Title: Quiz:
- How can a predator be subsidized by people
- What impacts does this have on their prey
- Provide 3 examples of subsidized predators
2Cetaea Whales, Dolphins, Porpoises
- Most aquatic of Mammals
- Evolved from Land-dwelling Organisms
- Share a variety of Specializations for Diving
- Flukes, Fins
- Unihemispheric Sleep
- Bradycardia
- High Hemicrit
- High Hemoglobin
- High Myoglobin
- Lungs Collapse
- Countercurrent Exchange
- Blubber Layer
- Fusiform Bodies
- Many are Critically Endangered
3Cetaea Whales, Dolphins, Porpoises
- Two very Different Orders
- Mysticetes (Baleen Whales)
- Odontocetes (Toothed Whales)
- 4 Families
- Balaenidae Right Whales
- Balaenopteridae Rorquals, Blue Whales
- Eschrichtiidae Gray Whales
- Neobalaenidae
- Use Keratin Combs Called Balleen to Strain
Plankton - Two Types of Feeders
- Gulpers
- Skimmers
5- Two Types of Feeders
- Gulpers Ex Blue Whale
- Rorquals
- Ridges on Throat
- Locate School of Prey
- Swallow Water and All
- Throat Expands
- Close Mouth
- Use Tongue to Push Water
- Through Baleen
- Lick Food Off Baleen
6- Two Types of Feeders
- Skimmers Ex Right Whales
- Swim Through Patches of Plankton
- Leave Mouth Open
- Lick of Residue
- Grey Whales and Bubble Nets
- Some do Gulp
- Callosites
- Rough Patches of Skin
- Colonized by Barncles
- Allow Individual Recognition
- Nobody knows how the whales use these
7ODONTOCETES Toothed Whale
- All Have Teeth
- Most Can Echolocate
- Calls Produced in Nasal Chamers
- Magnified by Oil Patch Melon
- Directed by Skull
- Returning Calls Detected by Mandible
- Conservation Problems?
- Feed on Larger Prey, Tend to be Smaller
- 6 Families
8Delphinidae 1. 17 Genera 32 Species 2. Worldwide
except Poles 3. Inhabit Several Tropical
Rivers 4. Often Socialpods 5. Often follow
fishing vessels for food
9Monodontidae 1. 2 Monotypic Genera 2. Narwhale a.
Males have tusks b. Unicorns 3. Beluga a. White
Whale 4. Both are Social 5. Both Hunted by Inuit
10- Phocoenidae
- 1. Porpoises
- 2. No Beak
- Usually within Delphinidae
- Similar Social Structure
11Physeteridae 1. Sperm Whales 2. Giant, Dwarf and
Pygmy 3. Giant Sperm Whales a. Deepest Diving
Whales b. Frequently eat Giant Squid c. Basis
of Later Commercial Whaling d. Spermaticeti e. B
lubber also rendered into Oil f. Ambergris g. Wh
aled until 1940s 4. Pygmy Sperm Whales and
Beaching a. Why?????
12Platanistidae 1. River Dolphins 2. 4 genera 5
species 3. Long Beaks, Small Eyes w/o
lenses 4. Are they monophyletic
13Ziphiidae 1. Beaked Whales 2. 6 General 19
Species 3. Feed on squid and Fish 4. Presumably
pulled into Mouth by Suction 5. Only 1 or 2 Teeth
per side of jaw