Title: GOUT, GOUT, GOUT its everywhere Part 1
1GOUT, GOUT, GOUT -its everywhere!Part 1
- Dr. Laurence Rubin
- Dr. Rachel Shupak
- Dr. Louise Perlin
- Division of Rheumatology
- St. Michaels Hospital
- Grand Rounds
- July 12, 2006
- To review the pathogenesis
- To delineate the diagnosis and indications for
treatment - To discuss the best management and options for
the future
3Why gout?
- Humans are the only mammals in whom gout develops
spontaneously - WHY?
- lack uricase (oxidative degeneration of UA to
allantoin) - extensive reabsorption of filtered urate
4Disease burden
- 2 in Males gt 30 yrs, females gt 50 yrs
- Prevalence increasing
- 9 in men, 6 in women gt 80 yrs
- Incidence of primary gout has doubled over the
past 20 yrs
5WHY so much?
- Adiposity and Insulin resistance
- Insulin enhanced urate reabsorption
- Increased adenosine levels
- Hypertension
- independent of drugs
- Renal urate excretion lower in patients with EHTN
- Marker of renal insufficiency and nephrosclerosis
6The relationship between serum uric acid levels
and the incidence of gout
7Serum Uric Acid and the risk for Gout
- UA exists as urate at physiologic pH
- Solubility in joints is influenced by
- Temperature
- pH
- Concentration of cations
- Articular hydration
- Nucleating agents e.g., PGs, collagen, CS (DJD)
8Overview of the pathogenesis of gout
Choi, H. K. et. al. Ann Intern Med
9Dietary influences on the risk for gout and their
implications within the Harvard Healthy Eating
10Urate production pathways implicated in the
pathogenesis of gout
11Urate transport mechanisms in human proximal
12URAT-1- the mediator of renal urate transport
- Enhanced reabsorption is the most common
mechanism for hyperuricemia - Antiuricosuric effects
- Future target for treatment
- Binary effects that are dose dependent (eg ASA)
- cis inhibition at high dose
- trans stimualtion at low dose
13Pathogenesis of joint injury
14Mechanisms of monosodium urate crystal formation
and induction of crystal-induced inflammation
15Putative mechanisms for chronic monosodium
urate-induced inflammation and cartilage and bone