criticize simple math models
- Represents simple problems as spreadsheet models
- Use Excel for basic data analysis
25Getting The Data From The Web
- On the web page
- Select only the data (no titles, etc.) if
possible - Right-click and then click on Copy
- Switch window to blank Excel worksheet
- Select top left cell
- Click on Paste button
- Remove unwanted artifacts (columns, labels, etc.)
- Convert to usable data
- Select top left cell of blank worksheet
- Use the VALUE() function
- Copy formula to remainder of cells
- Select variable to be analyzed
- Copy Past Special to clean worksheet
26Univariate Analysis (Quantitative Data)
- Describing the variation in Credits
- Recall univariate analysis tools
- Histogram (informal, visual analysis)
- Descriptive statistics
- Measures of location
- Measures of variation
- Now, some analysis
- Basic descriptive statistics (n, min, max, xbar,
s) - Histogram
- No good Excel function
- Need to create a flexible table/chart
- Reference material see Handouts page
27Bivariate Analysis (Quantitative Data)
- Hypothesis experienced students are likely to
be more familiar with issues - Appropriate analysis
- Examine Level vs Credits
- That is, Level b0 b1Credits
- Tools
- Scatterplot (i.e., XY chart)
- Regression (using Excel functions)
- b0
- b1
- R2
- Syx
- Reference material see Handouts page