Title: Dugway Proving Ground Mesonet SAMS
1Dugway Proving Ground Mesonet (SAMS)
- Scott Halvorson
- Dugway Proving Ground, Dugway UT
- Thirteenth Annual Workshop on Weather Prediction
in the Intermountain West - 16 November 2006
2DPG Observing Systems
3Surface Atmospheric Measuring System (SAMS)
- Remote automated surface observing systems
- Observe a variety of meteorological parameters
(available on all SAMS) - Temperature, wind, moisture, pressure,
precipitation, solar radiation - Soil temperature
- Observation are sampled every second and averaged
every 5 minutes - Transmitted back to the DPG WX station via radio
communication - Data are primarily used for
- Operational forecasting
- Numerical forecast and dispersion modeling
- Post test analyses
- Climatological analyses for test setup
1Mean, maximum, and minimum per each record
observation 2Mean vector direction and speed,
maximum speed (gust), directional standard
deviation, and mean scalar speed 3Precipitation
accumulated between record observations and 24
hour precipitation total (midnight to
5(No Transcript)
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7 SAMS 11 Wind Rose1994-2006 September0600-0900
8Modeling Support
- SAMS are ingested into the 4 Dimensional Weather
(4DWX) Real-Time Four Dimensional Data
Assimilation System (RT-FDDA) - Supports MM5/WRF analyses/forecast initial
conditions and forecast verification - Supports real time dispersion modeling
requirements - Hazard Prediction and Assessment Capability
Second Closure Integrated Puff (HPAC SCIPUFF)
Model1 - D2PUFF Model2
1Used by DPG for atmospheric releases of CB agent
simulants and military obscurants 2Required
by Army for accidental atmospheric release of
chemical agent at storage depots and
9New Data Warehouse
- Current
- Archive (1987-present)
- Only archives SAMS data and station info
- Near future (Spring 07)
- The current SAMS archive
- All other DPG observing systems
- Increased metadata
- Instrumentation
- Calibration
- Site history
- Provides an environment to make relationships
between the data and metadata
10Quality Control (QC) Calibration
- Calibration
- All sensors
- Performed locally in a calibration lab, except
solar radiation sensors - Performed to US Army sensor specifications
- QC is currently only performed for test data
- New archival system will assist in QC of real
time data
- Typical mesonet with high temporal and spatial
resolution - Because SAMS is mission critical
- Instrumentation are continuously maintained
- Data outages are rare
- Data are provided as a courtesy to Mesowest
- Mean pressure, temperature, relative humidity,
wind, solar radiation, and precipitation - Distributed every 5 minutes
- Raw, not QCed